Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: King John
Kynge Johann (Old-spelling)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Chronicon Anglicanum
- Introduction to Holinshed on King John
- Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland 1587
- Actors' Interpretations of King John
- King John: A Burlesque
- The Book of Martyrs, Selection (Old Spelling)
- The Book of Martyrs, Modern
- An Homily Against Disobedience and Willful Rebellion (1571)
- Kynge Johann
- Regnans in Excelsis: The Bull of Pope Pius V against Elizabeth
- Facsimiles
1317KYNGE JOHAN. For non other cawse God hath kyngs constytute
1318And gevyn them the sword, but forto correct all vyce.
1319I have attempted this thyng to execute
1320Uppon transgressers accordyng unto justyce;
1321And be cawse I wyll not be parcyall in myn offyce
1322For theft and murder to persones spirytuall,
1323I have ageynst me the pristes and the bysshoppes all.
1324A lyke dysplesure in my fathers tyme ded fall.
1325Forty yeres ago, for ponyshment of a clarke:
1326No cunsell myght them to reformacyon call,
1327In ther openyon they were so stordy and starke,
1328But ageynst ther prynce to the pope they dyd so barke,
1329That here in Ynglond in every cyte and towne
1330Excommunycacyons as thonder bolts cam downe.
1331For this ther captayn had a ster apared crowne,
1332And dyed upon yt with owt the kynges consent.
1333Than interdiccyons were sent from the popes renowne,
1334Whych never left hym tyll he was penytent,
1335And fully agreed unto the popes apoyntment
1336In Ynglond to stand with the Chyrches lyberte,
1337And suffer the pristes to Rome for appeles to flee.
1338They bownd hym also to helpe Jerusalem cyte
1339With ij hundrid men the space of a yere and more,
1340And thre yere after to maynteyne battell free
1341Ageynst the Sarazens whych vext the Spanyards sore.
1342Synce my fathers tyme I have borne them groge therfore,
1343Consyderyng the pryde and the capcyose dysdayne,
1344That they have to kyngs whych oughte over them to rayne.
1345PRIVAT WELTH cum in lyke a Cardynall.
1346PRIVATE WELTH. God save you, sur Kyng, in yowr pryncly mageste.
1347KYNGE JOHAN. Frynd, ye be welcum: what is yowr plesure with me?
1348PRIVATE WELTH. From the holy father, Pope Innocent the thred,
1349As a massanger I am to yow dyrectyd,
1350To reforme the peace betwyn Holy Chyrch and yow.
1351And in his behalfe I avertyce yow here now
1352Of the Chyrchys goods to make full restytucyon,
1353And to accepte also the popes holy constytucyon
1354For Stevyn Langton, archebysshop of Canturbery,
1355And so admytt hym to his state and primacy:
1356The monkes exilyd ye shall restore agayne
1357To ther placys and londes, and nothyng of thers retayne.
1358Owr holy fatheres mynde ys that ye shall agayne restore
1359All that ye have ravyshyd from Holy Chyrche with the more.
1360KYNGE JOHAN. I reken yowr father wyll never be so harde,
1361But he wyll my cawse as well as theres regarde.
1362I have done nothyng but that I may do well,
1363And as for ther taxe I have for me the gospell.
1364PRIVATE WELTH. Tushe, gospell or no, ye must make a recompens.
1365KYNGE JOHAN. Yowr father is sharpe and very quycke in sentence,
1366Yf he wayeth the word of God no more than so;
1367But I shall tell yow in this what Y shall do.
1368I am well content to receyve the monkes agayne
1369Upon amendement, but as for Stevyn Langton playne
1370He shall not cum here, for I know his dysposycyon.
1371He is moche inclyned to sturdynesse and sedycyon.
1372There shall no man rewle in the lond where I am kyng
1373With owt my consent, for no mannys plesure lyvyng.
1374Never the lesse, yet upon a newe behaver
1375At the popys request here after I may hyrn faver,
1376And graunt hym to have sum other benyfyce.
1377PRIVATE WELTH. By thys I perseyve ye bare hym groge and malyce.
1378Well, thys wyll I say by cause ye are so blunte,
1379A prelate to dyscharge Holy Chyrche was never wont,
1380But her custome ys to mynyster ponyshment
1381To kynges and princes beyng dyssobedyent.
1382KYNGE JOHAN. Avant, pevysh prist: what, dost thow thretten me?
1383I defye the worst both of thi pope and the.
1384The power of princys ys gevyn from God above,
1385And, as sayth Salomon, ther harts the Lord doth move.
1386God spekyth in ther lyppes whan they geve jugement:
1387The lawys that they make are by the Lordes appoyntment.
1388Christ wylled not his the princes to correcte,
1389But to ther precepptes rether to be subjecte.
1390The offyce of yow ys not to bere the sword,
1391But to geve cownsell accordyng to Gods word.
1392He never tawght his to weare nowther sword ne sallett,
1393But to preche abrode with owt staffe, scrypp or walett;
1394Yet are ye becum soche myghty lordes this hower,
1395That ye are able to subdewe all princes power.
1396I can not perseyve but ye are becum Belles prystes,
1397Lyvyng by ydolls, yea, the very antychrysts.
1398PRIVATE WELTH. Ye have sayd yowr mynd, now wyll I say myn also.
1399Here I cursse yow for the wrongs that ye have do
1400Unto Holy Churche, with crosse, bocke, bell and candell;
1401And by sydes all thys I must yow other wyse handell.
1402Of contumacy the pope hath yow convyt:
1403From this day forward yowr lond stond interdytt
1404The bysshope of Norwyche and the bysshope of Wynchester,
1405Hath full autoryte to spred it in Ynglond here.
1406The bysshope of Salysbery and the bysshope of Rochester
1407Shall execute yt in Scotland every where.
1408The bysshope of Landaffe, seynt Assys, and seynt Davy
1409In Walles and in Erlond shall puplyshe yt openly,
1410Throwgh owt all crystyndom the bysshopps shall suspend
1411All soche as to yow any mayntenance pretend;
1412And I cursse all them that geve to yow ther harte,
1413Dewks, erlls and lordes so many as take yowr parte:
1414And I assoyle yowr peple from yowr obedyence,
1415That they shall owe yow noyther sewte nor reverence.
1416By the popys awctoryte I charge them yow to fyght
1417As with a tyrant agenst Holy Chyrchys ryght;
1418And by the popes auctoryte I geve them absolucyon
1419A pena et culpa, and also clene remyssyon.
1420SEDYCYON extra locum.
1421SEDWSYON. Alarum! Alarum! tro ro ro ro ro, tro ro ro ro ro, tro ro ro ro ro!
1422Thomp, thomp, thomp, downe, downe, downe, to go, to go, to go!
1423KYNGE JOHAN. What a noyse is thys that without the dore is made.
1424PRIVATE WELTH. Suche enmyes are up as wyll your realme invade.
1425KYNGE JOHAN. Ye cowde do no more and ye cam from the devyll of hell,
1426Than ye go abowt here to worke by yowr wyckyd cownsell.
1427Ys this the charyte of that ye call the Churche?
1428God graunt Cristen men not after yowr wayes to worche.
1429I sett not by yowr curssys the shakyng of a rod,
1430For I know they are of the devyll and not of God.
1431Yowr curssys we have that we never yet demaundyd,
1432But we can not have that God hath yow commandyd.
1433PRIVATE WELTH. What ye mene by that I wold ye shuld opynly tel
1434KYNGE JOHAN. Why know ye it not? the prechyng of the gospell.
1435Take to ye yowr traysh, yowr ryngyng, synyg, pypyng,
1436So that we may have the scryptures openyng:
1437But that we can not have, yt stondyth not with yowr avantage.
1438PRIVATE WELTH. Ahe, now I fell yow for this heretycall langage;
1439I thynke noyther yow nor ony of yowres, iwys,
1440We wyll so provyd, shall ware the crowne after this.
1441[PRIVATE WELTH] Go owt and drese for NOBYLYTE.
1442KYNGE JOHAN. Yt becum not the Godes secret workes to deme.
1443Gett the hence, or elles we shall teche the to blaspheme.
1444Oh Lord, how wycked ys that same generacyon
1445That never wyll cum to a godly reformacyon.
1446The prystes report me to be a wyckyd tyrant
1447Be cause I correct ther actes and lyfe unplesant.
1448Of thy prince, sayth God, thow shalt report non yll,
1449But thy selfe applye his plesur to fulfyll.
1450The byrdes of the ayer shall speke to ther gret shame,
1451As sayth Ecclesyastes, that wyll a prince dyffame.
1452The powers are of God, I wot Powle hath soch sentence,
1453He that resyst them agenst God maketh resystence.
1454Mary and Joseph at Cyryus appoyntment
1455In the descripcyon to Cesar were obedyent.
1456Crist ded paye trybute for hymselfe and Peter to,
1457For a lawe prescrybyng the same unto pristes also.
1458To prophane princes he obeyed unto dethe;
1459So ded John Baptyst so longe as he had brethe.
1460Peter, John, and Powle, with the other apostles all,
1461Ded never withstand the powers imperyall.
1462[Enter CYVYLL ORDER]
1463Prystes are so wycked they wyll obeye no power,
1464But seke to subdewe ther prynces day and hower,
1465As they wold do me; but I shall make them smart,
1466Yf that Nobelyte and Law wyll take my parte.
1467CYVYLL ORDER. Dowghtles we can not tyll ye be reconsylyd
1468Unto Holy Chyrche, for ye are a man defylyd.
1469KYNGE JOHAN. How am I defylyd? telme, good gentyll mate.
1470CYVYLL ORDER. By the popes hye power ye are excomynycate.
1471KYNGE JOHAN. By the word of God, I pray the, what power hath he?
1472CYVYLL ORDER. I spake not with hym, and therfore I cannot tell ye.
1473KYNGE JOHAN. With whom spake ye not? late me know yowr intent.
1474CYVYLL ORDER. Mary, not with God sens the latter weeke of Lent.
1475[Enter THE CLARGY]
1476KYNGE JOHAN. Oh mercyfull God, what an unwyse clawse ys this,
1477Of hym that shuld se that nothyng ware amys.
1478That sentence or curse that scriptur doth not dyrect
1479In my opynyon shall be of non effecte.
1480THE CLARGY. Ys that yowr beleve? Mary, God save me from yow.
1481KYNGE JOHAN. Prove yt by scriptur, and than wyll I yt alowe.
1482But this know I well, whan Baalam gave the curse
1483Uppon Godes peple they ware never a whyt the worse.
1484THE CLARGY. I passe not on the Scriptur; that is I now for me,
1485Whyche the holy father approvyth by his auctoryte.
1486KYNGE JOHAN. Now, alas, alas! what wreched peple ye are,
1487And how ygnorant yowr owne wordes doth declare.
1488Woo ys that peple whych hath so wycked techeres.
1489THE CLARGY. Naye, wo ys that peple that hathe so cruell rewlars.
1490Owr holy father, I trow, cowd do no lesse,
1491Consyderyng the factes of yowr owtragyosnes.
1492[Enter NOBELYTE]
1493NOBELYTE. Com awaye for shame, and make no more ado:
1494Ye are in gret danger for commynyng with hym so.
1495He is accursyd, I mervell ye do not waye yt.
1496THE CLARGY. I here by his wordes that he wyll not obeye yt.
1497NOBELYTE. Whether he wyll or no, I wyll not with hym talke
1498Tell he be assoyllyd. Com on, my frynds, wyll ye walke?
1499KYNGE JOHAN. Oh, this is no tokyn of trew Nobelyte
1500To flee from yowr kyng in his extremyte.
1501NOBELYTE. I shall dyssyer yow as now to pardone me.
1502I had moche rather do agaynst God veryly,
1503Than to Holy Chyrche to do any injurye.
1504KYNGE JOHAN. What blyndnes is this? On this peple, Lord, have mercy!
1505Ye speke of defylyng, but ye are corrupted all
1506With pestylent doctryne or leven pharesyacall.
1507Good to faythfull Susan sayd that yt was moche better
1508To fall in daunger of men than do the gretter,
1509As to love Godes lawe, whych ys his word most pure.
1510THE CLARGY. Ye have nothyng yow to allege to us but scripture.
1511Ye shall fare the worse for that ye may be sure.
1512KYNGE JOHAN. What shulde I allege elles, thu wycked pharyse?
1513To yowr false lernyng no faythfull man wyll agree.
1514Dothe not the Lord say, nunc reges intellege,
1515The kyngs of the erthe that worldly cawses juge,
1516Seke to the scriptur, late that be yowr refuge?
1517CYVYLL ORDER. Have ye nothyng elles but this? than God be with ye.
1518KYNGE JOHAN. One questyon more yet ere ye departe from me.
1519I wyll fyrst demaund of yow, Nobelyte,
1520Why leve ye yowr prince and cleave to the pope so sore?
1521NOBELYTE. For I toke an othe to defend the Chyrche ever more.
1522KYNGE JOHAN. Clergy, I am sure than yowr quarell ys not small.
1523THE CLARGY. I am professyd to the ryghtes ecclesyastycall.
1524KYNGE JOHAN. And yow, Cyvyle Order, oweth her sum offyce of dewtye.
1525CYVYLL ORDER. I am hyr feed man: who shuld defend her but I?
1526KYNGE JOHAN. Of all thre partyes yt is spoken resonably,
1527Ye may not obeye becawse of the othe ye mad;
1528Yowr strong professyon maketh yow of that same trad;
1529Yowr fee provokyth yow to do as thes men do,
1530Grett thyngs to cawse men from God to the devyll to go.
1531Yowr othe is growndyd fyrst uppon folyshenes,
1532And yowr professyon uppon moche pevyshenes;
1533Yowr fee last of all ryseth owt of covetusnes,
1534And thes are the cawses of yowr rebellyosnes.
1535THE CLARGY. Cum, Cyvill Order, lett us departe from hence.
1536KYNGE JOHAN. Than are ye at a poynt for yowr obedyence.
1537CYVYLL ORDER. We wyll in no wysse be partakers of yowr yll.
1538Here go owt CLARGY and dresse for YNGLOND, and CYVYLL ORDER for COMMYNALTE.
1539KYNGE JOHAN. As ye have bene ever, so ye wyll contynew styll.
1540Thowgh they be gone, tarye yow with me a whyle:
1541The presence of a prynce to yow shuld never be vyle.
1542NOBELYTE. Sur, nothyng grevyth me but yowr excomynycacion.
1543KYNGE JOHAN. That ys but a fantasy in yowr ymagynacyon.
1544The Lord refuse not soch as hath his great cursse,
1545But call them to grace, and faver them never the worsse.
1546Saynt Pawle wyllyth you whan ye are among soch sort,
1547Not to abhore them but geve them words of comfort.
1548Why shuld ye than flee from me yowr lawfull kyng,
1549For plesure of soch as owght to do no suche thyng?
1550The Chyrches abusyons, as holy seynt Powle do saye,
1551By the princes power owght for to be takyn awaye:
1552He baryth not the sword withowt a cawse (sayth he).
1553In this neyther bysshope nor spirituall man is free,
1554Offendyng the lawe they are under the powers all.
1555NOBELYTE. How wyll ye prove me that the fathers sprytuall
1556Were under the princes ever contynewally?
1557KYNGE JOHAN. By the actes of kynges I wyll prove yt by and by.
1558David and Salomon the pristes ded constitute,
1559Commandyng the offyces that they shuld execute.
1560Josaphat the kyng the mynysters ded appoynt,
1561So ded kyng Ezechias whom God hymselfe ded anoynt.
1562Dyverse of the princes for the pristes ded make decrees,
1563Lyke as yt is pleyn in the fyrst of Machabees.
1564Owr prists are rysyn throwgh lyberte of kyngs
1565By ryches to pryd and other unlawfull doynges,
1566And that is the cawse that they so oft dysobeye.
1567NOBELYTE. Good Lord, what a craft have you thes thynges to convaye!
1568KYNGE JOHAN. Now, alas, that the false pretence of superstycyon
1569Shuld cawse yow to be a mayntener of Sedycyon!
1570Sum thynkyth Nobelyte in natur to consyst
1571Or in parentage; ther thowght is but amyst:
1572Wher habundance is of vertu, faith, and grace,
1573With knowlage of the Lord, Nobelyte is ther in place,
1574And not wher as in the wylfull contempte of thyngs
1575Pertaynyng to God in the obedyence of kynges.
1576Beware ye synke not with Dathan and Abiron
1577For dysobeyng the power and domynyon.
1578NOBELYTE. Nay, byd me be aware I do not synke with yow here:
1579Beyng acurssyd, of trowth ye put me in fere.
1580KYNGE JOHAN. Why, are ye gone hence and wyll ye no longar tarrye?
1581NOBELYTE. No, wher as yow are in place, by swete seynt Marye.
1582Here NOBELYTE go owt and dresse for the CARDYNALL. Here enter YNGLOND and COMMYNALTE.
1583KYNGE JOHAN. Blessed Lord of Heaven, what is the wretchednesse
1584Of thys wycked worlde? An evyll of all evyls doubtlesse.
1585Perceyve ye not here how the Clergye hath rejecte
1586Their true allegeaunce to maynteyne the popysh secte?
1587See ye not how lyghte the lawyers sett the poure,
1588Whanne God commandyth them to obeye yche daye and howre?
1589Nobylyte also, whych ought hys prynce to assyste,
1590Is vanyshed awaye as it we[re] a wynter myste.
1591All they are from me: I am now left alone,
1592Knd God wote knowe not to whome to make my mone.
1593Oh, yet wolde I fayne knowe the mynde of my Commynalte,
1594Whether he wyll go with them or abyde with me.
1595ENGLANDE. He is here at hond, a symple creature as may be.
1596KYNGE JOHAN. Cum hether, my frynde; stand nere: ys thy selfe he?
1597COMMYNALTE. Yf it lyke yowr grace, I am yowr pore Commynalte.
1598KYNGE JOHAN. Thou art poore inowgh, yf that be good God helpe the.
1599Me thynke thow art blynd: tell me, frynde, canst thu not see?
1600ENGLANDE. He is blynd in dede: yt is the more rewth and pytte.
1601KYNGE JOHAN. How cummyst thow so blynd, I pray the, good fellow, tell me?
1602COMMYNALTE. For want of knowlage in Christes lyvely veryte.
1603ENGLANDE. This spirituall blyndnes bryngeth men owt of the waye,
1604And cause them oft tymes ther kynges to dyssobaye.
1605KYNGE JOHAN. How sayst thow, Commynalte; wylt not thu take my parte?
1606COMMYNALTE. To that I cowd be contented with all my hart,
1607But, alas, in me are two great impedymentes.
1608KYNGE JOHAN. I pray the shew me what are those impedymentes.
1609COMMYNALTE. The fyrst is blyndnes, wherby I myght take with the pope
1610Soner than with yow; for, alas, I can but grope,
1611And ye know full well ther are many nowghty gydes.
1612The nexte is poverte, whych cleve so hard to my sydes,
1613And ponych me so sore that my power ys lytyll or non.
1614KYNGE JOHAN. In Godes name tell me how cummyth thi substance gone?
1615COMMYNALTE. By pristes, channons, and monkes, which do but fyll ther bely
1616With my swett and labour for ther popych purgatory.
1617ENGLANDE. Yowr grace promysed me that I shuld have remedy
1618In that same mater whan I was last here trewly.
1619KYNGE JOHAN. Dowghtles I ded so, but, alas, yt wyll not be.
1620In hart I lament this great infelycyte.
1621ENGLANDE. Late me have my spowse and my londes at lyberte,
1622And I promyse you my sonne here, your Commynallte,
1623I wyll make able to do ye dewtyfull servyce.
1624KYNGE JOHAN. I wold I ware able to do to the that offyce;
1625But alas, I am not, for why my Nobelyte,
1626My Lawers, and Clargy hath cowardly forsake me,
1627And now last of all, to my most anguysh of mynd,
1628My Commynalte here I fynd both poore and blynde.
1629ENGLANDE. Rest upon this, ser, for my governor ye shall be
1630So long as ye lyve: God hath so apoynted me.
1631His owtward blyndnes ys but a sygnyficacion
1632Of blyndnes in sowle for lacke of informacyon
1633In the word of God, which is the orygynall grownd
1634Of dyssobedyence, which all realmes doth confund.
1635Yf yowr grace wold cawse Godes word to be tawght syncerly,
1636And subdew those pristes that wyll not preche yt trewly,
1637The peple shuld know to ther prynce ther lawfull dewty;
1638But yf ye permytt contynuance of ypocresye
1639In monkes, chanons, and pristes, and mynysters of the clargy,
1640Yowr realme shall never be with owt moch traytery.
1641KYNGE JOHAN. All that I perseyve, and therfore I kepe owt fryers,
1642Lest they shuld bryng the moch farder into the bryers.
1643They have mad labur to inhabytt this same regyon:
1644They shall for my tyme not enter into domynyon.
1645We have to many of soch vayne lowghtes all redy.
1646I beshrew ther harts they have made you ij full nedy.
1647Here enter PANDULPHUS, the CARDYNALL, and sayth
1648PRIVATE WELTH. What, Commynalte, ys this the connaunt kepyng?
1649Thow toldyst me thu woldest take hym no more for thi kyng.
1650COMMYNALTE. Peccavi, mea culpa: I submyt me to yowr holynes.
1651PRIVATE WELTH. Gett the hence than shortly, and go abowt thi besynes.
1652Wayet on thy capttaynes, Nobelyte and the Clargy,
1653With Cyvyll Order, and the other company.
1654Blow owt yowr tromppettes and sett forth manfully.
1655The Frenche kyng Phelype by sea doth hether apply
1656With the power of Fraunce to subdew this herytyke.
1657KYNGE JOHAN. I defy both hym and the, lewde scysmatyke.
1658Why wylt thu forsake thy prince or thi prince leve the?
1659COMMYNALTE. I must nedes obbay whan Holy Chirch commandyth me.
1660Go owt COMMYNALTE.
1661ENGLANDE. Yf thow leve thy kyng take me never for thy mother.
1662PRIVATE WELTH. Tush, care not thu for that, I shall provyd the another.
1663Yt ware fytter for yow to be in another place.
1664ENGLANDE. Yt shall becum me to wayte upon his grace,
1665And do hym servyce where as he ys resydente,
1666For I was gevyn hym of the Lord omnypotente.
1667THE CLARGY. Thow mayst not abyde here, for whye we have hym curssyd.
1668ENGLANDE. I be shrow yowr hartes, so have ye me onpursed.
1669Yf he be acurssed than are we a mete cuppell,
1670For I am interdyct: no salve that sore can suppell.
1671THE CLARGY. I say gett the hence, and make me no more pratyng.
1672ENGLANDE. I wyll not a waye from myn owne lawfull kyng,
1673Appoynted of God, tyll deth shall us departe.
1674THE CLARGY. Wyll ye not in dede? well than ye are lyke to smarte.
1675ENGLANDE. I smarte all redy throw yowr most suttell practyse,
1676And am clene ondone by yowr false merchandyce,
1677Yowr pardons, yowr bulles, yowr purgatory pyckepurse,
1678Yowr lent fastes, yowr schryftes, that I pray God geve yow his cursse.
1679PRIVATE WELTH. Thu shalt smart better or we have done with the,
1680For we have this howr great navyes upon the see
1681In every quarter with this Loller here to fyght,
1682And to conquarre hym for the Holy Chyrchis ryght.
1683We have on the northe Alexander, the kyng of Scotts,
1684With an armye of men that for their townnes cast lottes.
1685On the sowthe syde we have the French kyng with his power.
1686Which wyll sle and burne tyll he cum to London Tower.
1687In the west parts we have kyng Alphonso with the Spanyards,
1688With sheppes full of gonepowder now cummyng hether towards,
1689And on the est syde we have Esterlynges, Danes and Norways,
1690With soch power landynge as can be resystyd nowayes.
1691KYNGE JOHAN. All that is not true that yow have here expressed.
1692PRIVATE WELTH. By the masse, so true as I have now confessed.
1693KYNGE JOHAN. And what do ye meane by such an hurly burlye?
1694PRIVATE WELTH. For the Churches ryght to subdue ye manfullye.
1695[Enter SEDWYSON]
1696SEDYSYON. To all that wyll fyght I proclame a Jubyle
1697Of cleane remyssyon thys tyrant here to slee,
1698Destroye hys people, burne up both cytie and towne
1699That the Pope of Rome maye have hys scepture and crowne.
1700In the Churches cawse to dye thys daye be bolde:
1701Your sowles shall to heaven ere your fleshe and bones be colde.
1702KYNGE JOHAN. Most mercyfull God, as my trust is in the,
1703So comforte me now in this extremyte.
1704As thow helpyst David in his most hevynes,
1705So helpe me this hour of thy grace, mercye and goodnes.
1706PRIVATE WELTH. This owtward remorse that ye show here evydent
1707Ys a grett lykelyhod and token of amendment.
1708How say ye, kyng Johan, can ye fynd now in yowr hart
1709To obaye Holy Chyrch and geve ower yowr froward part?
1710KYNGE JOHAN. Were yt so possyble to hold thes enmyes backe,
1711That my swete Ynglond perysh not in this sheppewracke.
1712PRIVATE WELTH. Possyble quoth he! yea, they shuld go bake in dede,
1713And ther gret armyse to some other quarters leade,
1714Or elles they have not so many good blyssyngs now,
1715But as many cursyngs they shall have, I make God avowe.
1716I promyse yow, sur, ye shall have specyall faver
1717Yf ye wyll submyt yowr sylfe to Holy Chyrch here.
1718KYNGE JOHAN. I trust than ye wyll graunt some delyberacyon
1719To have an answere of thys your protestacyon.
1720SEDYSYON. Tush, gyve upp the crowne, and make no more a do.
1721KYNGE JOHAN. Your spirytuall charyte wyll be better to me than so.
1722The crowne of a realme is a matter of great wayght;
1723In gyvynge it upp we maye not be to slayght.
1724SEDYSYON. I saye gyve it up: lete us have no more a do.
1725PRIVATE WELTH. Yea, and in our warres we wyll no farder go.
1726KYNGE JOHAN. Ye wyll gyve me leave to talke first with my Clergye?
1727SEDYSYON. With them ye nede not: they are at a poynt alreadye.
1728KYNGE JOHAN. Than with my lawers, to heare what they wyll tell.
1729SEDYSYON. Ye shall ever have them as the Clergye gyve them counsell.
1730KYNGE JOHAN. Then wyll I commen with my Nobylyte.
1731SEDYSYON. We have hym so jugled he wyll not to yow agree.
1732KYNGE JOHAN. Yet shall I be content to do as he counsell me.
1733PRIVATE WELTH. Than be not to longe from hence I wyll advyse ye.
1734[Exit KYNGE JOHAN]
1735SEDYSYON. Is not thys a sport? by the messe it is, I trowe.
1736What welthe and pleasure wyll now to owr kyngedom growe!
1737Englande is our owne whych is the most plesaunte grounde
1738In all the rounde worlde: now may we realmes confounde.
1739Our holye father maye now lyve at hys pleasure,
1740And have habundaunce of wenches, wynes, and treasure.
1741He is now able to kepe downe Christe and his gospell,
1742True fayth to exyle, and all vertues to expell.
1743Now shall we ruffle it in velvetts, gold, and sylke,
1744With shaven crownes, syde gownes, and rochettes whyte as mylke.
1745By the messe, Pandulphus, now may we synge Cantate,
1746And crowe Confitebor with a joyfull Jubilate.
1747Holde me, or els for laughynge I must burste.
1748PRIVATE WELTH. Holde thy peace, whorson; I wene thu art accurst.
1749Kepe a sadde countenaunce: a very vengeaunce take the,
1750SEDYSYON. I can not do it by the messe, and thu shuldest hange me.
1751If Solon were here, I recken that he woulde laugh
1752Whych never laught yet, yea, lyke a whelpe he would waugh.
1753Ha, ha, ha, laugh quoth he? yea, laugh and laugh agayne:
1754We had never cause to laugh more free, I am playne.
1755PRIVATE WELTH. I pray the, no more, for here come the kynge agayne.
1756[Enter KYNGE JOHAN]
1757Ye are at a poynt wherto ye intende to stande.
1758SEDYSYON. Yea, hardely, sir, gyve up the crowne of Englande.
1759KYNGE JOHAN. I have cast in my mynde the great displeasures of warre,
1760The daungers, the losses, the decayes both nere and farre;
1761The burnynge of townes, the throwynge downe of buyldynges,
1762Destructyon of corne and cattell with other thynges;
1763Defylynge of maydes, and shedynge of Christen blood,
1764With suche lyke outrages, neythar honest, true, nor good.
1765These thynges consydered, I am compelled thys houre
1766To resigne up here both crowne and regall poure.
1767[Enter] ENGLANDE.
1768ENGLANDE. For the love of God yet take some better advysement.
1769SEDYSYON. Holde your tunge, ye whore, or by the messe ye shall repent.
1770Downe on yowr marry bones, and make no more a do.
1771ENGLANDE. If ye love me, sir, for Gods sake do never so.
1772KYNGE JOHAN. O Englande, Englande! showe now thyselfe a mother,
1773Thy people wyll els be slayne here without nomber.
1774As God shall judge me, I do not thys of cowardnesse,
1775But of compassyon in thys extreme heavynesse.
1776Shall my people shedde their bloude in suche habundaunce?
1777Naye, I shall rather gyve upp my whole governaunce.
1778SEDYSYON. Come of apace than, and make an ende of it shortly.
1779ENGLANDE. The most pytiefull chaunce that hath bene hytherto surely.
1780KYNGE JOHAN. Here I submyt me to pope Innocent the thred,
1781Dyssyering mercy of hys holy fatherhed.
1782PRIVATE WELTH. Geve up the crowne than, yt shalbe the better for ye:
1783He wyll unto yow the more favorable be.
1784Here the KYNG delevyr the crowne to the CARDYNALL.
1785KYNGE JOHAN. To hym I resygne here the septer and the crowne
1786Of Ynglond and Yrelond with the power and renowne,
1787And put me wholly to his mercyfull ordynance.
1788PRIVATE WELTH. I may say this day the Chyrch hath a full gret chaunce.
1789This v dayes I wyll kepe this crowne in myn owne hande
1790In the Popes behalfe, upseasyng Ynglond and Yerlond.
1791In the meane season ye shall make an oblygacyon
1792For yow and yowr ayers in this synyficacyon:
1793To resayve yowr crowne of the pope for ever more
1794In maner of fefarme; and for a tokyn therfore
1795Ye shall every yere paye hym a thowsand marke
1796With the Peter pens, and not agenst yt barke.
1797Ye shall also geve to the bysshoppe of Cantorbery
1798A thre thowsand marke for his gret injury.
1799To the Chyrch besydes, for the great scathe ye have done,
1800Forty thowsand marke ye shall delyver sone.
1801KYNGE JOHAN. Ser, the taxe that I had of the hole realme of Ynglond
1802Amownted to no more but unto xxxti thowsand;
1803Why shuld I then paye so moche unto the clargy?
1804PRIVATE WELTH. Ye shall geve yt them: ther is no remedy.
1805KYNGE JOHAN. Shall they pay no tribute yf the realme stond in rerage?
1806PRIVATE WELTH. Sir, they shall pay none: we wyll have no soch bondage.
1807KYNGE JOHAN. The Pope had at once thre hundred thowsand marke.
1808PRIVATE WELTH. What is that to you? ah, styll ye wyll be starke.
1809Ye shall pay yt, sur: ther is no remedy.
1810KYNGE JOHAN. Yt shall be performed as ye wyll have yt trewly.
1811ENGLANDE. So noble a realme to stande tributarye, alas,
1812To the devylls vycar! suche fortune never was.
1813SEDYSYON. Out with thys harlot: cocks sowle, she hath lete a fart.
1814ENGLANDE. Lyke a wretche thu lyest. Thy report is lyke as thu art.
1815[Exit SEDWYSON]
1816PRIVATE WELTH. Ye shall suffer the monks and chanons to make reentry
1817In to ther abbayes and to dwell ther peaceably;
1818Ye shall se also to my great labur and charge:
1819For other thyngs elles we shall commen more at large.
1820KYNGE JOHAN. Ser, in every poynt I shall fulfyll yowr plesur.
1821PRIVATE WELTH. Than plye yt apace, and lett us have the tresur.
1822ENGLANDE. Alacke for pyte that euer ye grantyd this.
1823For me, pore Ynglond, ye haue done sore amys;
1824Of a fre woman ye haue now mad a bonde mayd.
1825Yowr selfe and heyres ye haue for euer decayd.
1826Alas, I had rether be vnderneth the Turke
1827Than vnder the wynges of soch a thefe to lurke.
1828KYNGE JOHAN. Content the, Ynglond, for ther ys no remedy.
1829ENGLANDE. Yf yow be plesyd, than I mvst consent gladly.
1830KYNGE JOHAN. If I shoulde not graunt here woulde be a wondrefull spoyle:
1831Every where the enemyes woulde ruffle and turmoyle.
1832The losse of people stycketh most unto my harte.
1833ENGLANDE. Do as ye thynke best, yche waye is to my smarte.
1834PRIVATE WELTH. Are ye at a poynt with the same oblygacyon?
1835KYNGE JOHAN. Yt is here redye at yowr interrogacyon.
1836Here kyng Iohn shall delevr the oblygacyon.
1837PRIVATE WELTH. Wher is the mony for yowr full restytucyon?
1838KYNGE JOHAN. Here, ser, accordyng to yowr last constytucyon.
1839PRIVATE WELTH. Cum hether, my lorde. By the popys autoryte
1840Assoyll this man here of irregularyte.
1841Here the bysshop STEVYN LANGTON cum in.
1842KYNGE JOHAN. Me thynke this bysshope resembleth moch Sedycyon.
1843PRIVATE WELTH. I cownsell yow yet to be ware of wrong suspycyon.
1844This is Stevyn Langton, yowr meteropolytan.
1845KYNGE JOHAN. Than do the offyce of the good samarytan
1846And pore oyle and wyne in my old festerd wownd.
1847Releace me of synne that yt doth not me confownd.
1848Confiteor domino pape et omnibus cardinalibus eius et vobis, quia peccaui nimis exigendo ab ecclesia tributum, mea culpa. Ideo precor sanctissimum dominum papam et omnes prelatos eitis et vos, orare pro me.
1849SEDYSYON. Misereatur tui omnipotens papa, et dimittat tibi omnes erratus tuos, liberetque te a suspencione, excominicacione et interdicto, et restituat te in regnum tuum.
1850KYNGE JOHAN. Amen.
1851SEDYSYON. Dominus papa noster te absoluat, et ego absoluo te auctoritate eius, et apostolorum Petri et Pauli in hac parte mihi comissa, ab omnibus impietatibus tuis, et restituo te corone et regno, in nomine domini pape, amen.
1852PRIVATE WELTH. Ye are well content to take this man for yowr primate?
1853KYNGE JOHAN. Yea, and to vse hym accordyng to his estate.
1854I am ryght sory that euer I yow offended.
1855SEDYSYON. And I am full gladde ye are so welle amended.
1856Unto Holy Churche ye are now an obedyent chylde,
1857Where ye were afore with heresye muche defyelde.
1858ENGLANDE. Sir, yonder is a clarke whych is condempned for treason.
1859The shryves woulde fayne knowe what to do with hym thys season.
1860KYNGE JOHAN. Come hyther, fellawe. What, me thynke, thu art a pryste.
1861[Enter] TREASON.
1862TREASON. He hath ofter gessed that of the truthe have myste.
1863KYNGE JOHAN. A pryste and a traytour? how maye that wele agree?
1864TREASON. Yes, yes, wele ynough, underneth Benedicite.
1865Myself hath played it, and therfore I knowe it the better.
1866Amonge craftye cloyners there hath not bene a gretter.
1867KYNGE JOHAN. Tell some of thy feates; thu mayest the better escape.
1868SEDYSYON. Hem; not to bolde yet: for a mowse the catte wyll gape.
1869TREASON. Twenty thousande traytour I have made in my tyme,
1870Undre Benedicite, betwyn hygh masse and pryme.
1871I have made Nobylyte to be obedyent
1872To the church of Rome, whych most kynges maye repent.
1873I have so convayed that neyther priest nor lawer
1874Wyll obeye Gods wurde, nor yet the gospell faver.
1875In the place of Christe I have sett up supersticyons,
1876For preachynges ceremonyes, for Gods wurde mennys tradicyons.
1877Come to the temple and there Christe hath no place;
1878Moyses and the Paganes doth utterly hym deface.
1879ENGLANDE. Marke wele, sir. Tell what we have of Moyses.
1880TREASON. All your ceremonyes, your copes and your sensers doubtlesse,
1881Your fyers, your waters, your oyles, your aulters, your ashes,
1882Your candlestyckes, your cruettes, your salte, with suche lyke trashes.
1883Ye lacke but the bloude of a goate, or els a calfe.
1884ENGLANDE. Lete us heare sumwhat also in the Paganes behalfe.
1885TREASON. Of the Paganes ye have your gylded ymages all,
1886In your necessytees upon them for to call;
1887With crowchynges, with kyssynges and settynge up of lyghtes,
1888Bearynge them in processyon and fastynges upon their nyghtes.
1889Some for the tothe ake, some for the pestylence and poxe,
1890With ymages of waxe to brynge moneye to the boxe.
1891ENGLANDE. What have they of Christe in the churche, I praye the tell?
1892TREASON. Marry, nothynge at all, but the epystle and the gospell,
1893And that is in Latyne that no man shoulde it knowe.
1894SEDYSYON. Peace, noughty whoreson, peace: thu playest the knave I trowe.
1895KYNGE JOHAN. Has thu knowne suche wayes, and sought no reformacyon?
1896TREASON. It is the lyvynge of my whole congregacyon.
1897If supersticyons and ceremonyes from us fall,
1898Farwele monke and chanon, priest, fryer, byshopp, and all.
1899My conveyaunce is suche that we haue both moneye and ware.
1900SEDYSYON. Our occupacyon thu wylt marre. God gyve the care.
1901ENGLANDE. Very fewe of ye wyll Peters offyce take.
1902TREASON. Yes, the more part of us our maistre hath forsake.
1903ENGLANDE. I meane for preachynge. I pray God thu be curste.
1904TREASON. No, no, with Judas we love wele to be purste.
1905We selle owr maker so sone as we have hym made,
1906And as for preachynge we meddle not with that trade,
1907Least Annas, Cayphas, and the lawers shulde us blame,
1908Callyng us to reckenynge for preachynge in that name.
1909KYNGE JOHAN. But tell to me, person, whie wert thu cast in preson?
1910TREASON. For no great matter; but a lyttle petye treason:
1911For conjurynge, calkynge, and coynynge of newe grotes,
1912For clippynge of nobles, with suche lyke pratye motes.
1913ENGLANDE. Thys is hygh treason, and hath bene evermor.
1914KYNGE JOHAN. It is suche treason as he shall sure hange for.
1915TREASON. I have holy orders: by the messe, I defye your wurst.
1916Ye can not towche me but ye must be accurst.
1917KYNGE JOHAN. We wyll not towche the; the halter shall do yt alone.
1918Curse the rope therfor whan thu begynnest to grone.
1919TREASON. And sett ye no more by the holy ordre of prestehode?
1920Ye wyll prove your selfe an heretyke by the rode.
1921KYNGE JOHAN. Come hyther, Englande, and here what I saye to the.
1922ENGLANDE. I am all readye to do as ye commaunde me.
1923KYNGE JOHAN. For so much as he hath falsefyed our coyne,
1924As he is worthie, lete hym with an halter joyne.
1925Thu shalt hange no priest, nor yet none honest man,
1926But a traytour, a thefe, and one that lyttle good can.
1927PRIVATE WELTH. What, yet agaynst the Churche? gett me boke, belle, and candle:
1928As I am true priest, I shall ye yett better handle.
1929Ye neyther regarde hys crowne nor anoynted fyngers,
1930The offyce of a priest, nor the grace that therin lyngers.
1931SEDYSYON. Sir, pacyent yourselfe, and all thynge shall be well.
1932Fygh, man, to the Churche that ye shulde be styll a rebell.
1933ENGLANDE. I accompt hym no priest that worke such haynouse treason.
1934SEDYSYON. It is a worlde to heare a folysh woman reason.
1935PRIVATE WELTH. After thys maner ye used Peter Pomfrete,
1936A good symple man, and as they saye a profete.
1937KYNGE JOHAN. Sir, I did prove hym a very supersticyouse wretche,
1938And blasphemouse lyar, therfor did the lawe hym upstretche.
1939He prophecyed first I shulde reigne but xiiij years,
1940Makynge the people to beleve he coulde bynde bears;
1941And I have reigned a seventene yeares, and more.
1942And anon after he grudged at me very sore,
1943And sayde I shulde be exyled out of my realme
1944Before the ascencyon, whych was turned to a fantastycall dreame,
1945Saynge he woulde hange if hys prophecye were not true.
1946Thus hys owne decaye hys folyshnesse did brue.
1947PRIVATE WELTH. Ye shuld not hange hym whych is a frynde to the Churche.
1948KYNGE JOHAN. Alac, that ye shoulde counte them fryndes of the Churche,
1949That agaynst all truthe so hypocritycally lurche.
1950An yll Churche is it that hath such fryndes in dede.
1951ENGLANDE. Of maister Morres suche an other fable we reade,
1952That in Morgans fyelde the sowle of a knyght made verses,
1953Apearynge unto hym, and thys one he rehearses,
1954Destruat hoc regnum Rex regum duplici plaga,
1955Whych is true as God spake with the Ape at Praga.
1956The sowles departed from thys heavye mortall payne
1957To the handes of God returneth never agayne.
1958A marvelouse thynge that ye thus delyght in lyes.
1959SEDYSYON. Thys queane doth not els but mocke the blessed storyes.
1960That Peter angred ye whan he called ye a devyll incarnate.
1961KYNGE JOHAN. He is now full sure no more so uncomely to prate.
1962Well, as for thys man, because that he is a priste
1963I gyve hym to ye: do with hym what ye lyste.
1964PRIVATE WELTH. In the Popes behalfe I wyll sumwhat take upon me.
1965Here I delyver hym to the Churches lyberte,
1966In spyght of your hart, make of it what ye lyste.
1967KYNGE JOHAN. I am pleased, I saye, because he ys pryste.
1968PRIVATE WELTH. Whether ye be or no, it shall not greatly force.
1969Lete me see those cheanes: go thy waye and have remorce.
1970TREASON. God save your Lordeshypps; I trust I shall amende,
1971And do no more so, or els, sir, God defende.
1972SEDYSYON. I shall make the, I trowe, to kepe thy benefyce.
1973By the Marye messe, the knave wyll never be wyse.
1974ENGLANDE. Lyke Lorde, lyke chaplayne; neyther barrell better herynge.
1975SEDYSYON. Styll she must trattle: that tunge is alwayes sterynge.
1976A wurde or two, sir, I must tell yow in your eare.
1977PRIVATE WELTH. Of some advauntage I woulde very gladly heare.
1978SEDYSYON. Releace not Englande of the generall interdictyon,
1979Tyll the kynge hath graunted the dowrye and the pencyon
1980Of Julyane the wyfe of kynge Richard Cour de Lyon:
1981Ye knowe very well she beareth the Churche good mynde.
1982Tush, we must have all, manne, that she shall leave behynde.
1983As the saynge is, he fyndeth that surely bynde.
1984It were but folye suche louce endes for to lose:
1985The lande and the monye wyll make well for our purpose.
1986Tush, laye yokes upon hym, more then he is able to beare,
1987Of Holy Churche so he wyll stande ever in feare.
1988Suche a shrewe as he it is good to kepe undre awe.
1989ENGLANDE. Woo is that persone whych is undreneth your lawe.
1990Ye may see, good people, what these same merchantes are:
1991Their secrete knaveryes their open factes declare.
1992SEDYSYON. Holde thy peace, callet. God gyve the sorowe and care.
1993PRIVATE WELTH. Ere I releace yow of the interdyctyon heare,
1994In the whych yowr realme contynued hath thys seven yeare,
1995Ye shall make Julyane, your syster in lawe, thys bande,
1996To gyve her the thirde part of Englande and of Irelande.
1997KYNGE JOHAN. All the worlde knoweth, sir, I owe her no suche dewtye.
1998PRIVATE WELTH. Ye shall gyve it to hir; there is no remedye.
1999Wyll ye styll withstande our holy fathers precepte?
2000SEDYSYON. In peyne of dampnacyon hys commaundement must be kepte.
2001KYNGE JOHAN. Oh, ye undo me, consyderynge my great paymentes.
2002ENGLANDE. Sir, disconfort not, for God hath sent debatementes.
2003Yowr mercyfull maker hath shewed upon ye hys powere,
2004From thys heavye yoke delyverynge yow thys howre.
2005The woman is dead: suche newes are hyther brought.
2006KYNGE JOHAN. For me a synnar thys myracle hath God wrought.
2007In most hygh paryls he ever me preserved,
2008And in thys daunger he hath not from me swerved.
2009In genua procumbens Deum adorat, dicens,
2010As David sayth, Lorde, thu dost not leave thy servaunt
2011That wyll trust in the, and in thy blessyd covenaunt.
2012SEDYSYON. A vengeaunce take it! by the messe, it is unhappye
2013She is dead so sone. Now is it past remedye:
2014So must we lose all now that she is clerely gone.
2015If that praye had bene ours, oh, it had bene alone!
2016The chaunce beynge suche, by my trouth, even lete it go:
2017No grote no pater noster, no penye no placebo.
2018The devyll go with it, seynge it wyll be no better.
2019ENGLANDE. Their myndes are all sett upon the fylthie luker.
2020PRIVATE WELTH. Than here I releace yow of yowr interdictyons all,
2021And strayghtly commaunde yow upon daungers that may fall
2022No more to meddle with the Churches reformacyon,
2023Nor holde men from Rome whan they make appellacyon,
2024By God and by all the contentes of thys boke.
2025KYNGE JOHAN. Agaynst Holy Churche I wyll nomore speake nor loke.
2026SEDYSYON. Go, open the churche dores and let the belles be ronge,
2027And through out the realme see that Te Deum be songe.
2028Pryck upp your candels before saynt Loe and saynt Legearde:
2029Lete saynt Antonyes hogge be had in some regarde.
2030If yowr ale be sowre, and yowr breade moulde certayne,
2031Now wyll they waxe swete, for the pope hath blest ye agayne.
2032ENGLANDE. Than within a whyle I trust ye wyll preache the Gospell.
2033SEDYSYON. That shall I tell the, kepe thu it in secrete counsell:
2034It shall neyther come in churche nor yet in chauncell.
2035PRIVATE WELTH. Goo your wayes a pace, and see my pleasure be done.
2036KYNGE JOHAN. As ye have commaunded all shall be perfourmed sone.
2037[Exit John and England]
2038PRIVATE WELTH. By the messe, I laugh to see thys cleane conveyaunce:
2039He is now full glad as our pype goeth to daunce.
2040By cockes sowle, he is now become a good parrysh clarke.
2041SEDYSYON. Ha, ha, wylye whoreson, dost that so busyly marke?
2042I hope in a whyle we wyll make hym so to rave,
2043That he shall become unto us a commen slave,
2044And shall do nothynge but as we byd hym do.
2045If we byd hym slea, I trowe he wyll do so;
2046If we byd hym burne suche as beleve in Christe,
2047He shall not say naye to the byddynge of a priste.
2048But yet it is harde to trust what he wyll be,
2049He is so crabbed: by the holy Trinyte,
2050To save all thynges up I holde best we make hym more sure,
2051And gyve hym a sawce that he no longar endure.
2052Now that I remembre we shall not leave hym thus.
2053PRIVATE WELTH. Whye, what shall we do to hym els, in the name of Jesus?
2054SEDYSYON. Marry, fatche in Lewes, Kynge Phylyppes sonne, of Fraunce,
2055To falle upon hym with his menne and ordynaunce,
2056With wyldefyer, gunpouder, and suche lyke myrye trickes,
2057To dryve hym to holde and scarche hym in the quyckes.
2058I wyll not leave hym tyll I brynge hym to hys yende.
2059PRIVATE WELTH. Well, farwele, Sedicyon, do as shall lye in thy myende.
2061SEDYSYON. I mervele greatly where Dissymulacyon is.
2062DYSSYMULACYON. I wyll come anon, if thu tarry tyll I pysse.
2064SEDYSYON. I beshrewe your hart, where have ye bene so longe?
2065DYSSYMULACYON. In the gardene, man, the herbes and wedes amonge;
2066And there have I gote the poyson of toade.
2067I hope in a whyle to wurke some feate abroade.
2068SEDYSYON. I was wonte sumtyme of thy prevye counsell to be:
2069Am I now adayes become a straunger to the?
2070DYSSYMULACYON. I wyll tell the all, undreneth Benedicite,
2071What I mynde to do, in case thu wylte assoyle me.
2072SEDYSYON. Thu shalt be assoyled by the most holy fathers auctoryte.
2073DYSSYMULACYON. Shall I so in dede? by the masse, than now have at the.
2075SEDYSYON. In nomine papæ, amen.
2076DYSSYMULACYON. Sir, thys is my mynde. I wyll gyve Kynge Johan thys poyson,
2077So makynge hym sure that he shall never have foyson.
2078And thys must thu saye to colour with the thynge,
2079That a penye lofe he wolde have brought to a shyllynge.
2080SEDYSYON. Naye, that is suche a lye as easely wyll be felte.
2081DYSSYMULACYON. Tush, man, amonge fooles it never wyll be out smelte.
2082Though it be a foule lye, set upon it a good face,
2083And that wyll cause men beleve it in every place.
2084SEDYSYON. I am sure, than, thu wylt geve it hym in a drynke.
2085DYSSYMULACYON. Marry, that I wyll and the one half with hym swynke,
2086To encourage hym to drynke the botome off.
2087SEDYSYON. If thu drynke the halfe, thu shalt fynde it no scoff:
2088Of terryble deathe thu wylt stacker in the plashes.
2089DYSSYMULACYON. Tush, though I dye, man, there wyll ryse more of my ashes.
2090I am sure the monkes wyll praye for me so bytterlye,
2091That I shall not come in helle, nor in purgatorye.
2092In the popes kychyne the scullyons shall not brawle,
2093Nor fyght for my grese. If the priestes woulde for me yawle,
2094And grunt a good pace placebo with requiem masse,
2095Without muche tarryaunce I shulde to paradyse passe,
2096Where I myght be sure to make good cheare and be myrye,
2097For I can not awaye with that whoreson purgatorye.
2098SEDYSYON. To kepe the from thens thu shalt have five monkes syngynge
2099In Swynsett abbeye, so longe as the worlde is durynge:
2100They wyll daylye praye for the sowle of father Symon,
2101A Cisteane monke whych poysened Kynge John.
2102DYSSYMULACYON. Whan the worlde is done, what helpe shall I have than?
2103SEDYSYON. Than shyft for thy self so wele as ever thu can.
2104DYSSYMULACYON. Cockes sowle, he cometh here. Assoyle me that I were gone then.
2105SEDYSYON. Ego absolvo te in nomine papæ, amen.