Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Famous Victories of Henry V
Famous Victories of Henry V (Modern)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
Enter King of France, King of England, [Secretary,] 1450and attendants.
Now, my good brother of France, 1452my coming into this land was not to shed blood 1453but for the right of my country, which, if you can deny, 1454I am content peaceably to leave my siege 1455and to depart out of your land.
What is it you demand, 1457my loving brother of England?
My secretary hath it written. [To Secretary] Read it.
Item, that immediately Henry of England 1460be crowned king of France.
A very hard sentence, 1462my good brother of England.
No more but right, my good brother of France.
Well, read on.
Item, that after the death of the said Henry, 1466the crown remain to him and his heirs forever.
Why, then, you do not only mean to 1468dispossess me but also my son.
Why, my good brother of France, 1470you have had it long enough, 1471and, as for Prince Dauphin, 1472it skills not though he sit beside the saddle. 1473Thus I have set it down, and thus it shall be.
You are very peremptory, 1475my good brother of England.
And you as perverse, my good brother of France.
Why, then, belike all that I have here is yours.
Ay, even as far as the kingdom of France reaches.
Ay, for by this hot beginning 1480we shall scarce bring it to a calm ending.
It is as you please. Here is my resolution.
With a good will, my good brother of France. 1487Secretary, deliver him a copy.
19.19.1Exeunt Lords.
Ah Harry, thrice-unhappy Harry! 1492Hast thou now conquered the French king 1493and begin'st a fresh supply with his daughter? 1494But with what face canst thou seek to gain her love, 1495which hath sought to win her father's crown? 1496"Her father's crown," said I? No, it is mine own. 1497Ay, but I love her and must crave her. 1498Nay, I love her and will have her. 1499
19.20.1Enter Lady Katherine and her Ladies.
An it please your majesty, 1504my father sent me to know if you will debate any of these 1505unreasonable demands which you require.
Now trust me, Kate, 1507I commend thy father's wit greatly in this, 1508for none in the world could sooner have made me debate it 1509if it were possible. 1510But tell me, sweet Kate, canst thou tell how to love?
I cannot hate, my good lord, 1512therefore far unfit were it for me to love.
Tush, Kate. But tell me in plain terms, 1514canst thou love the king of England? 1515I cannot do as these countries do 1516that spend half their time in wooing. 1517Tush, wench, I am none such. 1518But wilt thou go over to England?
I would to God that I had your majesty 1520as fast in love as you have my father in wars. 1521I would not vouchsafe so much as one look 1522until you had debated all these unreasonable demands.
Tush, Kate, I know thou wouldst not use me so 1524hardly. But tell me, canst thou love the king of England?
How should I love him that hath dealt so hardly 1526with my father?
But I'll deal as easily with thee 1528as thy heart can imagine or tongue can require. 1529How say'st thou? What will it be?
If I were of my own direction, 1531I could give you answer. 1532But seeing I stand at my father's direction, 1533I must first know his will.
But shall I have thy good will in the mean season?
Whereas I can put your grace in no assurance, 1536I would be loath to put you in any despair.
Now before God, it is a sweet wench.
I may think myself the happiest in the world, 1540that is beloved of the mighty king of England.
Well, Kate, are you at host with me? 1542Sweet Kate, tell thy father from me 1543that none in the world could sooner have persuaded me to 1544it than thou, and so tell thy father from me.
God keep your majesty in good health.