2078 Enter Leonato and his brother. 2079Brother. If you goe on thus, you will kill your
2080And 'tis not wi
sedome thus to
second griefe,
2082Leon. I pray thee cea
se thy coun
2083Which falls into mine eares as pro
2084As water in a
siue: giue not me coun
2085Nor let no comfort delight mine eare,
such a one who
se wrongs doth
sute with mine.
2087Bring me a father that
so lou'd his childe,
se ioy of her is ouer-whelmed like mine,
2089And bid him
speake of patience,
sure his woe the length and bredth of mine,
2091And let it an
swere euery
straine for
2092As thus for thus, and
such a griefe for
2093In euery lineament, branch,
shape, and forme:
such a one will
smile and
stroke his beard,
sorrow, wagge, crie hem, when he
should grone,
2096Patch griefe with prouerbs, make misfortune drunke,
2097With candle-wa
sters: bring him yet to me,
2098And I of him will gather patience:
2099But there is no
such man, for brother, men
2100Can coun
saile, and
speake comfort to that griefe,
2101Which they them
selues not feele, but ta
sting it,
2102Their coun
saile turnes to pa
ssion, which before,
2103Would giue preceptiall medicine to rage,
strong madne
sse in a
silken thred,
2105Charme ache with ayre, and agony with words,
2106No, no, 'tis all mens o
ffice, to
speake patience
2107To tho
se that wring vnder the load of
2108But no mans vertue nor
2109To be
so morall, when he
shall endure
2110The like him
selfe: therefore giue me no coun
2111My griefs cry lowder then aduerti
2112Broth. Therein do men from children nothing di
2113Leonato. I pray thee peace, I will be
sh and bloud,
2114For there was neuer yet Philo
2115That could endure the tooth-ake patiently,
2116How euer they haue writ the
stile of gods,
2117And made a pu
sh at chance and
2118Brother. Yet bend not all the harme vpon your
2119Make tho
se that doe o
ffend you,
ffer too.
2120Leon. There thou
st rea
son, nay I will doe
soule doth tell me,
Hero is belied,
2122And that
Claudio know,
shall the Prince,
2123And all of them that thus di
shonour her.
2124 Enter Prince and Claudio. 2125Brot. Here comes the
Prince and
Claudio ha
2126Prin. Good den, good den.
2127Clau. Good day to both of you.
2128Leon. Heare you my Lords?
2129Prin. We haue
some ha
2130Leo. Some ha
ste my Lord! wel, fare you wel my Lord,
2131Are you
so ha
sty now? well, all is one.
2132Prin. Nay, do not quarrell with vs, good old man.
2133Brot. If he could rite him
selfe with quarrelling,
2134Some of vs would lie low.
2135Claud. Who wrongs him?
2136Leon. Marry
yu do
st wrong me, thou di
ssembler, thou:
2137Nay, neuer lay thy hand vpon thy
2139Claud. Marry be
shrew my hand,
2140If it
should giue your age
such cau
se of feare,
2141Infaith my hand meant nothing to my
2142Leonato. Tu
sh, tu
sh, man, neuer
fleere and ie
st at me,
speake not like a dotard, nor a foole,
2144As vnder priuiledge of age to bragge,
2145What I haue done being yong, or what would doe,
2146Were I not old, know
Claudio to thy head,
2147Thou ha
st so wrong'd my innocent childe and me,
2148That I am forc'd to lay my reuerence by,
2149And with grey haires and brui
se of many daies,
2150Doe challenge thee to triall of a man,
say thou ha
st belied mine innocent childe.
slander hath gone through and through her heart,
she lies buried with her ance
2154O in a tombe where neuer
2155Saue this of hers, fram'd by thy villanie.
2157Leonato. Thine
Claudio, thine I
2158Prin. You
say not right old man.
2159Leon. My Lord, my Lord,
2160Ile proue it on his body if he dare,
spight his nice fence, and his a
ctiue pra
2162His Maie of youth, and bloome of lu
2163Claud. Away, I will not haue to do with you.
2164Leo. Can
st thou
so da
ffe me? thou ha
st kild my child,
2165If thou kil
st me, boy, thou
shalt kill a man.
2166Bro. He
shall kill two of vs, and men indeed,
2167But that's no matter, let him kill one
118 Much ado about Nothing.
2168Win me and weare me, let him an
swere me,
2169Come follow me boy, come
sir boy, come follow me
2170Sir boy, ile whip you from your foyning fence,
2171Nay, as I am a gentleman, I will.
2173Brot. Content your
self, God knows I lou'd my neece,
she is dead,
slander'd to death by villaines,
2175That dare as well an
swer a man indeede,
2176As I d are take a
serpent by the tongue.
2177Boyes, apes, braggarts, Iackes, milke-
2178Leon. Brother
2179Brot. Hold you content, what man? I know them, yea
2180And what they weigh, euen to the vtmo
st scruple,
2181Scambling, out-facing, fa
shion-monging boyes,
2182That lye, and cog, and
flout, depraue, and
2183Goe antiquely, and
show outward hidiou
speake of halfe a dozen dang'rous words,
2185How they might hurt their enemies, if they dur
2187Leon. But brother
2188Ant. Come, 'tis no matter,
2189Do not you meddle, let me deale in this.
2190Pri. Gentlemen both, we will not wake your patience
2191My heart is
sorry for your daughters death:
2192But on my honour
she was charg'd with nothing
2193But what was true, and very full of proofe.
2194Leon. My Lord, my Lord.
2195Prin. I will not heare you.
2197Leo. No come brother, away, I will be heard.
2199Bro. And
shall, or
some of vs will
smart for it.
2200Prin. See,
see, here comes the man we went to
2201Clau. Now
signior, what newes?
2202Ben. Good day my Lord.
2203Prin. Welcome
signior, you are almo
st come to part
2205Clau. Wee had likt to haue had our two no
ff with two old men without teeth.
2207Prin. Leonato and his brother, what think'
st thou? had
2208wee fought, I doubt we
should haue beene too yong for
2210Ben. In a fal
se quarrell there is no true valour, I came
2212Clau. We haue beene vp and downe to
seeke thee, for
2213we are high proofe melancholly, and would faine haue it
2214beaten away, wilt thou v
se thy wit?
2215Ben. It is in my
shall I draw it?
2216Prin. Doe
st thou weare thy wit by thy
2217Clau. Neuer any did
so, though verie many haue been
side their wit, I will bid thee drawe, as we do the min
- 2219strels, draw to plea
sure vs.
2220Prin. As I am an hone
st man he lookes pale, art thou
2222Clau. What, courage man: what though care kil'd a
2223cat, thou ha
st mettle enough in thee to kill care.
2224Ben. Sir, I
shall meete your wit in the careere, and
2225you charge it again
st me, I pray you chu
se another
- 2227Clau. Nay then giue him another
ffe, this la
st was
2229Prin. By this light, he changes more and more, I thinke
2230he be angrie indeede.
2231Clau. If he be, he knowes how to turne his girdle.
2232Ben. Shall I
speake a word in your eare?
2233Clau. God ble
sse me from a challenge.
2234Ben. You are a villaine, I ie
st not, I will make it good
2235how you dare, with what you dare, and when you dare:
2236do me right, or I will prote
st your cowardi
se: you haue
2237kill'd a
sweete Ladie, and her death
shall fall heauie on
2238you, let me heare from you.
2239Clau. Well, I will meete you,
so I may haue good
2241Prin. What, a fea
st, a fea
2242Clau. I faith I thanke him, he hath bid me to a calues
2243head and a Capon, the which if I doe not carue mo
st cu
- 2244riou
say my knife's naught,
shall I not
finde a wood
- 2246Ben. Sir, your wit ambles well, it goes ea
2247Prin. Ile tell thee how
Beatrice prais'd thy wit the o
- 2248ther day: I
said thou had
st a
fine wit: true
she, a
2249little one: no
said I, a great wit: right
shee, a great
sse one: nay
said I, a good wit: iu
st said
she, it hurts
2251no body: nay
said I, the gentleman is wi
se: certain
2252she, a wi
se gentleman: nay
said I, he hath the tongues:
2253that I beleeue
shee, for hee
swore a thing to me on
2254munday night, which he for
swore on tue
sday morning:
2255there's a double tongue, there's two tongues: thus did
2256shee an howre together trans-
shape thy particular ver
- 2257tues, yet at la
st she concluded with a
sigh, thou wa
st the
st man in Italie.
2259Claud. For the which
she wept heartily, and
2261Prin. Yea that
she did, but yet for all that, and if
2262did not hate him deadlie,
shee would loue him dearely,
2263the old mans daughter told vs all.
2264Clau. All, all, and moreouer, God
saw him vvhen he
2265was hid in the garden.
2266Prin. But when
shall we
set the
sauage Bulls hornes
2267on the
Benedicks head?
2268Clau. Yea and text vnder-neath, heere dwells
Bene- 2269dicke the married man.
2270Ben. Fare you well, Boy, you know my minde, I will
2271leaue you now to your go
ssep-like humor, you breake
sts as braggards do their blades, which God be thank
- 2273ed hurt not: my Lord, for your manie courte
sies I thank
2274you, I mu
st di
scontinue your companie, your brother
2275the Ba
stard is
fled from
Messina: you haue among you,
2276kill'd a
sweet and innocent Ladie: for my Lord Lacke
- 2277beard there, he and I
shall meete, and till then peace be
2279Prin. He is in earne
2280Clau. In mo
st profound earne
st, and Ile warrant you,
2281for the loue of Beatrice.
2282Prin. And hath challeng'd thee.
2283Clau. Mo
st sincerely.
2284Prin. What a prettie thing man is, when he goes in his
2285doublet and ho
se, and leaues o
ff his wit.
2286 Enter Constable, Conrade, and Borachio. 2287Clau. He is then a Giant to an Ape, but then is an Ape
2288a Do
ctor to
such a man.
2289Prin. But
soft you, let me be, plucke vp my heart, and
sad, did he not
say my brother was
2291Const. Come you
sir, if iu
stice cannot tame you,
2292shall nere weigh more rea
sons in her ballance, nay, and
2293you be a cur
sing hypocrite once, you mu
st be lookt to.
2294Prin. How now, two of my brothers men bound?
Bo- 2296Clau. Harken after their o
ffence my Lord.
2297Prin. O
fficers, what o
ffence haue the
se men done?
con. Marrie
Much ado about Nothing. 119
2298Const. Marrie
sir, they haue committed fal
se report,
2299moreouer they haue
spoken vntruths,
secondarily they
sixt and la
stly, they haue belyed a Ladie,
2301thirdly, they haue veri
fied vniu
st things, and to conclude
2302they are lying knaues.
2303Prin. Fir
st I aske thee what they haue done, thirdlie
2304I a
ske thee vvhat's their o
sixt and la
stlie why they
2305are committed, and to conclude, what you lay to their
2307Clau. Rightlie rea
soned, and in his owne diui
sion, and
2308by my troth there's one meaning vvell
2309Prin. Who haue you o
ffended ma
sters, that you are
2310thus bound to your an
swer? this learned Con
stable is too
2311cunning to be vnder
stood, vvhat's your o
2312Bor. Sweete Prince, let me go no farther to mine an
- 2313swere: do you heare me, and let this Count kill mee: I
2314haue deceiued euen your verie eies: vvhat your wi
- 2315domes could not di
scouer, the
shallow fooles haue
2316brought to light, vvho in the night ouerheard me con
- 2317fe
ssing to this man, how
Don Iohn your brother incen
2318me to
slander the Ladie
Hero, how you were brought
2319into the Orchard, and
saw me court
Margaret in
Heroes 2320garments, how you di
sgrac'd her vvhen you
2321marrie her: my villanie they haue vpon record, vvhich
2322I had rather
seale vvith my death, then repeate ouer to
shame: the Ladie is dead vpon mine and my ma
se accu
sation: and briefelie, I de
sire nothing but the
2325reward of a villaine.
2326Prin. Runs not this
speech like yron through your
2328Clau. I haue drunke poi
son whiles he vtter'd it.
2329Prin. But did my Brother
set thee on to this?
2330Bor. Yea, and paid me richly for the pra
se of it.
2331Prin. He is compos'd and fram'd of treacherie,
fled he is vpon this villanie.
2333Clau. Sweet
Hero, now thy image doth appeare
2334In the rare
semblance that I lou'd it
2335Const. Come, bring away the plainti
ffes, by this time
Sexton hath reformed
Signior Leonato of the matter:
2337and ma
sters, do not forget to
fie when time & place
serue, that I am an A
2339Con. 2. Here, here comes ma
Signior Leonato, and
2342Leon. Which is the villaine? let me
see his eies,
2343That when I note another man like him,
2344I may auoide him: vvhich of the
se is he?
2345Bor. If you vvould know your wronger, looke on me.
2346Leon. Art thou thou the
slaue that with thy breath
st kild mine innocent childe?
2348Bor. Yea, euen I alone.
2349Leo. No, not
so villaine, thou belie
st thy
stand a paire of honourable men,
2351A third is
fled that had a hand in it:
2352I thanke you Princes for my daughters death,
2353Record it with your high and worthie deedes,
2354'Twas brauely done, if you bethinke you of it.
2355Clau. I know not how to pray your patience,
2356Yet I mu
st speake, choo
se your reuenge your
se me to what penance your inuention
2358Can lay vpon my
sinne, yet
sinn'd I not,
2360Prin. By my
soule nor I,
2361And yet to
sfie this good old man,
2362I vvould bend vnder anie heauie vvaight,
2363That heele enioyne me to.
2364Leon. I cannot bid you bid my daughter liue,
2365That vvere impo
ssible, but I praie you both,
sse the people in
Messina here,
2367How innocent
she died, and if your loue
2368Can labour aught in
sad inuention,
2369Hang her an epitaph vpon her toomb,
sing it to her bones,
sing it to night:
2371To morrow morning come you to my hou
since you could not be my
sonne in law,
2373Be yet my Nephew: my brother hath a daughter,
st the copie of my childe that's dead,
she alone is heire to both of vs,
2376Giue her the right you
should haue giu'n her co
so dies my reuenge.
2379Your ouerkindne
sse doth wring teares from me,
2380I do embrace your o
ffer, and di
2381For henceforth of poore
2382Leon. To morrow then I will expe
ct your comming,
2383To night I take my leaue, this naughtie man
2384Shall face to face be brought to
2385Who I beleeue was packt in all this wrong,
2386Hired to it by your brother.
2387Bor. No by my
she was not,
2388Nor knew not what
she did when
spoke to me,
2389But alwaies hath bin iu
st and vertuous,
2390In anie thing that I do know by her.
2391Const. Moreouer
sir, which indeede is not vnder white
2392and black, this plainti
ffe here, the o
ffendour did call mee
sse, I be
seech you let it be remembred in his puni
sh- 2394ment, and al
so the vvatch heard them talke of one Defor
- 2395med, they
say he weares a key in his eare and a lock hang
- 2396ing by it, and borrowes monie in Gods name, the which
2397he hath vs'd
so long, and neuer paied, that now men grow
2398hard-harted and will lend nothing for Gods
sake: praie
2399you examine him vpon that point.
2400Leon. I thanke thee for thy care and hone
st paines.
2401Const. Your vvor
speakes like a mo
st thankefull
2402and reuerend youth, and I prai
se God for you.
2403Leon. There's for thy paines.
2404Const. God
saue the foundation.
2405Leon. Goe, I di
scharge thee of thy pri
soner, and I
2407Const. I leaue an arrant knaue vvith your vvor
2408which I be
seech your wor
ship to corre
ct your
selfe, for
2409the example of others: God keepe your vvor
ship, I
sh your wor
ship vvell, God re
store you to health,
2411I humblie giue you leaue to depart, and if a mer
- 2412rie meeting may be wi
sht, God prohibite it: come
2414Leon. Vntill to morrow morning, Lords, farewell.
2416Brot. Farewell my Lords, vve looke for you to mor
- 2418Prin. We will not faile.
2419Clau. To night ile mourne with
2420Leon. Bring you the
se fellowes on, weel talke vvith
2421Margaret, how her acquaintance grew vvith this lewd