Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: A Lover's Complaint
A Lover's Complaint (Quarto, 1609)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
3My spirrits t'attend this doble voyce accorded,
6Tearing of papers breaking rings a twaine,
7Storming her world with sorrowes, wind and raine.
11The carkas of a beauty spent and donne,
12Time had not sithed all that youth begun,
13Nor youth all quit, but spight of heauens fell rage,
14Some beauty peept, through lettice of sear'd age.
16Which on it had conceited charecters:
19And often reading what contents it beares:
21In clamours of all size both high and low.
23As they did battry to the spheres intend:
24Sometime diuerted their poore balls are tide,
25To th'orbed earth ;sometimes they do extend,
26Their view right on, anon their gases lend,
27To euery place at once and no where fixt,
30Proclaimd in her a carelesse hand of pride;
32Hanging her pale and pined cheeke beside,
34And trew to bondage would not breake from thence,