Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: A Lover's Complaint
A Lover's Complaint (Quarto, 1609)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
121All kinde of arguments and question deepe,
124To make the weeper laugh, the laugher weepe:
126Catching al passions in his craft of will.
128Of young, of old, and sexes both inchanted,
129To dwel with him in thoughts, or to remaine
130In personal duty, following where he haunted,
132And dialogu'd for him what he would say,
133Askt their own wils and made their wils obey.
135To serue their eies, and in it put their mind,
136Like fooles that in th' imagination set
140Then the true gouty Land-lord which doth owe them.
144And was my owne fee simple (not in part)
145What with his art in youth and youth in art
149Demaund of him, nor being desired yeelded,
152Experience for me many bulwarkes builded