Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: King John
Kynge Johann (Old-spelling)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Chronicon Anglicanum
- Introduction to Holinshed on King John
- Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland 1587
- Actors' Interpretations of King John
- King John: A Burlesque
- The Book of Martyrs, Selection (Old Spelling)
- The Book of Martyrs, Modern
- An Homily Against Disobedience and Willful Rebellion (1571)
- Kynge Johann
- Regnans in Excelsis: The Bull of Pope Pius V against Elizabeth
- Facsimiles
2108KYNGE JOHAN. No prince in the worlde in suche captivyte
2109As I am thys howre, and all for ryghteousnesse.
2110Agaynst me I have both the lordes and commynalte,
2111Byshoppes and lawers, whych in their cruell madnesse
2112Hath brought in hyther the Frenche kynges eldest sonne Lewes.
2113The chaunce unto me is not so dolourrouse,
2114But my lyfe thys daye is muche more tedyouse.
2115More of compassyon for shedynge of Christen blood,
2116Than any thynge els. My sceptre I gave up latelye
2117To the Pope of Rome, whych hath no tytle good
2118Of jurisdycyon, but of usurpacyon onlye,
2119And now to the Lorde I woulde resygne up gladlye
2120Flectit genua.
2121Both my crowne and lyfe, for thyne owne ryght it is,
2122If it would please the to take my sowle to thy blys.
2123ENGLANDE. Sir, discomfort ye not: in the honour of Christe Jesu
2124God wyll never fayle yow, intendynge not els but vertu.
2125KYNGE JOHAN. The anguysh of sprete so pangeth me every where
2126That incessantly I thyrst tyll I be there.
2127ENGLANDE. Sir, be of good chere, for the pope hath sent a legate,
2128Whose name is Gualo, your foes to excommunycate;
2129Not only Lewes, whych hath wonne Rochestre,
2130Wynsore and London, Readynge and Wynchestre,
2131But so many els as agaynst ye have rebelled
2132He hath suspended and openly accursed.
2133KYNGE JOHAN. They are all false knaves; all men of them be ware:
2134They never left me tyll they had me in their snare.
2135Now have they Otto, the emproure, so wele as me,
2136And the French kynge, Phylypp, undre their captivyte.
2137All Christen princes they wyll have in their handes:
2138The pope and his priestes are poyseners of all landes.
2139All Christen people be ware of trayterouse pristes,
2140For of truthe they are the pernicyouse Antichristes.
2141ENGLANDE. Thys same Gualo, Sir, in your cause doth stoughtly barke.
2142KYNGE JOHAN. They are all nought, Englande, so many as weare that marke.
2143From thys habytacyon, swete Lorde, delyver me,
2144And preserve thys realme of thy benygnyte.
2145DYSSYMULACYON. Wassayle, wassayle out of the mylke payle,
2146Wassayle, wassayle, as whyte as my nayle,
2147Wassayle, wassayle in snowe froste and hayle,
2148Wassayle, wassayle with partriche and rayle,
2149Wassayle, wassayle that muche doth avayle,
2150Wassayle, wassayle that never wyll fayle.
2151KYNGE JOHAN. Who is that, Englande? I praye the stepp fourth and see.
2152ENGLANDE. He doth seme a farre some relygyous man to be.
2154DYSSYMULACYON. Now Jesus preserve your worthye and excellent grace,
2155For doubtlesse there is a very angelyck face.
2156Now forsoth and God, I woulde thynke my self in heaven,
2157If I myght remayne with yow but yeares alevyn.
2158I woulde covete here none other felicyte.
2159KYNGE JOHAN. A lovynge persone thu mayest seme for to be.
2160DYSSYMULACYON. I am as gentle a worme as ever ye see.
2161KYNGE JOHAN. But what is thy name, good frynde, I praye the tell me?
2162DYSSYMULACYON. Simon of Swynsett my very name is per dee.
2163I am taken of men for monastycall Devocyon,
2164And here have I brought yow a marvelouse good pocyon,
2165For I harde ye saye that ye were very drye.
2166KYNGE JOHAN. In dede I wolde gladlye drynke. I praye the come nye.
2167DYSSYMULACYON. The dayes of your lyfe never felt ye suche a cuppe,
2168So good and so holsome, if ye woulde drynke it upp:
2169It passeth malmesaye, capryck, tyre, or ypocras;
2170By my fay the I thynke a better drynke never was.
2171KYNGE JOHAN. Begynne, gentle monke: I pray the drynke half to me.
2172DYSSYMULACYON. If ye dronke all up, it were the better for ye.
2173It woulde slake your thirst and also quycken your brayne:
2174A better drynke is not in Portyngale nor Spayne,
2175Therfore suppe it of, and make an ende of it quycklye.
2176KYNGE JOHAN. Naye, thu shalte drynke half, there is no remedye.
2177DYSSYMULACYON. Good lucke to ye than! have at it by and bye:
2178Halfe wyll I consume, if there be no remedye.
2179KYNGE JOHAN. God saynt the, good monke, with all my very harte!
2180DYSSYMULACYON. I have brought ye half; conveye me that for your parte.
2181Where art thu, Sedicyon? by the masse I dye, I dye.
2182Helpe now at a pynche! Alas, man, cum awaye shortlye.
2183[Enter SEDITION]
2184SEDYSYON. Come hyther apace, and gett thee to the farmerye;
2185I have provyded for the, by swete saynt Powle,
2186Fyve monkes that shall synge contynually for thy sowle,
2187That, I warande the, thu shalt not come in helle.
2188DYSSYMULACYON. To sende me to heaven goo rynge the holye belle,
2189And synge for my sowle a masse of Scala Celi,
2190That I maye clyme up aloft with Enoch and Heli:
2191I do not doubte it but I shall be a saynt.
2192Provyde a gyldar myne image for to paynt.
2193I dye for the Churche with Thomas of Canterberye:
2194Ye shall fast my vigyll and upon my daye be merye.
2195No doubt but I shall do myracles in a whyle,
2196And therfore lete me be shryned in the north yle.
2197SEDYSYON. To the than wyll offer both crypple, halte, and blynde,
2198Mad men and mesels, with such as are woo behynde.
2200KYNGE JOHAN. My bodye me vexeth: I doubt much of a tympanye.
2201ENGLANDE. Now, alas, alas! your grace is betrayed cowardlye.
2202KYNGE JOHAN. Where became the monke that was here with me latelye?
2203ENGLANDE. He is poysened, sir, and lyeth a dyenge surelye.
2204KYNGE JOHAN. It can not be so, for he was here even now.
2205ENGLANDE. Doubtlesse, sir, it is so true as I have tolde yow:
2206A false Judas kysse he hath gyven and is gone.
2207The halte, sore, and lame thys pitiefull case wyll mone.
2208Never prynce was there that made to poore peoples use
2209So many masendewes, hospytals and spyttle howses,
2210As your grace hath done yet sens the worlde began.
2211KYNGE JOHAN. Of priestes and of monkes I am counted a wycked man.
2212For that I never buylte churche nor monasterye,
2213But my pleasure was to helpe suche as were nedye.
2214ENGLANDE. The more grace was yours, for at the daye of judgment
2215Christe wyll rewarde them whych hath done hys commaundement.
2216There is no promyse for voluntarye wurkes,
2217No more than there is for sacrifyce of the Turkes.
2218KYNGE JOHAN. Doubtlesse I do fele muche grevaunce in my bodye.
2219ENGLANDE. As the Lorde wele knoweth, for that I am full sorye.
2220KYNGE JOHAN. There is no malyce to the malyce of the clergye:
2221Well, the Lorde God of heaven on me and them have mercye.
2222For doynge justyce they have ever hated me.
2223They caused my lande to be excommunycate,
2224And me to resygne both crowne and princely dygnyte,
2225From my obedyence assoylynge every estate;
2226And now last of all they have me intoxycate.
2227I perceyve ryght wele their malyce hath none ende:
2228I desyre not els but that they maye sone amende.
2229I have sore hungred and thirsted ryghteousnesse
2230For the offyce sake that God hath me appoynted,
2231But now I perceyve that synne and wyckednesse
2232In thys wretched worlde, lyke as Christe prophecyed,
2233Have the overhande: in me it is verefyed.
2234Praye for me, good people, I besych yow hartely,
2235That the Lorde above on my poore sowle have mercy.
2236Farwell noble men, with the clergye spirytuall,
2237Farwell men of lawe, with the whole commynalte.
2238Your disobedyence I do forgyve yow all,
2239And desyre God to perdon your iniquyte.
2240Farwell, swete Englande, now last of all to the:
2241I am ryght sorye I coulde do for the nomore.
2242Farwell ones agayne, yea, farwell for evermore.
2243ENGLANDE. With the leave of God I wyll not leave ye thus,
2244But styll be with ye tyll he do take yow from us,
2245And than wyll I kepe your bodye for a memoryall.
2246KYNGE JOHAN. Than plye it, Englande, and provyde for my buryall.
2247A wydowes offyce it is to burye the deade.
2248ENGLANDE. Alas, swete maistre, ye waye so heavy as leade.
2249Oh horryble case, that euer so noble a kynge
2250Shoulde thus be destroyed and lost for ryghteouse doynge,
2251By a cruell sort of disguysed bloud-souppers,
2252Unmercyfull murtherers, all dronke in the bloude of marters!
2253Report what they wyll in their most furyouse madnesse,
2254Of thys noble kynge muche was the godlynesse.
2256[Enter] VERYTE.
2257VERYTE. I assure ye, fryndes, lete men wryte what they wyll,
2258Kynge Johan was a man both valiaunt and godlye.
2259What though Polydorus reporteth hym very yll
2260At the suggestyons of the malicyouse clergye,
2261Thynke yow a Romane with the Romans can not lye?
2262Yes; therfore, Leylonde, out of thy slumbre awake,
2263And wytnesse a trewthe for thyne owne contrayes sake.
2264For hys valiauntnesse many excellent writers make,
2265As Sigebertus, Vincentius, and also Nauclerus,
2266Giraldus and Mathu Parys with hys noble vertues take;
2267Yea, Paulus Phrigio, Johan Major, and Hector Boethius.
2268Nothynge is allowed in hys lyfe of Polydorus
2269Whych discommendeth hys ponyshmentes for trayterye,
2270Advauncynge very sore hygh treason in the clergye.
2271Of hys godlynesse thus muche report wyll I:
2272Gracyouse provysyon for sore, sycke, halte and lame
2273He made in hys tyme, he made both in towne and cytie,
2274Grauntynge great lyberties for mayntenaunce of the same,
2275By markettes and fayers in places of notable name.
2276Great monymentes are in Yppeswych, Donwych and Berye,
2277Whych noteth hym to be a man of notable mercye.
2278The cytie of London, through his mere graunt and premye,
2279Was first privyleged to have both mayer and shryve,
2280Where before hys tyme it had but baylyves onlye.
2281In hys dayes the brydge the cytizens ded contryve.
2282Though he now be dead, hys noble actes are alyve,
2283Hys zele is declared, as towchynge Christes religyon,
2284In that he exyled the Jewes out of thys regyon.
2286NOBELYTE. Whome speake ye of, sir, I besyche ye hartelye?
2287VERYTE. I talke of Kynge Johan, of late your prynce most worthye.
2288NOBELYTE. Sir, he was a man of a very wycked sorte.
2289VERYTE. Ye are muche to blame your prynce so to reporte.
2290How can ye presume to be called Nobilyte,
2291Diffamynge a prynce in your malygnyte?
2292Ecclesiastes sayth, If thu with an hatefull harte
2293Misnamest a kynge, thu playest suche a wycked parte
2294As byrdes of ayer to God wyll represent,
2295To thy great parell and exceedynge ponnyshment.
2296Saynt Hierome sayth also that he is of no renowne,
2297But a vyle traytour, that rebelleth agaynst the crowne.
2298THE CLARGY. He speaketh not agaynst the crowne, but the man per dee.
2299VERYTE. Oh, where is the sprete whych ought to reigne in the?
2300The crowne of it selfe without the man is nothynge.
2301Learne of the Scriptures to have better undrestandynge.
2302The harte of a kynge is in the handes of the Lorde,
2303And he directeth it, wyse Salomon to recorde,
2304They are abhomynable that use hym wyckedlye.
2305THE CLARGY. He was never good to us, the sanctifyed Clergye.
2306VERYTE. Wyll ye know the cause, before thys worshypfull cumpanye?
2307Your conversacyon and lyves are very ungodlye.
2308Kynge Salomon sayth, Who hath a pure mynde,
2309Therin delyghtynge, shall have a kynge to frynde.
2310On thys wurde Cleros, whych signyfieth a lott,
2311Or a sortynge out into a most godly knott,
2312Ye do take your name, for that ye are the Lordes
2313Select, of hys wurde to be the specyall recordes.
2314As of saynt Mathias we have a syngular mencyon,
2315That they chose hym owt anon after Christes ascencyon.
2316Thus do ye recken; but I feare ye come of Clerus,
2317A very noyfull worme, as Aristotle sheweth us,
2318By whome are destroyed the honycombes of bees,
2319For poore wydowes ye robbe, as ded the Pharysees.
2320CYVYLL ORDER. I promyse yow it is uncharytably spoken.
2321VERYTE. Trouthe ingendereth hate: ye shewe therof a token.
2322Ye are suche a man as owght every where to see
2323A godly order, but ye loose yche commynalte.
2324Plato thowght alwayes that no hygher love coulde be
2325Than a man to peyne hymself for hys own countreye.
2326David for their sake the proude Philistian slewe:
2327Aioth mad Eglon hys wyckednesse to rewe.
2328Esdras from Persye for hys owne countreys sake
2329Came to Hierusalem their stronge holdes up to make.
2330But yow lyke wretches cast over both contreye and kynge:
2331All manhode shameth to see your unnaturall doynge.
2332Ye wycked rulers, God doth abhorre ye all;
2333As Mantuan reporteth in hys Egloges pastorall,
2334Ye fede not the shepe, but ever ye pylle the flocke,
2335And clyppe them so nygh that scarsely ye leve one locke.
2336Your judgementes are suche that ye call to God in vayne,
2337So longe as ye have yowr prynces in disdayne.
2338Chrysostome reporteth that nobilyte of fryndes
2339Avayleth nothynge, except ye have godly myndes.
2340What profiteth it yow to be called spirytuall,
2341Whyls yow for lucre from all good vertues fall?
2342What prayse is it to yow to be called cyvylyte,
2343If yow from obedyence and godly order flee?
2344Anneus Seneca hath thys most provable sentence,
2345The gentyll free hart goeth never from obedyence.
2346CYVYLL ORDER. Sir, my bretherne and I woulde gladly knowe your name.
2347VERYTE. I am Veritas, that come hyther yow to blame
2348For castynge awaye of our most lawfull kynge:
2349Both God and the worlde detesteth your dampnable doynge.
2350How have ye used Kynge Johan here now of late?
2351I shame to rehearce the corruptyons of your state.
2352Ye were never wele tyll ye hym cruelly slayne,
2353And now, beynge dead, ye have hym styll in disdayne.
2354Ye have raysed up of hym most shamelesse lyes,
2355Both by your reportes and by your written storyes.
2356He that slewe Saul throwgh fearcenesse vyolent
2357Was slayne sone after at Davids just commaundement;
2358For bycause that Saul was anoynted of the Lorde:
2359The seconde of Kynges of thys beareth plenteouse recorde.
2360He was in those dayes estemed wurthie to dye
2361On a noynted Kynge that layed handes violentlye.
2362Ye are not ashamed to fynde fyve priestes to synge
2363For that same traytour that slewe your naturall kynge.
2364A trayterouse knave ye can set upp for a saynte,
2365And a ryghteouse kynge lyke an odyouse tyrant paynte.
2366I coulde shewe the place where you most spyghtfullye
2367Put out your torches upon hys physnomye.
2368In your glasse wyndowes ye whyppe your naturall kynges:
2369As I sayde afore, I abhorre to shewe your doynges.
2370The Turkes, I dare say, are a thowsande tymes better than yow.
2371NOBELYTE. For Gods love no more. Alas, ye have sayde ynough.
2372THE CLARGY. All the worlde doth knowe that we have done sore amys.
2373CYVYLL ORDER. Forgyve it us, so that we never heare more of thys.
2374VERYTE. But are ye sorye for thys ungodly wurke?
2375NOBELYTE. I praye to God else I be dampned lyke a Turke.
2376VERYTE. And make true promyse ye wyll never more do so?
2377THE CLARGY. Sir, never more shall I from true obedyence goo.
2378VERYTE. What say you, brother? I must have also your sentence.
2379CYVYLL ORDER. I wyll ever gyve to my prynce due reverence.
2380VERYTE. Well than, I doubt not but the Lorde wyll condescende
2381To forgyve yow all, so that ye mynde to amende.
2382Adewe to ye all, for now I must be gone.
2384IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Abyde, Veryte; ye shall not depart so sone.
2385Have ye done all thynges as we commanded yow?
2386VERYTE. Yea, most gracyouse prynce, I concluded the whole even now.
2387IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. And how do they lyke the customs they have used
2388With our predecessours whome they have so abused,
2389Specyally Kynge Johan? thynke they they have done well?
2390VERYTE. They repent that ever they folowed sedicyouse counsell,
2391And have made promes they wyll amende all faultes.
2392IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. And forsake the pope with all hys cruell assaultes?
2393VERYTE. Whie do ye not bowe to Imperyall Majeste?
2394Knele and axe pardon for yowr great enormyte.
2395NOBELYTE. Most godly governour, we axe your gracyouse pardon,
2396Promysynge nevermore to maynteyne false Sedicyon.
2397THE CLARGY. Neyther Pryvate Welthe, nor yet Usurped Poure
2398Shall cause me disobeye my prynce from thys same houre.
2399False Dissymulacyon shall never me begyle,
2400Where I shall mete hym I wyll ever hym revyle.
2401IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. I perceyve, Veryte, ye have done wele your part,
2402Refowrmynge these men: gramercyes with all my hart.
2403I praye yow take paynes to call our Commynalte
2404To true obedyence, as ye are Gods Veryte.
2405VERYTE. I wyll do it, sir; yet shall I have muche a doo
2406With your popish prelates, they wyll hunte me to and fro.
2407IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. So longe as I lyve they shall do yow no wronge.
2408VERYTE. Than wyll I go preache Gods wurde your commens amonge.
2409But first I desyre yow their stubberne factes to remytt.
2410IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. I forgyve yow all, and perdon your frowarde wytt.
2411Omnes una. The heavenly Governour rewarde your goodnesse for it.
2412VERYTE. For Gods sake obeye, lyke as doth yow befall,
2413For in hys owne realme a kynge is judge over all,
2414By Gods appoyntment, and none maye hym judge agayne,
2415But the Lorde hymself: in thys the scripture is playne.
2416He that condempneth a kynge condempneth God without dought;
2417He that harmeth a kynge to harme God goeth abought.
2418He that a prynce resisteth doth dampne Gods ordynaunce,
2419And resisteth God in withdrawynge hys affyaunce.
2420All subjectes offendynge are undre the kynges judgement:
2421A kynge is reserved to the Lorde omnypotent.
2422He is a mynyster immedyate undre God,
2423Of hys ryghteousnesse to execute the rod.
2424I charge yow, therfore, as God hath charge me,
2425To gyve to your kynge hys due supremyte,
2426And exyle the pope thys realme for evermore.
2427Omnes una. We shall gladly doo accordynge to your loore.
2428VERYTE. Your grace is content I shewe your people the same.
2429IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Yea, gentle Veryte, shewe them their dewtye in Gods name.
2430To confyrme the tale that Veryte had now
2431The seconde of Kynges is evydent to yow.
2432The younge man that brought the crowne and bracelett
2433Of Saul to David, saynge that he had hym slayne,
2434David commaunded, as though he had done the forfett,
2435Strayght waye to be slayne: Gods sprete ded hym constrayne
2436To shewe what it is a kynges bloude to distayne.
2437So ded he those two that in the fyelde hym mett,
2438And unto hym brought the heade of Isboset.
2439Consydre that Christe was undre the obedyence
2440Of worldly prynces so longe as he was here,
2441And alwayes used them with a lowly reverence,
2442Payinge them tribute, all his true servauntes to stere
2443To obeye them, love them, and have them in reverent feare.
2444Dampnacyon it is to hym that an ordre breake
2445Appoynted of God, lyke as the Apostle speake.
2446No man is exempt from thys, Gods ordynaunce,
2447Bishopp, monke, chanon, priest, cardynall nor pope:
2448All they by Gods lawe to kynges owe their allegeaunce.
2449Thys wyll be wele knowne in thys same realme I hope.
2450Of Verytees wurdes the syncere meanynge I grope:
2451He sayth that a Kynge is of God immedyatlye;
2452Than shall never Pope rule more in thys monarchie.
2453THE CLARGY. If it be your pleasure we wyll exyle hym cleane,
2454That he in thys realme shall nevermore be seane;
2455And your grace shall be the supreme head of the churche.
2456To brynge thys to passe, ye shall see how we wyll wurche.
2457IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Here is a nyce tale! he sayth, if it be my pleasure
2458He wyll do thys acte to the popes most hygh displeasure:
2459As who sayth I woulde for pleasure of my persone,
2460And not for Gods truthe have suche an enterpryse done.
2461Full wysely convayed: the crowe wyll not chaunge her hewe.
2462It is marvele to me and ever ye be trewe.
2463I wyll the auctoryte of Gods holy wurde to do it.
2464And it not to aryse of your vayne slypper wytt.
2465That scripture doth not is but a lyght fantasye.
2466THE CLARGY. Both Daniel and Paule calleth hym Gods adversarye,
2467And therfore ye ought as a devyll hym to expell.
2468IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Knewe ye thys afore, and woulde it never tell?
2469Ye shoulde repent it, had we not nowforgyven ye.
2470Nobylyte, what say yow? Wyll ye to thys agree?
2471NOBELYTE. I can no lesse, sir, for he is wurse than the Turke,
2472Whych none other wayes but by tyrannye doth wurke.
2473Thys bloudy bocher with hys pernycyouse bayte
2474Oppresse Christen princes by frawde, crafte and dissayte,
2475Tyll he compell them to kysse hys pestylent fete,
2476Lyke a levyathan syttynge in Moyses sete.
2477I thynke we can do unto God no sacrifyce
2478That is more accept, nor more agreynge to justyce,
2479Than to slea that beaste and slauterman of the devyll,
2480That Babylon boore, whych hath done so muche evyll.
2481IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. It is a clere sygne of a true Nobilyte,
2482To the wurde of God whan your conscyence doth agree:
2483For as Christe ded saye to Peter, Caro et sanguis
2484Non revelavit tibi, sed Pater meus celestis:
2485Ye have not thys gyfte of carnall generacion,
2486Nor of noble bloude, but by Gods owne demonstracyon.
2487Of yow, Cyvyle Order, one sentence woulde I heare.
2488CYVYLL ORDER. I rewe it that ever any harte I ded hym beare.
2489I thynke he hath spronge out of the bottomlesse pytt,
2490And in mennys conscyence in the stede of God doth sytt,
2491Blowynge fourth a swarme of grassopers and flyes,
2492Monkes, fryers and priestes, that all truthe putrifyes.
2493Of the Christen faythe playe now the true defendar,
2494Exyle thys monster and ravenouse devourar,
2495With hys venym wormes, hys adders, whelpes and snakes,
2496Hys cuculled vermyne that unto all myschiefe wakes.
2497IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Than in thys purpose ye are all of one mynde?
2498THE CLARGY. We detest the pope, and abhorre hym to the fynde.
2499IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. And ye are wele content to disobeye hys pryde?
2500NOBELYTE. Yea, and his lowsye lawes and decrees to sett asyde.
2501IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Than must ye be sworne to take me for your heade.
2502CYVYLL ORDER. We wyll obeye yow as our governour in Gods steade.
2503IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Now that ye are sworne unto me your pryncypall,
2504I charge ye to regarde the wurde of God over all,
2505And in that alone to rule to speake and to judge,
2506As ye wyll have me your socour and refuge.
2507THE CLARGY. If ye wyll make sure, ye must exyle Sedicyon,
2508False Dyssymulacyon, with all vayne superstycyon,
2509And put Private Welthe out of the monasteryes,
2510Than Usurped Power maye goo a birdynge for flyes.
2511IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Take yow it in hande, and do your true dilygence:
2512Iche man for hys part; ye shall wante no assystence.
2513THE CLARGY. I promyse yow here to exyle Usurped Powre,
2514And yowr supremyte to defende yche daye and howre.
2515NOBELYTE. I promyse also out of the monasteryes
2516To put Private Welthe, and detect hys mysteryes.
2517CYVYLL ORDER. False Dissymulacyon I wyll hange up in Smythfylde,
2518With suche supersticion as your people hath begylde.
2519IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Than I trust we are at a very good conclusyon,
2520Vertu to have place, and vyce to have confusyon.
2521Take Veryte wyth ye for every acte ye doo,
2522So shall ye be sure not out of the waye to goo.
2523SEDICYON intrat.
2524SEDYSYON. [Sing] Pepe I see ye, I am glad I have spyed ye
2525NOBELYTE. There is Sedicyon: stand yow asyde a whyle,
2526Ye shall see how we shall catche hym by a wyle.
2527SEDYSYON. No noyse amonge ye? where is the mery chere,
2528That was wont to be with quaffynge of double bere?
2529The worlde is not yet as some men woulde it have.
2530I have bene abroade, and I thynke I have playde the knave.
2531CYVYLL ORDER. Thu canst do none other, except thu change thy wunte.
2532SEDYSYON. What myschiefe ayle ye that ye are to me so blunte?
2533I have sene the daye ye have favoured me, Perfectyon.
2534THE CLARGY. Thy selfe is not he, thu art of an other complectyon.
2535Sir, thys is the thiefe that first subdued Kynge John,
2536Vexynge other prynces that sens have ruled thys regyon,
2537And now he doth prate he hath played the knave,
2538That the worlde is not yet as some men woulde it have.
2539It woulde be knowne, sir, what he hath done of late.
2540IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. What is thy name, frynde, to us here intymate?
2541SEDYSYON. A sayntwary! a sayntwary! for Gods dere passion, a sayntwarye!
2542Is there none wyll holde me, and I have made so manye?
2543IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Tell me what thy name is? Thu playest the knave I trowe.
2544SEDYSYON. I am wyndelesse, good man, I have muche peyne to blowe.
2545IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. I saye tell thy name, or the racke shall the constrayne.
2546SEDYSYON. Holy Perfectyon my godmother called me playne.
2547NOBELYTE. It is Sedicyon, God gyve hym a very myschiefe.
2548CYVYLL ORDER. Under heaven is not a more detestable thiefe.
2549SEDYSYON. By the messe ye lye: I see wele ye do not knowe me.
2550IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Ah, brother, art thu come? I am ryght glad we have the.
2551SEDYSYON. By bodye, bloude, bones, and sowle, I am not he.
2552THE CLARGY. If swearynge myghte helpe he woulde do wele ynough.
2553IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. He scape not our handes so lyghtly I warande yow.
2554THE CLARGY. Thys is that thiefe, Sir, that all Christendome hath troubled,
2555And the pope of Rome agaynst all kynges maynteyned.
2556NOBELYTE. Now that ye have hym, no more, but hange hym uppe.
2557CYVYLL ORDER. If ye so be content, it shall be done ere I suppe.
2558IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Loo, the Clergye accuseth the, Nobylyte condempneth the,
2559And the lawe wyll hange the. What sayst now to me?
2560SEDYSYON. I woulde I were now at Rome at the sygne of the cuppe,
2561For heavynesse is drye. Alas, must I nedes clymbe uppe?
2562Perdon my lyfe, and I shall tell ye all,
2563Both that is past, and that wyll herafter fall.
2564IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Aryse; I perdon the, so that thu tell the trewthe.
2565SEDYSYON. I wyll tell to yow suche treason as ensewthe.
2566Yet a ghostly father ought not to bewraye confessyon.
2567IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. No confessyon is but ought to discover treason.
2568SEDYSYON. I thynke it maye kepe all thynge save heresye.
2569IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. It maye holde no treason, I tell the verelye,
2570And therfore tell the whole matter by and bye.
2571Thu saydest now of late that thu haddest played the knave,
2572And that the worlde was not as some men woulde it have.
2573SEDYSYON. I coulde playe Pasquyll, but I feare to have rebuke.
2574IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. For utterynge the truthe feare neyther byshopp nor duke.
2575SEDYSYON. Ye gave injunctyons that Gods wurde myghte be taught;
2576But who observe them? full manye a tyme have I laught
2577To see the conveyaunce that prelates and priestes can fynde.
2578IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. And whie do they beare Gods wurd no better mynde?
2579SEDYSYON. For if that were knowne, than woulde the people regarde
2580No heade but their prynce: with the churche than were it harde;
2581Than shoulde I lacke helpe to maynteyne their estate,
2582As I attempted in the Northe but now of late,
2583And sens that same tyme in other places besyde,
2584Tyll my setters on were of their purpose wyde.
2585A vengeaunce take it, it was never well with me
2586Sens the cummynge hyther of that same Veryte;
2587Yet do the byshoppes for my sake vexe hym amonge.
2588IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Do they so in dede? well, they shall not do so longe.
2589SEDYSYON. In your parlement, commaunde yow what ye wyll,
2590The popes ceremonyes shall drowne the Gospell styll.
2591Some of the byshoppes at your injunctyons slepe,
2592Some laugh and go bye, and some can playe boo pepe.
2593Some of them do nought but searche for heretykes,
2594Whyls their priestes abroade do playe the scysmatykes.
2595Tell me in London how manye their othes discharge
2596Of the curates there, yet is it muche wurse at large.
2597If your true subjectes impugne their trecheryes,
2598They can fatche them in, man, for Sacramentaryes,
2599Or Anabaptystes: thus fynde they subtyle shyfte
2600To proppe up their kyngedome, suche is their wyly dryfte.
2601Get they false wytnesses, they force not of whens they be,
2602Be they of Newgate, or be they of the Marshallsee.
2603Paraventure a thousande are in one byshoppes boke,
2604And agaynst a daye are readye to the hooke.
2605IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Are those matters true that thu hast spoken here?
2606SEDYSYON. What can in the worlde more evydent wytnesse bere?
2607First of all consydre the prelates do not preache,
2608But persecute those that the holy scriptures teache:
2609And marke me thys wele, they never ponnysh for popery,
2610But the Gospell readers they handle very coursely;
2611For on them they laye by hondred poundes of yron,
2612And wyll suffer none with them ones for to common.
2613Sytt they never so longe, nothynge by them cometh fourthe
2614To the truthes furtherance that any thynge ys wourthe.
2615In some byshoppes howse ye shall not fynde a testament,
2616But yche man readye to devoure the innocent.
2617We lyngar a tyme and loke but for a daye
2618To sett upp the pope, if the Gospell woulde decaye.
2619THE CLARGY. Of that he hath tolde hys selfe is the very grounde.
2620IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Art thu of counsell in this that thu hast spoken?
2621SEDYSYON. Yea, and in more than that, if all secretes myght be broken.
2622For the pope I make so muche as ever I maye do.
2623IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. I praye the hartely tell me why thu doest so?
2624SEDYSYON. For I perceyve wele the pope is a jolye fellawe,
2625A trymme fellawe, a ryche fellawe, yea and myry fellawe.
2626IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. A jolye fellawe how dost thu prove the pope?
2627SEDYSYON. For he hath crossekeyes with a tryple crowne and a cope,
2628Trymme as a trencher, havynge his shoes of golde,
2629Ryche in hys ryalte and angelyck to beholde.
2630IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. How dost thu prove hym to be a fellawe myrye?
2631SEDYSYON. He hath pipys and belles with kyrye, kyrye, kyrye,
2632Of hym ye maye bye both salt, creame, oyle and waxe,
2633And after hygh masse ye may learne to beare the paxe.
2634IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Yea, and nothynge heare of the pystle and the gospell?
2635SEDYSYON. No, Sir, by the masse, he wyll gyve no suche counsell.
2636IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Whan thu art abroade where doest thy lodgynge take?
2637SEDYSYON. Amonge suche people as God ded never make:
2638Not only cuckoldes, but suche as folow the Popes lawes
2639In disgysed coates, with balde crownes lyke Jacke Dawes.
2640IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Than every where thu art the popes altogyther.
2641SEDYSYON. Ye had proved it ere thys, if I had not chaunced hyther.
2642I sought to have served yow lyke as I ded Kynge John,
2643But that Veryte stopte me, the devyll hym poyson.
2644NOBELYTE. He is wurthie to dye and there were men nomore.
2645CYVYLL ORDER. Hange up the vyle knave, and kepe hym no longar in store.
2646IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. Drawe hym to Tyburne: lete hym be hanged and quartered.
2647SEDYSYON. Whye, of late dayes ye sayde I shoulde not be so martyred.
2648Where is the pardon that ye ded promyse me?
2649IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. For doynge more harme thu shalt sone pardoned be.
2650Have hym fourth, Cyvyle Ordre, and hang hym tyll he be dead,
2651And on London brydge loke ye bestowe hys head.
2652CYVYLL ORDER. I shall see it done and returne to yow agayne.
2653SEDYSYON. I beshrewe your hart for takynge so muche payne.
2654Some man tell the pope, I besyche ye with all my harte,
2655How I am ordered for takynge the Churches parte,
2656That I maye be put in the holye letanye
2657With Thomas Beckett, for I thynke I am as wurthye.
2658Praye to me with candels, for I am a saynt alreadye.
2659O blessed saynt Partryck, I see the I verylye.
2661IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. I see by thys wretche there hath bene muche faulte in ye:
2662Shewe your selves herafter more sober and wyse to be.
2663Kynge Johan ye subdued for that he ponnyshed treason
2664Rape, theft, and murther in the holye spirytualte:
2665But Thomas Beckett ye exalted without reason,
2666Because that he dyed for the Churches wanton lyberte,
2667That the priestes myght do all kyndes of inyquyte,
2668And be unponnyshed: Marke now the judgement
2669Of your ydle braynes, and for Gods love repent.
2670NOBELYTE. As God shall judge me I repent me of my rudenesse.
2671THE CLARGY. I am ashamed of my most vayne folyshenesse.
2672NOBELYTE. I consydre now that God hath for Sedicyon
2673Sent ponnyshmentes great: examples we have in Brute,
2674In Catilyne, in Cassius, and fayer Absolon,
2675Whome of their purpose God alwayes destytute,
2676And terryble plages on them ded execute
2677For their rebellyon. And therfore I wyll be ware,
2678Least his great vengeaunce trappe me in suche lyke snare.
2679[Enter CYVYLL ORDER]
2680THE CLARGY. I pondre also that sens the tyme of Adam
2681The Lorde evermore the governours preserved:
2682Examples we fynde in Noe and in Abraham,
2683In Moyses and David, from whome God never swerved.
2684I wyll therfor obeye least he be with me displeased.
2685Homerus doth saye that God putteth fourth hys shyelde
2686The prynce to defende whan he is in the fyelde.
2687CYVYLL ORDER. Thys also I marke: whan the priestes had governaunce
2688Over the Hebrues, the sectes ded first aryse
2689As Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essees, whych wrought muche grevaunce
2690Amonge the people by their most devylysh practyse,
2691Tyll destructyons the prynces ded devyse,
2692To the quyetnesse of their faythfull commens all,
2693As your grace hath done with the sectes papistycall.
2694IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. That poynt hath in tyme fallen in your memoryes.
2695The Anabaptystes, a secte newe rysen of late,
2696The scriptures poyseneth with their subtle allegoryes,
2697The heades to subdue after a sedicyouse rate.
2698The cytie of Mynster was lost through their debate.
2699They have here begunne their pestilent sedes to sowe,
2700But we trust in God to increace they shall not growe.
2701THE CLARGY. God forbyd they shoulde, for they myght do muche harme.
2702CYVYLL ORDER. We shall cut them short if they do hyther swarme.
2703IMPERYALL MAJESTYE. The adminystracyon of a princes governaunce
2704Is the gifte of God and hys hygh ordynaunce,
2705Whome with all your power yow thre ought to support
2706In the lawes of God to all hys peoples confort.
2707First yow, the Clergye, in preachynge of Gods worde,
2708Than yow, Nobilyte, defendynge with the sworde,
2709Yow, Cyvyle Order, in executynge justyce.
2710Thus, I trust, we shall seclude all maner of vyce,
2711And after we have establyshed our kyngedome
2712In peace of the Lorde and in hys godly fredome,
2713We wyll confirme it with wholesom lawes and decrees,
2714To the full suppressynge of Antichristes vanytees.
2715Hic omnes rex osculatur.
2716Farwele to ye all; first to yow, Nobilyte,
2717Than to yow, Clergye, than to yow Cyvylyte;
2718And above all thynges remembre our injunctyon.
2719Omnes una. By the helpe of God yche one shall do hys functyon.
2721NOBELYTE. By thys example ye may see with your eyes
2722How Antichristes whelpes have noble princes used.
2723Agayne ye may see how they with prodigyouse lyes
2724And craftes uncomely their myschiefes have excused:
2725Both nature, manhode and grace they have abused,
2726Defylynge the lawe and blyndynge Nobilyte;
2727No Christen regyon from their abusyons free.
2728THE CLARGY. Marke wele the dampnable bestowynge of their masses,
2729With their foundacyons for poysenynge of their kynge;
2730Their confessyon driftes all other traytery passes:
2731A saynt they can make of the moste knave thys daye lyvynge,
2732Helpynge their market. And to promote the thynge
2733He shall do myracles; but he that blemysh their glorye
2734Shall be sent to helle without anye remedye.
2735CYVYLL ORDER. Here was to be seane what ryseth of Sedicyon,
2736And howe he doth take hys mayntenaunce and grounde
2737Of ydle persones, brought upp in supersticyon,
2738Whose daylye practyse is alwayes to confounde
2739Such as myndeth vertu and to them wyll not be bounde.
2740Expedyent it is to knowe their pestylent wayes,
2741Consyderynge they were so busye now of late dayes.
2742NOBELYTE. Englande hath a quene, thankes to the Lorde above,
2743Whych maye be a lyghte to other princes all
2744For the godly wayes whome she doth dayly move
2745To her liege people, through Gods wurde specyall.
2746She is that Angell, as saynt Johan doth hym call,
2747That with the Lordes scale doth marke out his true servauntes,
2748Pryntynge in their hartes his holy wourdes and covenauntes.
2749THE CLARGY. In Danyels sprete she hath subdued the papistes,
2750With all the ofsprynge of Antichristes generacyon;
2751And now of late dayes the sect of Anabaptistes
2752She seketh to suppresse for their pestiferouse facyon.
2753She vanquysheth also the great abhomynacyon
2754Of supersticyons, witchecraftes, and hydolatrye,
2755Restorynge Gods honoure to hys first force and bewtye.
2756CYVYLL ORDER. Praye unto the Lorde that hir grace may contynewe
2757The dayes of Nestor to our sowles consolacyon,
2758And that hir ofsprynge may lyve also to subdewe
2759The great Antichriste, with hys whole generacyon,
2760In Helias sprete to the confort of thys nacyon:
2761Also to preserve hir most honourable counsel,
2762To the prayse of God and glorye of the Gospell.
2764Thus endeth the .ij. playes of Kynge Johan.