Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Much Ado About Nothing
Much Ado About Nothing (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
1997 Enter the Constables, Borachio, and the Towne Clerke
1998in gownes.
2002Andrew. Marry that am I, and my partner.
2003Cowley. Nay that's certaine, wee haue the exhibition
2004to examine.
2007Kemp. Yea marry, let them come before mee, what is
2008your name, friend?
2009Bor. Borachio.
2014that you are little better than false knaues, and it will goe
2019will goe about with him: come you hither sirra, a word
2024a tale: haue you writ downe that they are none?
2029come forth: masters, I charge you in the Princes name,
2032brother was a villaine.
2033Kemp. Write down, Prince Iohn a villaine: why this
2034is flat periurie, to call a Princes brother villaine.
2036Kemp. Pray thee fellow peace, I do not like thy looke
2037I promise thee.
Much ado about Nothing. 117
2042Kemp. Flat Burglarie as euer was committed.
2045Watch 1. And that Count Claudio did meane vpon his
2047not marry her.
2049lasting redemption for this.
2051Watch. This is all.
2054was in this manner accus'd, in this very manner refus'd,
2057I will goe before, and shew him their examination.
2058Const. Come, let them be opinion'd.
2059Sex. Let them be in the hands of Coxcombe.
2060Kem. Gods my life, where's the Sexton? let him write
2061downe the Princes Officer Coxcombe: come, binde them
2062thou naughty varlet.
2067though it be not written down, yet forget not yt I am an
2072Messina, and one that knowes the Law, goe to, & a rich
2073fellow enough, goe to, and a fellow that hath had losses,
2074and one that hath two gownes, and euery thing hand-
2075some about him: bring him away: O that I had been writ