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- Edition: Much Ado About Nothing
Much Ado About Nothing (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
102 Much adoe about Nothing.
100Pedro. You embrace your charge too willingly: I
101thinke this is your daughter.
103Bened. Were you in doubt that you askt her?
104Leonato. Signior Benedicke, no, for then were you a
107this, what you are, being a man, truely the Lady fathers
108her selfe: be happie Lady, for you are like an honorable
112as she is.
114Benedicke, no body markes you.
118hath such meete foode to feede it, as Signior Benedicke?
120her presence.
122taine I am loued of all Ladies, onely you excepted: and
123I would I could finde in my heart that I had not a hard
124heart, for truely I loue none.
126haue beene troubled with a pernitious Suter, I thanke
127God and my cold blood, I am of your humour for that, I
128had rather heare my Dog barke at a Crow, than a man
129sweare he loues me.
132scratcht face.
134such a face as yours were.
135Bene. Well, you are a rare Parrat teacher.
139and so good a continuer, but keepe your way a Gods
140name, I haue done.
141Beat. You alwaies end with a Iades tricke, I know
142you of old.
144dio, and signior Benedicke; my deere friend Leonato, hath
147taine vs longer: I dare sweare hee is no hypocrite, but
148praies from his heart.
151conciled to the Prince your brother: I owe you all
153Iohn. I thanke you, I am not of many words, but I
154thanke you.
156Pedro. Your hand Leonato, we will goe together.
159nior Leonato?
160Bene. I noted her not, but I lookt on her.
163doe, for my simple true iudgement? or would you haue
165to their sexe?
171and being no other, but as she is, I doe not like her.
173truely how thou lik'st her.
174Bene. Would you buie her, that you enquier after
179tell vs Cupid is a good Hare-finder, and Vulcan a rare
180Carpenter: Come, in what key shall a man take you to
181goe in the song?
183I lookt on.
187of Maie doth the last of December: but I hope you haue
188no intent to turne husband, haue you?
190sworne the contrarie, if Hero would be my wife.
194and thou wilt needes thrust thy necke into a yoke, weare
196is returned to seeke you.
197 Enter don Pedro, Iohn the bastard.
199lowed not to Leonatoes?
202Pedro. I charge thee on thy allegeance.
205legiance, marke you this, on my allegiance) hee is in
206loue, With who? now that is your Graces part: marke
214Pedro. Amen, if you loue her, for the Ladie is verie
215well worthie.
219Bened. And by my two faiths and troths, my Lord, I
220speake mine.
221Clau. That I loue her, I feele.
225opinion that fire cannot melt out of me, I will die in it at
226the stake.
228spight of Beautie.
229Clau. And neuer could maintaine his part, but in the
230force of his will.
Bene. That