Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: King John
Kynge Johann (Old-spelling)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Chronicon Anglicanum
- Introduction to Holinshed on King John
- Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland 1587
- Actors' Interpretations of King John
- King John: A Burlesque
- The Book of Martyrs, Selection (Old Spelling)
- The Book of Martyrs, Modern
- An Homily Against Disobedience and Willful Rebellion (1571)
- Kynge Johann
- Regnans in Excelsis: The Bull of Pope Pius V against Elizabeth
- Facsimiles
1KYNGE JOHAN. To declare the powres and their force to enlarge
2The scripture of God doth flow in most abowndaunce,
3And of sophysters the cauteles to dyscharge
4Bothe Peter and Pawle makyth plenteosse utterauns,
5How that all pepell shuld shew there trew alegyauns
6To ther lawfull kyng, Christ Jesu dothe consent,
7Whych to the hygh powres was ever obedyent.
8To shew what I am, I thynke yt convenyent.
9Johan Kyng of Ynglond the cronyclys doth me call:
10My granfather was an empowr excelent,
11My father a kyng by successyon lyneall,
12A kyng my brother, lyke as to hym ded fall:
13Rychard curdelyon they callyd hym in Fraunce,
14Whych had over enymyes most fortynable chaunce.
15By the wyll of god and his hygh ordynaunce
16In Yerlond and Walys, in Angoye and Normandye,
17In Ynglond also I have had the governaunce:
18I have worne the crowne and wrowght vyctoryouslye,
19And now do purpose by practyse and by stodye
20To reforme the lawes and sett men in good order
21That trew justyce may be had in every border.
22[Enter] YNGLOND vidua.
23ENGLANDE. Than I trust yowr grace wyll waye a poore wedowes cause,
24Ungodly usyd as ye shall know in short clause.
25KYNGE JOHAN. Yea that I wyll swere, yf yt be trew and just.
26ENGLANDE. Lyke as yt beryth trewth so lett yt be dyscust.
27KYNGE JOHAN. Than, gentyll wydowe, tell me what the mater ys.
28ENGLANDE. Alas, yowr clargy hath done very sore amys
29In mysusyng me ageynst all ryght and justyce,
30And for my more greffe therto they other intyce.
31KYNGE JOHAN. Whom do they intyce for to do the injurye?
32ENGLANDE. Soch as hath enterd by false hypocrysye,
33Moch worse frutes havyng than hathe the thornes unplesaunt,
34For they are the trees that God dyd never plant,
35And as Christ dothe saye blynd leaders of the blynd.
36KYNGE JOHAN. Tell me whom thou menyst to satysfy my mynd.
37ENGLANDE. Suche lubbers as hath dysgysed heads in their hoodes,
38Whych in ydelnes do lyve by other menns goodes,
39Monkes, chanons, and nones in dyvers coloure and shappe,
40Bothe whyght blacke and pyed, God send ther increase yll happe.
41KYNGE JOHAN. Lete me know thy name or I go ferther with the.
42ENGLANDE. Ynglond, syr, Ynglond my name is, ye may trust me.
43KYNGE JOHAN. I mervell ryght sore how thow commyst chaungyd thus.
44[Enter] SEDWSYON.
45SEDWSYON. What, yow ij alone? I wyll tell tales by Jesus,
46And saye that I se yow fall here to bycherye.
47KYNGE JOHAN. Avoyd, lewde person, for thy wordes are ungodlye.
48SEDWSYON. I crye you mercy, sur, pray yow be not angrye,
49Be me fayth and trowth I came hyther to be merye.
50KYNGE JOHAN. Thou canst with thy myrth in no wysse dyscontent me,
51So that thow powder yt with wysdome and honeste.
52SEDWSYON. I am no spycer, by the messe ye may beleve me.
53KYNGE JOHAN. I speke of no spyce, but of cyvyle honeste.
54SEDWSYON. Ye spake of powder, by the holy trynyte.
55KYNGE JOHAN. Not as thow takyst yt of a grosse capasyte,
56But as seynt Pawle meanyth unto the Collessyans playne.
57So seasyne yowr speche, that yt be withowt disdayne.
58Now, Ynglond, to the; go thow forth with thy tale,
59And showe the cawse why thow lokyst so wan and pale.
60ENGLANDE. I told yow before the faulte was in the clergye
61That I, a wedow, apere to yow so barelye.
62SEDWSYON. Ye are a wylly wat, and wander here full warelye.
63KYNGE JOHAN. Why in the clargye do me to understande?
64ENGLANDE. For they take from me my cattell, howse, and land,
65My wods and pasturs, with other commodyteys,
66Lyke as Christ ded saye to the wyckyd Pharyseys,
67Pore wydowys howsys ye grosse up by long prayers,
68In syde cotys wandryng lyke most dysgysed players.
69SEDWSYON. They are well at ese that hath soch soth sayers.
70KYNGE JOHAN. They are thy chylderne, thou owghtest to say then good.
71ENGLANDE. Nay, bastardes they are, unnaturall by the rood.
72Sens ther begynnyng they ware never good to me.
73The wyld bore of Rome, God let hym never to thee,
74Lyke pygges they folow in fantysyes dreames and lyes,
75And ever are fed with hys vyle cerymonyes.
76SEDWSYON. Nay, sumtyme they eate bothe flawnes and pygyn pyes.
77KYNGE JOHAN. By the bore of Rome, I trow, thou menyst the pope.
78ENGLANDE. I mene non other but hym, God geve hym a rope.
79KYNGE JOHAN. And why dost thow thus compare hym to a swyne?
80ENGLANDE. For that he and hys to such bestlynes inclyne.
81They forsake Gods word, whych is most puer and cleane,
82And unto the lawys of synfull men they leane;
83Lyke as the vyle swyne the most vyle metes dessyer,
84And hath gret plesure to walowe them selvys in myre,
85So hath this wyld bore with his church unyversall,
86His sowe with hyr pygys, and monstros bestyall,
87Dylyght in mennys draffe and covytus lucre all,
88Yea, aper de sylva the prophet dyd hym call.
89SEDWSYON. Hold yowr peace, ye whore, or ellys by masse, I trowe,
90I shall cawse the pope to curse the as blacke as a crowe.
91KYNGE JOHAN. What art thow, felow, that seme so braggyng bolde?
92SEDWSYON. I am Sedycyon, that with the pope wyll hold
93So long as I have a hole within my breche.
94ENGLANDE. Command this felow to avoyd, I you beseche,
95For dowghtles he hath done me great injury.
96KYNGE JOHAN. A voyd, lewd felow, or thou shalt rewe yt truly.
97SEDWSYON. I wyll not a waye for that same wedred wytche,
98She shall rather kysse where as it doth not ytche.
99Quodcunque ligaveris, I trow, wyll playe soch a parte,
100That I shall abyde in Ynglond, magry yowr harte.
101Tushe, the pope ableth me to subdewe bothe kyng and keyser.
102KYNGE JOHAN. Off that thow and I wyll common more at leyser.
103ENGLANDE. Trwly of the devyll they are that do ony thyng
104To the subdewyng of any christen kyng;
105For be he good or bade, he is of godes apoyntyng,
106The good for the good, the badde ys for yll doyng.
107KYNGE JOHAN. Of that we shall talke here after: say forth thy mynd now,
108And show me how thou art thus be cum a wedowe.
109ENGLANDE. Thes vyle popych swyne hath clene exyled my hosband.
110KYNGE JOHAN. Who ys thy husbond, telme, good gentyll Ynglond.
111ENGLANDE. For soth God hym selfe, the spowse of every sort
112That seke hym in fayth to the sowlys helth and comfort.
113SEDWSYON. He is scant honest that so many wyfes wyll have,
114KYNGE JOHAN. I saye hold yowr peace, and stand asyde lyke a knave.
115Ys God exylyd owt of this regyon tell me?
116ENGLANDE. Yea that he is, ser, yt is the much more pete.
117KYNGE JOHAN. How commyth yt to passe that he is thus abusyd?
118ENGLANDE. Ye know he abydyth not where his word ys refusyd,
119For God is his word, lyke as seynt John dothe tell
120In the begynnyng of his moste blyssyd gospell.
121The popys pyggys may not abyd this word to be hard,
122Nor knowyn of pepyll, or had in anye regard:
123Ther eyes are so sore they may not abyd the lyght,
124And that bred so hard ther gald gummes may yt not byght.
125I, knowyng yowr grace to have here the governance
126By the gyft of God, do knowlege my allegeance,
127Desyeryng yowr grace to waye suche injuryes
128As I daylye suffer by thes same subtyll spyes,
129And lett me have ryght, as ye are a ryghtfull kyng
130Apoyntyd of God to have such mater in doyng.
131For God wyllyth yow to helpe the pore wydowes cause,
132As he by Esaye protesteth in this same clause,
133Querite judicium, subvenite oppresso,
134Judicate pupillo, defendite viduam:
135Seke ryght to poore, to the weake and faterlesse,
136Defende the wydowe whan she is in dystresse.
137SEDWSYON. I tell ye, the woman ys in great hevynes.
138KYNGE JOHAN. I may not in nowyse leve thi ryght undyscuste,
139For God hath sett me by his apoyntment just
140To further thy cause, to mayntayne thi ryght,
141And therfor I wyll supporte the daye and nyght:
142So long as my symple lyffe shall here indewer
143I wyll se the haue no wrong, be fast and swer.
144I wyll fyrst of all call my nobylyte,
145Dwkis, erlyes and lords, yche one in ther degre;
146Next them the clargy, or fathers spirituall,
147Archebysshopes, bysshoppes, abbottes, and pryers all;
148Than the great Juges and lawers every chone,
149So opynyg to them thi cause and petyfull mone,
150By the meanys wherof I shall their myndes vnderstande:
151Yf they helpe the not, my selfe wyll take yt in hande,
152And sett such a waye as shall be to thi comforte.
153ENGLANDE. Than, for an answere I wyll shortly ageyne resort.
154KYNGE JOHAN. Do, Ynglond, hardly, and thow shalt have remedy.
155ENGLANDE. God reward yowr grace, I beseche hym hartely,
156And send yow longe dayes to governe this realme in peace.
157KYNGE JOHAN. Gramercy, Ynglond, and send the plentyus increse.
158Go owt YNGLOND, and drese for CLARGY.
159SEDWSYON. Of bablyng matters, I trow, yt is tyme to cease.
160KYNGE JOHAN. Why dost thow call them bablyng maters, tell me?
161SEDWSYON. For they are not worth the shakyng of a pertre,
162Whan the peres are gone: they are but dyble dable.
163I marvell ye can abyd suche byble bable.
164KYNGE JOHAN. Thow semyst to be a man of symple dyscrescyon.
165SEDWSYON. Alas, that ye are not a pryst to here confessyon.
166KYNGE JOHAN. Why for confessyon? lett me know thi fantasye.
167SEDWSYON. Becawse that ye are a man so full of mercye,
168Namely to women that wepe with a hevy harte
169Whan they in the churche hath lett but a lytyl farte.
170KYNGE JOHAN. I perseyve well now thow speakyst all this in mockage,
171Becawse I take parte with Englandes ryghtfull herytage.
172Say thu what thow wylt her maters shall not peryshe.
173SEDWSYON. Yt is joye of hym that women so can cheryshe.
174KYNGE JOHAN. God hathe me ordeynned in this same princely estate
175For that I shuld helpe such as be desolate.
176SEDWSYON. Yt is as great pyte to se a woman wepe
177As yt is to se a sely dodman crepe,
178Or, as ye wold say, a sely goose go barefote.
179KYNGE JOHAN. Thou semyste by thy wordes to have no more wytt than a coote.
180I mervell them arte to Englond so unnaturall,
181Beyng her owne chyld: thou art worse than a best brutall.
182SEDWSYON. I am not her chyld, I defye hyr by the messe.
183I her sone, quoth he! I had rather she were hedlesse.
184Thowgh I sumtyme be in Englond for my pastaunce,
185Yet was I neyther borne here, in Spayne, nor in Fraunce,
186But under the pope in the holy cyte of Rome,
187And there wyll I dwell unto the daye of dome.
188KYNGE JOHAN. But what is thy name, tell me yett onys agayne?
189SEDWSYON. As I sayd afore, I am Sedycyon playne:
190In euery relygyon and munkysh secte I rayne,
191Havyng yow prynces in scorne, hate and dysdayne.
192KYNGE JOHAN. I pray the, good frynd, tell me what ys thy facyon?
193SEDWSYON. Serche and ye shall fynd in euery congregacyon
194That long to the pope, for they are to me full swer,
195And wyll be so long as they last and endwer.
196KYNGE JOHAN. Yff thow be a cloysterer, tell of what order thow art?
197SEDWSYON. In euery estate of the clargye I playe a part.
198Sumtyme I can be a monke in a long syd cowle,
199Sumtyme I can be a none and loke lyke an owle:
200Sumtyme a chanon in a syrples fayer and whyght,
201A chapterhowse monke sumtyme I apere in syght.
202I am ower syre John sumtyme with a new shaven crowne,
203Sumtyme the person and swepe the stretes with a syd gowne:
204Sumtyme the bysshoppe with a myter and a cope;
205A graye fryer sumtyme with cutt shoes and a rope:
206Sumtyme I can playe the whyght monke, sumtyme the fryer,
207The purgatory prist and euery mans wyffe desyer.
208This cumpany hath provyded for me morttmayne,
209For that I myght ever among ther sort remayne:
210Yea, to go farder, sumtyme I am a cardynall;
211Yea, sumtyme a pope and than am I lord over all,
212Bothe in hevyn and erthe and also in purgatory,
213And do weare iij crownes whan I am in my glorye.
214KYNGE JOHAN. But what doeste thow here in England, tell me shortlye?
215SEDWSYON. I hold upp the pope, as in other places many,
216For his ambassador I am contynwally,
217In Sycell, in Naples, in Venys and Ytalye,
218In Pole, Spruse, and Berne, in Denmarke and Lumbardye,
219In Aragon, in Spayne, in Fraunce and in Germanye,
220In Ynglond, in Scotlond, and in other regyons elles;
221For his holy cawse I mayntayne traytors and rebelles,
222That no prince can have his peples obedyence,
223Except yt doth stond with the popes prehemynence.
224KYNGE JOHAN. Gett the hence, thow knave, and moste presumptuows wreche,
225Or as I am trew kyng thow shalt an halter streche.
226We wyll thow know yt, owr power ys of God,
227And therfore we wyll so execute the rod
228That no lewde pryst shall be able to mayneteyne the.
229I se now they be at to mych lyberte:
230We wyll short ther hornys, yf God send tyme and space.
231SEDWSYON. Than I in Englond am lyke to have no place.
232KYNGE JOHAN. No, that thow arte not, and therfor avoyd apace.
233SEDWSYON. By the holy masse, I must lawgh to here yowr grace.
234Ye suppose and thynke that ye cowd me subdewe:
235Ye shall never fynd yowr supposycyon trewe,
236Thowgh ye wer as strong as Hector and Diomedes,
237Or as valyant as ever was Achylles.
238Ye are well content that bysshoppes contynew styll?
239KYNGE JOHAN. We are so in dede, yf they ther dewte fullfyll.
240SEDWSYON. Nay than, good inowgh, yowr awtoryte and power
241Shall passe as they wyll, they have sawce bothe swet and sower.
242KYNGE JOHAN. What menyst thow by that? shew me thy intente this hower.
243SEDWSYON. They are Godes vycars, they can both save and lose.
244KYNGE JOHAN. Ah, thy meening ys that they maye a prynce depose.
245SEDWSYON. By the rood they may, and that wyll appere by yow.
246KYNGE JOHAN. Be the helpe of God we shall se to that well inow.
247SEDWSYON. Nay, ye can not, thowgh ye had Argus eyes,
248In abbeyes they haue so many suttyll spyes;
249For ones in the yere they have secret vysytacyons,
250And yf ony prynce reforme ther ungodly facyons,
251Than ij of the monkes must forthe to Rome by and by
252With secrett letters to avenge ther injury.
253For a thowsand pownd they shrynke not in soch matter.
254And yet for the tyme the prynce to his face they flater.
255I am ever more ther gyde and ther advocate.
256KYNGE JOHAN. Than with the bysshoppes and monkes thu art checke mate.
257SEDWSYON. I dwell among them and am one of ther sorte.
258KYNGE JOHAN. For thy sake they shall of me have but small comforte.
259Loke wher I fynd the, that place wyll I put downe.
260SEDWSYON. What yf ye do chance to fynd me in euery towne
261Where as is fownded any sect monastycall?
262KYNGE JOHAN. I pray God I synke yf I dystroye them not all.
263SEDWSYON. Well, yf ye so do, yett know I where to dwell.
264KYNGE JOHAN. Thow art not skoymose thy fantasy for to tell.
265SEDWSYON. Gesse, at a venture ye may chance the marke to hytt.
266KYNGE JOHAN. Thy falssed to shew no man than thy selfe more fytt.
267SEDWSYON. Mary, in confessyon under nethe benedicite.
268KYNGE JOHAN. Nay tell yt agayne, that I may understond the.
269SEDWSYON. I say I can dwell, whan all other placys fayle me.
270In ere confessyon undernethe benedicite;
271And whan I am there, the pryst may not bewray me.
272KYNGE JOHAN. Why wyll ere confesshon soch a secret traytor be?
273SEDWSYON. Whan all other fayle he is so sure as stele.
274Offend holy churche and I warrant ye shall yt fele,
275For by confessyon the holy father knoweth
276Throw owt all Christendom what to his holynes growyth.
277KYNGE JOHAN. Oh, where ys Nobylyte, that he myght knowe thys falshed?
278SEDWSYON. Nay he is becum a mayntener of owr godhed.
279I know that he wyll do holy chyrche no wronge,
280For I am his gostly father and techear amonge.
281He belevyth nothyng but as holy chyrch doth tell.
282KYNGE JOHAN. Why, geveth he no credence to Cristes holy gospell?
283SEDWSYON. No, ser, by the messe, but he callyth them heretyckes
284That preche the gospell, and sedycyows scysmatyckes,
285He tache them, vex them, from prison to prison he turne them,
286He indygth them, juge them, and in conclusyon he burne them.
287KYNGE JOHAN. We rewe to here this of owr nobylyte.
288But in this be halfe what seyst of the spretuallte?
289SEDWSYON. Of this I am swer to them to be no stranger,
290And spesyally, whan ther honor ys in dawnger.
291KYNGE JOHAN. We trust owr lawers have no such wyckyd myndes.
292SEDWSYON. Yes, they many tymys are my most secrett fryndes.
293With faythfull prechers they can play leger demayne,
294And with false colores procure them to be slayne.
295KYNGE JOHAN. I perseyve this worlde is full of iniquite.
296As God wold have yt here cummyth Nobylyte.
297SEDWSYON. Doth he so in dede, by owr lord than wyll I hence.
298KYNGE JOHAN. Thow saydest thu woldyst dwell where he kepyth resydence.
299SEDWSYON. Yea, but fyrst of all I must chaunge myn apparell
300Unto a bysshoppe, to maynetayene with my quarell;
301To a monke or pryst, or to sum holy fryer.
302I shuld never elles accomplych my dysyre.
303KYNGE JOHAN. Why art thow goyng? naye, brother, thow shalte not hence.
304SEDWSYON. I wold not be sene as I am for fortye pence.
305Whan I am relygyouse I wyll returne agayne.
306KYNGE JOHAN. Thow shalt tary here, or I must put the to payne.
307SEDWSYON. I have a great mynd to be a lecherous man:
308A wengonce take yt, I wold saye a relygyous man.
309I wyll go and cum so fast as evyr I can.
310KYNGE JOHAN. Tush, dally not with me. I saye thow shalt abyde.
311SEDWSYON. Wene yow to hold me that I shall not slyppe asyde?
312KYNGE JOHAN. Make no more prattyng, for I saye thu shalt abyde.
313SEDWSYON. Stoppe not my passage, I must over see at the next tyde.
314KYNGE JOHAN. I will ordeyne so, I trowe, thow shalt not over.
315SEDWSYON. Tush, tush, I am sewer of redy passage at Dover.
316KYNGE JOHAN. The devyll go with hym: the unthryftye knave is gone.
317Her go owt SEDWSION and drese for CYVYLL ORDER.
318[Enter] NOBELYTE.
319NOBELYTE. Treble not yowr sylfe with no such dyssolute persone;
320For ye knowe full well very lyttell honeste
321Ys gote at ther handes in every commynnalte.
322KYNGE JOHAN. This is but dallyaunce: ye do not speke as ye thynke.
323NOBELYTE. By my trowthe I do, or elles I wold I shuld synke.
324KYNGE JOHAN. Than must I marvell at yow of all men lyvynge.
325NOBELYTE. Why mervell at me? tell me yowr very menyng.
326KYNGE JOHAN. For no man levynge is in more famylyerite
327With that wycked wrech, yf it be trew that he told me.
328NOBELYTE. What wrech speke ye of, for Jesus love intymate?
329KYNGE JOHAN. Of that presumtous wrech that was with me here of late,
330Whom yow wyllyd not to vexe my selfe with all.
331NOBELYTE. I know hym not I, by the waye that my sowll to shall.
332KYNGE JOHAN. Make yt not so strange, for ye know hym wyll inow.
333NOBELYTE. Beleve me yff ye wyll: I know hym not I assuer yow.
334KYNGE JOHAN. Ware ye never yett aquantyd with Sedission?
335NOBELYTE. Syns I was a chyld both hym and his condycyon
336I ever hated for his iniquite.
337KYNGE JOHAN. A clere tokyn that is of trew nobelyte,
338But I pray to God we fynde yt not other wyse.
339Yt was never well syns the clargy wrowght by practyse,
340And left the scripture for mens ymagynacyons,
341Dyvydyng them selvys in so many congrygacyons
342Of monkes, chanons, and fryers of dyvers colors and facyons.
343[Enter] THE CLARGY.
344THE CLARGY. I do trust yowr grace wyll be as lovyng now
345As yowr predysessowrs have bene to us before yow.
346KYNGE JOHAN. I wyll suer wey my love with yowr be havers,
347Lyke as ye deserve, so wyll I bere yow favers.
348Clargy, marke yt well, I have more to yow to say
349Than, as the sayeng is, the prest dyd speke a sonday.
350THE CLARGY. Ye wyll do us no wrong, I hope, nor injurye.
351KYNGE JOHAN. No, I wyll do yow ryght in seyng yow do yowr dewtye.
352We know the cawtelles of yowr sotyll companye.
353THE CLARGY. Yf ye do us wrong we shall seke remedy.
354KYNGE JOHAN. Yea, that is the cast of all yowr company.
355Whan kynges correcte yow for yowr actes most ungodly,
356To the pope, syttyng in the chayer of pestoolens,
357Ye ronne to remayne in yowr concupysens.
358Thus sett ye at nowght all princely prehemynens,
359Subdewyng the order of dew obedyens.
360But with in a whyle I shall so abate yowr pryde
361That to yowr pope ye shall noyther runne nor ryde,
362But ye shall be glad to seke to me yowr prynce
363For all such maters as shall be with in this provynce,
364Lyke as God wyllyth yow by his scripture evydente.
365NOBELYTE. To the church, I trust, ye wyll be obedyent.
366KYNGE JOHAN. No mater to yow whether I be so or no.
367NOBELYTE. Yes, mary is yt, for I am sworne therunto.
368I toke a great othe whan I was dubbyd a knyght
369Ever to defend the holy churches ryght.
370THE CLARGY. Yea, and in her quarell ye owght onto deth to fyght.
371KYNGE JOHAN. Lyke backes in the darke ye always take yowr flyght,
372Flytteryng in fanseys and ever abhorre the lyght.
373I rew yt in hart that yow, Nobelyte,
374Shuld thus bynd yowr selfe to the grett captyvyte
375Of blody Babulon, the grownd and mother of whordom,
376The Romych churche I meane, more vyle than ever was Sodom,
377And to say the trewth a mete spowse for the fynd.
378THE CLARGY. Yowr grace is fare gonne: God send yow a better mynd.
379KYNGE JOHAN. Hold yowr peace, I say, ye are a lytyll to fatte:
380In a whyle, I hope, ye shall be lener sumwhatte.
381We shall loke to yow and to Sivyll Order also:
382Ye walke not so secrett but we know wher a bowght ye goo.
383[Enter] CYVYLL ORDER.
384CYVYLL ORDER. Why, yowr grace hath no cawse with me to be dysplesyd.
385KYNGE JOHAN. All thyngs consyderyd, we have small cause to be plesyd.
386CYVYLL ORDER. I besech yowr grace to graunt me a word or too.
387KYNGE JOHAN. Speke on yowr pleasure, and yowr hole mynd also.
388CYVYLL ORDER. Ye know very well to set all thynges in order
389I have moche ado, and many thynges passe fro me
390For yowr common welth, and that in euery border
391For offyces, for londes, for lawe and for lyberte,
392And for transgressors I appoynt the penalte;
393That cytes and townes maye stand in quiotose peace,
394That all theft and murder, with other vyce maye seace.
395Yff I have chaunsed for want of cyrcumspeccyon
396To passe the lymytes of ryght and equite,
397I submyte my selfe unto yowr graces correccyon,
398Desyryng pardon of yowr benygnyte.
399I wot I maye fall throwgh my fragylyte,
400Therfore I praye yow tell me what the mater ys,
401And amends shall be where as I have done amyse.
402KYNGE JOHAN. Aganste amendement no resonnable man can be.
403NOBELYTE. That sentence rysyth owt of an hygh charyte.
404KYNGE JOHAN. Now that ye are here assembled all to gether,
405Amongeste other thynges ye shall fyrst of all consyder
406That my dysplesure rebonnyth on to yow all.
407THE CLARGY. To yow non of us ys prejudycyall.
408KYNGE JOHAN. I shall prove yt; yes, how have ye usyd Englond?
409NOBELYTE. But as yt becommyth us, so fare as I understond.
410KYNGE JOHAN. Yes, the pore woman complayneth her grevosly,
411And not with owt a cawse, for she hath great injurye.
412I must se to yt, ther ys no remedy,
413For it ys a charge gevyn me from God all myghtye.
414How saye ye, Clargye, apperyth it not so to yow?
415THE CLARGY. Yf it lykyth yowr grace all we know that well ynow.
416KYNGE JOHAN. Than yow, Nobelyte, wyll affyrme yt I am suer.
417NOBELYTE. Ye, that I wyll, sur, so long as my lyfe indure.
418KYNGE JOHAN. And yow, Cyvyll Order, I thynke wyll graunte the same?
419CYVYLL ORDER. Ondowghted, sir, yea, elles ware yt to me gret shame.
420KYNGE JOHAN. Than for Englondes cawse I wyll be sume what playne.
421Yt is yow, Clargy, that hathe her in dysdayne,
422With yowr latyne howrs, serymonyes, and popetly playes:
423In her more and more Gods holy worde decayes;
424And them to maynteyn unresonable ys the spoyle
425Of her londs, her goods, and of her pore chylders toyle.
426Rekyn fyrst yowr tythis, yowr devocyons, and yowr offrynges,
427Mortuaryes, pardons, bequests, and other thynges,
428Besydes that ye cache for halowed belles and purgatorye,
429For juelles, for relyckes, confessyon, and cowrts of baudrye,
430For legacyes, trentalls, with scalacely messys,
431Wherby ye have made the people very assys.
432And over all this ye have browght in a rabyll
433Of latyne mummers and sects desseyvabyll,
434Evyn to dewore her and eat her upp attonnys.
435THE CLARGY. Yow wold have no churche, I wene, by thes sacred bones.
436KYNGE JOHAN. Yes, I wold have a churche not of dysgysyd shavelynges,
437But of faythfull hartes and charytable doynges;
438For whan Christes Chyrch was in her hyeste glory
439She knew neyther thes sectes nor their ipocrysy.
440THE CLARGY. Yes, I wyll prove yt by David substancyally.
441Astitit Regina a dextris tuis in vestitu
442Deaurato, circumdata varietate.
443A quene, sayth Davyd, on thy ryght hand, Lord, I se
444Apparrellyd with golde and compassyd with dyversyte.
445KYNGE JOHAN. What ys yowr meanyng by that same scripture, tell me?
446THE CLARGY. This quene ys the Chyrch, which thorow all cristen regions
447Ys beawtyfull dectyd with many holy relygyons,
448Munks, chanons and fryers, most excellent dyvynis,
449As Grandy Montensers and other Benedictyns,
450Primostratensers, Bernards, and Gylbertynys,
451Jacobytes, Mynors, Whyght Cannes, and Augustynis,
452Sanbenets, Cluniackes, with holy Carthusyans,
453Heremytes and Ancors, with most myghty Rodyans;
454Crucifers, Lucifers, Brigettis, Ambrosyanes,
455Stellifers, Ensifers, with Purgatoryanes,
456Sophyanes, Indianes and Camaldulensers,
457Clarynes and Cohimbynes, Templers, newe Ninivytes,
458Rufyanes, Tercyanes, Lorytes and Lazarytes,
459Hungaryes, Teutonykes, Hospitelers, Honofrynes,
460Basyles and Bonhams, Solanons and Celestynes,
461Paulynes, Hieronymytes, and Monkes of Josaphathes Valleye,
462Fulygynes, Flamynes, with bretherne of the black alleye,
463Donates and Dimysynes, with Canons of S. Marke,
464Vestals and Monyals, a worlde to heare them barke;
465Abbotts and doctors, with bysshoppes and cardynales,
466Archedecons and pristes, as to ther fortune falles.
467CYVYLL ORDER. Me thynkyth yowr fyrst text stondeth nothyng with yowr reson,
468For in Davydes tyme wer no such sects of relygyon.
469KYNGE JOHAN. Davyd meanyth vertuys by the same diversyte,
470As in the sayd psalme yt is evydent to se,
471And not munkysh sects; but it is ever yowr cast
472For yowr advauncement the scripturs for to wrast.
473THE CLARGY. Of owr holy father in this I take my grownd,
474Which hathe awtoryte the scripturs to expond.
475KYNGE JOHAN. Nay, he presumyth the scripturs to confownd.
476Nowther thow nor the pope shall do pore Englond wronge,
477I beyng governor and kyng her peple amonge:
478Whyle yow for lucre sett forth yowr popysh lawys
479Yowr selvys to advaunce, ye wold make us pycke strawes.
480Nay, ipocryts, nay, we wyll not be scornyd soo
481Of a sort of knavys, we shall loke yow otherwyse too.
482NOBELYTE. Sur, yowr sprytes are movyd, I persayve by yowr langage.
483KYNGE JOHAN. I wonder that yow for such veyne popych baggage
484Can suffyr Englond to be impoveryshyd
485And mad a begger: yow are very yll advysyd.
486NOBELYTE. I marvell grettly that ye say thus to me.
487KYNGE JOHAN. For dowghtles ye do not as becummyth Nobelyte.
488Ye spare nouther lands nor goods, but all ye geve
489To thes cormerants: yt wold any good man greve
490To se yowr madnes, as I wold God shuld save me.
491NOBELYTE. Sur, I suppose yt good to bylde a perpetuite
492For me and my frendes to be prayed for evermore.
493KYNGE JOHAN. Tush, yt is madnes all to dyspayre in God so sore,
494And to thynke Christs deth to be unsufficient.
495NOBELYTE. Sur, that I have don was of a good intent.
496KYNGE JOHAN. The intente ys nowght whych hath no sewer grounde.
497THE CLARGY. Yff yow continue, ye wyll Holy Chyrch confunde.
498KYNGE JOHAN. Nay, no Holy Chyrch, nor feythfull congregacyon,
499But an hepe of adders of antecrists generacyon.
500CYVYLL ORDER. Yt pyttyth me moche that ye are to them so harde.
501KYNGE JOHAN. Yt petyeth me more that ye them so mych regarde.
502They dystroye mennys sowlls with damnable supersticyon,
503And decaye all realmys by meyntenaunce of sedycyon.
504Ye wold wonder to know what profe I have of this.
505NOBELYTE. Well, amenment shalbe wher anythyng is amysse;
506For undowtted God doth open soche thyngs to prynces
507As to none other men in the crystyen provynces,
508And therfor we wyll not in this with yowr grace contend.
509CYVYLL ORDER. No, but with Gods grace we shall owr mysededes amend.
510THE CLARGY. For all such forfets as yowr pryncely mageste
511For yowr owne person or realme can prove by me
512I submytte my selfe to yow bothe body and goods.
514KYNGE JOHAN. We pety yow now consyderyng yowr repentante modes,
515And owr gracyous pardone we grawnte yow upon amendment.
516THE CLARGY. God preserve yowr grace and mageste excelent.
517KYNGE JOHAN. Aryse, Clargy, aryse, and ever be obedyent,
518And as God commandeth yow take us for yowr governer.
519THE CLARGY. By the grace of God the pope shall be my ruler.
520KYNGE JOHAN. What saye ye, Clargy, who ys yowr governer?
521THE CLARGY. Ha! ded I stomble? I sayd my prynce ys my ruler.
522KYNGE JOHAN. I pray to owr Lord this obedyence maye indewre.
523THE CLARGY. I wyll not breke yt, ye may be fast and suer.
524KYNGE JOHAN. Than cum hether all thre: ye shall know more of my mynde.
525THE CLARGY. Owr kyng to obeye the scriptur doth us bynde.
526KYNGE JOHAN. Ye shall fyrst be sworne to God and to the crowne
527To be trew and juste in every cetye and towne,
528And this to performe set hand and kysse the bocke.
529CYVYLL ORDER. With the wyffe of Loth we wyll not backeward locke,
530Nor turne from owr oth, but ever obeye yowr grace.
531KYNGE JOHAN. Than wyll I gyve yow yowr chargys her in place,
532And accepte yow all to be of owr hyghe councell.
533THE CLARGY, NOBELYTE & CYVYLL ORDER. To be faythfull, than, ye us more streytly compell.
534KYNGE JOHAN. For the love of God loke to the state of Englond.
535Leate non enemy holde her in myserable bond:
536Se yow defend her as yt becummyth Nobilite;
537Se yow instrutte her acordyng to yowr degre;
538Fournysh her yow with a cyvyle honeste:
539Thus shall she florysh in honor and grett plente.
540With godly wysdom yowr matters so conveye
541That the commynnalte the powers maye obeye,
542And ever be ware of that false thefe Sedycyon,
543Whych poysenneth all realmes and bryng them to perdycyon.
544NOBELYTE. Sur, for soche wrecches we wyll be so circumspecte,
545That neyther ther falsed nor gylle shall us infecte.
546THE CLARGY. I warrant yow, sur, no, and that shall well apere.
547CYVYLL ORDER. We wyll so provyde, yff anye of them cum here
548To dysturbe the realme, they shall be full glad to fle.
549KYNGE JOHAN. Well, yowr promyse includeth no small dyffyculte,
550But I put the case that this false thefe Sedycyon
551Shuld cum to yow thre, and call hym selfe Relygyon,
552Myght he not under the pretence of holynes
553Cawse yow to consent to myche ungodlynes?
554NOBELYTE. He shall never be able to do yt veryly.
555KYNGE JOHAN. God graunt ye be not deceyvyd by hypocresye.
556I say no more I: in shepes aparell sum walke,
557And seme relygeyose that deceyvably can calke.
558Be ware of soche hypocrites as the kyngdom of hevyn fro man
559Do hyde for a wantage, for they deceyve now and than.
560Well, I leve yow here: yche man consyder his dewtye.
561NOBELYTE. With Gods leve no faute shall be in this companye.
562KYNGE JOHAN. Cum, Cyvyle Order, ye shall go hence with me.
563CYVYLL ORDER. At your commandmente: I wyll gladlye wayte upon ye.
564Here KYNG JOHAN and SIVILE ORDER go owt, and SYVILE ORDER drese hym for SEDWSYON.
565NOBELYTE. Me thynke the Kyng is a man of a wonderfull wytt.
566THE CLARGY. Naye, saye that he is of a vengeable craftye wytt,
567Than shall ye be sure the trewth of the thyng to hytt.
568Hard ye not how he of the Holy Church dyd rayle?
569His extreme thretynyngs shall lytyll hym avayle:
570I wyll worke soch wayes that he shall of his purpose fayle.
571NOBELYTE. Yt is meet a prince to saye sumwhat for his plesure.
572THE CLARGY. Yea, but yt is to moch to rayle so withowt mesure.
573NOBELYTE. Well, lett every man speke lyke as he hathe a cawse.
574THE CLARGY. Why, do ye say so? yt is tyme for me than to pawse.
575NOBELYTE. This wyll I saye, sur, that he ys so noble a prynce
576As this day raygneth in ony cristyen provynce.
577THE CLARGY. Mary, yt apereth well by that he wonne in Fraunce.
578NOBELYTE. Well, he lost not there so moche by martyall chaunce,
579But he gate moche more in Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
580THE CLARGY. Yea, God sped us well, crystmes songes are mery tales.
581NOBELYTE. Ye dysdayne soche mater as ye know full evydent.
582Are not both Ireland and Wales to hym obedyent?
583Yes, he holdyth them bothe in pessable possessyon,
584And by cause I wyll not from yowr tall make degressyon,
585For his lond in Fraunce he gyveth but lytell forsse,
586Havyng to Englond all his love and remorse;
587And Angoye he gave to Artur his nevy in chaunge.
588THE CLARGY. Our changes are soch that an abbeye turneth to a graunge.
589We are so handled we have scarce eyther horse or male.
590NOBELYTE. He that dothe hate me the worse wyll tell my tale.
591Yt is yowr fassyon soche kyngs to dyscommend
592As yowr abuses reforme or reprehend.
593You pristes are the cawse that Chronycles doth defame
594So many prynces, and men of notable name,
595For yow take upon yow to wryght them evermore.
596And therfore Kyng Johan ys lyke to rewe yt sore,
597Whan ye wryte his tyme, for vexyng of the Clargy.
598THE CLARGY. I mervell ye take his parte so ernestlye.
599NOBELYTE. Yt be comyth Nobelyte his prynces fame to preserve.
600THE CLARGY. Yf he contynew, we are lyke in a whyle to starve.
601He demaundeth of us the tenth parte of owr lyvyng.
602NOBELYTE. I thynke yt is then for sum nessessary thyng.
603THE CLARGY. Mary, to recover that he hath lost in Fraunce,
604As Normandy dewkedom, and his land beyond Orleaunce.
605NOBELYTE. And thynke ye not that a mater nessesary?
606THE CLARGY. No, sur, by my trowth, he takyng yt of the Clergy.
607NOBELYTE. Ye cowde be content that he shuld take yt of us.
608THE CLARGY. Yea, so that he wold spare the Clargy, by swet Jesus.
609This takyng of us myght sone growe to a custom,
610And than Holy Churche myght so be browght to thraldom,
611Whych hath ben ever from temporall prynces free,
612As towchyng trybute or other captyvyte.
613NOBELYTE. He that defendeth yow owght to have parte of yowr goodes.
614THE CLARGY. He hath the prayers of all them that hathe hoodes.
615NOBELYTE. Why, ys that inowgh to helpe hym in his warre?
616THE CLARGY. The churche he may not of lyberte debarre.
617NOBELYTE. Ded not Crist hym selfe pay trybutt unto Ceser?
618Yf he payd trybute, so owght his holy vycar.
619THE CLARGY. To here ye reson so ondyscretlye I wonder.
620Ye must consyder that Crist that tyme was under;
621But his vycar now ys above the prynces all,
622Therfor be ware ye do not to herysy fall.
623Ye owght to beleve as Holy Chyrche doth teche yow,
624And not to reason in soche hygh maters now.
625NOBELYTE. I am vnlernyd: my wytts are sone confowndyd.
626THE CLARGY. Than leve soch maters to men more depely growndyd.
627NOBELYTE. But how wyll ye do for the othe that ye have take?
628THE CLARGY. The keyes of the Church can all soche maters of shake.
629NOBELYTE. What call ye those keyes, I pray yow hartly tell me?
630THE CLARGY. Owr holy fathers power, and hys hygh autoryte.
631NOBELYTE. Well, I can no more say; ye are to well lernyd for me.
632My bysynes ys soche that here now I must leve ye.
633THE CLARGY. I must hence also so fast as ever maye be
634To sewe vn to Rome for the Churches lyberte.
635Go owt NOBYLYTE and CLARGY.