Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: A Lover's Complaint
A Lover's Complaint (Quarto, 1609)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
90For on his visage was in little drawne,
93His phenix downe began but to appeare
100For maiden tongu'd he was and thereof free;
102As oft twixt May and Aprill is to see,
103When windes breath sweet, vnruly though they bee.
107That horse his mettell from his rider takes
111Whether the horse by him became his deed,
112Or he his mannad'g, by'th wel doing Steed.
114His reall habitude gaue life and grace
115To appertainings and to ornament,
117All ayds them-selues made fairer by their place,
118Can for addicions, yet their purpos'd trimme
119Peec'd not his grace but were al grac'd by him.
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