Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: Julius Caesar (Folio 1, 1623)
  • Editor: John D. Cox
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-366-3

    Copyright John D. Cox. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: John D. Cox
    Peer Reviewed

    Julius Caesar (Folio 1, 1623)

    124The Tragedie of Julius Caesar
    1905And bayed about with many Enemies,
    And some that smile haue in their hearts I feare
    Millions of Mischeefes. Exeunt

    Drum. Enter Brutus, Lucillius, and the Army. Titinius
    and Pindarus meete them.
    1910Bru. Stand ho.
    Lucil. Giue the word ho, and Stand.
    Bru. What now Lucillius, is Cassius neere?
    Lucil. He is at hand, and Pindarus is come
    To do you salutation from his Master.
    1915Bru. He greets me well. Your Master Pindarus
    In his owne change, or by ill Officers,
    Hath giuen me some worthy cause to wish
    Things done, vndone: But if he be at hand
    I shall be satisfied.
    1920Pin. I do not doubt
    But that my Noble Master will appeare
    Such as he is, full of regard, and Honour.
    Bru. He is not doubted. A word Lucillius
    How he receiu'd you: let me be resolu'd.
    1925Lucil. With courtesie, and with respect enough,
    But not with such familiar instances,
    Nor with such free and friendly Conference
    As he hath vs'd of old.
    Bru. Thou hast describ'd
    1930A hot Friend, cooling: Euer note Lucillius,
    When Loue begins to sicken and decay
    It vseth an enforced Ceremony.
    There are no trickes, in plaine and simple Faith:
    But hollow men, like Horses hot at hand,
    1935Make gallant shew, and promise of their Mettle:
    Low March within.
    But when they should endure the bloody Spurre,
    They fall their Crests, and like deceitfull Iades
    Sinke in the Triall. Comes his Army on?
    1940Lucil. They meane this night in Sardis to be quarter'd:
    The greater part, the Horse in generall
    Are come with Cassius.
    Enter Cassius and his Powers.
    Bru. Hearke, he is arriu'd:
    1945March gently on to meete him.
    Cassi. Stand ho.
    Bru. Stand ho, speake the word along.
    Cassi. Most Noble Brother, you haue done me wrong.
    Bru. Iudge me you Gods; wrong I mine Enemies?
    And if not so, how should I wrong a Brother.
    Cassi. Brutus, this sober forme of yours, hides wrongs,
    1955And when you do them---
    Brut. Cassius, be content,
    Speake your greefes softly, I do know you well.
    Before the eyes of both our Armies heere
    (Which should perceiue nothing but Loue from vs)
    1960Let vs not wrangle. Bid them moue away:
    Then in my Tent Cassius enlarge your Greefes,
    And I will giue you Audience.
    Cassi. Pindarus,
    Bid our Commanders leade their Charges off
    1965A little from this ground.
    Bru. Lucillius, do you the like, and let no man
    Come to our Tent, till we haue done our Conference.
    Let Lucius and Titinius guard our doore. Exeunt
    Manet Brutus and Cassius.
    1970Cassi. That you haue wrong'd me, doth appear in this:
    You haue condemn'd, and noted Lucius Pella
    For taking Bribes heere of the Sardians;
    Wherein my Letters, praying on his side,
    Because I knew the man was slighted off.
    1975Bru. You wrong'd your selfe to write in such a case.
    Cassi. In such a time as this, it is not meet
    That euery nice offence should beare his Comment.
    Bru. Let me tell you Cassius, you your selfe
    Are much condemn'd to haue an itching Palme,
    1980To sell, and Mart your Offices for Gold
    To Vndeseruers.
    Cassi. I, an itching Palme?
    You know that you are Brutus that speakes this,
    Or by the Gods, this speech were else your last.
    1985Bru. The name of Cassius Honors this corruption,
    And Chasticement doth therefore hide his head.
    Cassi. Chasticement?
    Bru. Remember March, the Ides of March remẽmber:
    Did not great Iulius bleede for Iustice sake?
    1990What Villaine touch'd his body, that did stab,
    And not for Iustice? What? Shall one of Vs,
    That strucke the Formost man of all this World,
    But for supporting Robbers: shall we now,
    Contaminate our fingers, with base Bribes?
    1995And sell the mighty space of our large Honors
    For so much trash, as may be grasped thus?
    I had rather be a Dogge, and bay the Moone,
    Then such a Roman.
    Cassi. Brutus, baite not me,
    2000Ile not indure it: you forget your selfe
    To hedge me in. I am a Souldier, I,
    Older in practice, Abler then your selfe
    To make Conditions.
    Bru. Go too: you are not Cassius.
    2005Cassi. I am.
    Bru. I say, you are not.
    Cassi. Vrge me no more, I shall forget my selfe:
    Haue minde vpon your health: Tempt me no farther.
    Bru. Away slight man.
    2010Cassi. Is't possible?
    Bru. Heare me, for I will speake.
    Must I giue way, and roome to your rash Choller?
    Shall I be frighted, when a Madman stares?
    Cassi. O ye Gods, ye Gods, Must I endure all this?
    2015Bru. All this? I more: Fret till your proud hart break.
    Go shew your Slaues how Chollericke you are,
    And make your Bondmen tremble. Must I bouge?
    Must I obserue you? Must I stand and crouch
    Vnder your Testie Humour? By the Gods,
    2020You shall digest the Venom of your Spleene
    Though it do Split you. For, from this day forth,
    Ile vse you for my Mirth, yea for my Laughter
    When you are Waspish.
    Cassi. Is it come to this?
    2025Bru. You say, you are a better Souldier:
    Let it appeare so; make your vaunting true,
    And it shall please me well. For mine owne part,
    I shall be glad to learne of Noble men.
    Cass. You wrong me euery way:
    2030You wrong me Brutus:
    I saide, an Elder Souldier, not a Better.
    Did I say Better?
    Bru. If you did, I care not.
    Cass. When Caesar liu'd, he durst not thus haue mou'd (me.
    2035Brut. Peace, peace, you durst not so haue tempted him.