Peer Reviewed
Julius Caesar (Folio 1, 1623)
124The Tragedie of Julius Caesar
1905And bayed about with many Enemies,
1908Drum. Enter Brutus, Lucillius, and the Army. Titinius
1909and Pindarus meete them.
1910Bru. Stand ho.
1911Lucil. Giue the word ho, and Stand.
1913Lucil. He is at hand, and Pindarus is come
1916In his owne change, or by ill Officers,
1918Things done, vndone: But if he be at hand
1920Pin. I do not doubt
1921But that my Noble Master will appeare
1922Such as he is, full of regard, and Honour.
1923Bru. He is not doubted. A word Lucillius
1924How he receiu'd you: let me be resolu'd.
1927Nor with such free and friendly Conference
1928As he hath vs'd of old.
1930A hot Friend, cooling: Euer note Lucillius,
1931When Loue begins to sicken and decay
1932It vseth an enforced Ceremony.
1933There are no trickes, in plaine and simple Faith:
1934But hollow men, like Horses hot at hand,
1936 Low March within.
1937But when they should endure the bloody Spurre,
1938They fall their Crests, and like deceitfull Iades
1939Sinke in the Triall. Comes his Army on?
1940Lucil. They meane this night in Sardis to be quarter'd:
1941The greater part, the Horse in generall
1942Are come with Cassius.
1943Enter Cassius and his Powers.
1944Bru. Hearke, he is arriu'd:
1945March gently on to meete him.
1946Cassi. Stand ho.
1952Bru. Iudge me you Gods; wrong I mine Enemies?
1955And when you do them---
1957Speake your greefes softly, I do know you well.
1958Before the eyes of both our Armies heere
1959(Which should perceiue nothing but Loue from vs)
1960Let vs not wrangle. Bid them moue away:
1961Then in my Tent Cassius enlarge your Greefes,
1962And I will giue you Audience.
1963Cassi. Pindarus,
1964Bid our Commanders leade their Charges off
1965A little from this ground.
1966Bru. Lucillius, do you the like, and let no man
1967Come to our Tent, till we haue done our Conference.
1968Let Lucius and Titinius guard our doore. Exeunt
1969Manet Brutus and Cassius.
1970Cassi. That you haue wrong'd me, doth appear in this:
1971You haue condemn'd, and noted Lucius Pella
1972For taking Bribes heere of the Sardians;
1973Wherein my Letters, praying on his side,
1979Are much condemn'd to haue an itching Palme,
1981To Vndeseruers.
1982Cassi. I, an itching Palme?
1983You know that you are Brutus that speakes this,
1986And Chasticement doth therefore hide his head.
1988Bru. Remember March, the Ides of March remẽmber:
1990What Villaine touch'd his body, that did stab,
1991And not for Iustice? What? Shall one of Vs,
1997I had rather be a Dogge, and bay the Moone,
1998Then such a Roman.
1999Cassi. Brutus, baite not me,
2000Ile not indure it: you forget your selfe
2001To hedge me in. I am a Souldier, I,
2003To make Conditions.
2005Cassi. I am.
2008Haue minde vpon your health: Tempt me no farther.
2013Shall I be frighted, when a Madman stares?
2015Bru. All this? I more: Fret till your proud hart break.
2016Go shew your Slaues how Chollericke you are,
2017And make your Bondmen tremble. Must I bouge?
2019Vnder your Testie Humour? By the Gods,
2021Though it do Split you. For, from this day forth,
2022Ile vse you for my Mirth, yea for my Laughter
2024Cassi. Is it come to this?
2026Let it appeare so; make your vaunting true,
2028I shall be glad to learne of Noble men.
2029Cass. You wrong me euery way:
2030You wrong me Brutus:
2031I saide, an Elder Souldier, not a Better.
2032Did I say Better?
2033Bru. If you did, I care not.