1997 Enter the Constables, Borachio, and the Towne Clerke 1999Keeper. Is our whole di
ssembly appeard?
2000Cowley. O a
stoole and a cu
shion for the Sexton.
2001Sexton. Which be the malefa
2002Andrew. Marry that am I, and my partner.
2003Cowley. Nay that's certaine, wee haue the exhibition
2005Sexton. But which are the o
ffenders that are to be ex
- 2006amined, let them come before ma
ster Con
2007Kemp. Yea marry, let them come before mee, what is
2010Kem. Pray write downe
Borachio. Yours
2011Con. I am a Gentleman
sir, and my name is
2012Kee. Write downe Ma
ster gentleman
Conrade: mai
- 2013sters, doe you
serue God: mai
sters, it is proued alreadie
2014that you are little better than fal
se knaues, and it will goe
2015neere to be thought
shortly, how an
swer you for your
2017Con. Marry
sir, we
say we are none.
2018Kemp. A maruellous witty fellow I a
ssure you, but I
2019will goe about with him: come you hither
sirra, a word
2020in your eare
sir, I
say to you, it is thought you are fal
2022Bor. Sir, I
say to you, we are none.
2023Kemp. Well,
stand a
side, 'fore God they are both in
2024a tale: haue you writ downe that they are none?
2025Sext. Ma
ster Con
stable, you goe not the way to ex
- 2026amine, you mu
st call forth the watch that are their ac
- 2028Kemp. Yea marry, that's the efte
st way, let the watch
2029come forth: ma
sters, I charge you in the Princes name,
2031Watch 1. This man
sir, that
Don Iohn the Princes
2032brother was a villaine.
2033Kemp. Write down, Prince
Iohn a villaine: why this
flat periurie, to call a Princes brother villaine.
2035Bora. Ma
ster Con
2036Kemp. Pray thee fellow peace, I do not like thy looke
2038Sexton. What heard you him
say el
2039Watch 2. Mary that he had receiued a thou
sand Du
- 2040kates of
Don Iohn, for accu
sing the Lady
Hero wrong
- Kem.
Much ado about Nothing. 117
2042Kemp. Flat Burglarie as euer was committed.
2043Const. Yea by th'ma
sse that it is.
2044Sexton. What el
se fellow?
2045Watch 1. And that Count
Claudio did meane vpon his
2046words, to di
Hero before the whole a
ssembly, and
2048Kemp. O villaine! thou wilt be condemn'd into euer
- 2049la
sting redemption for this.
2052Sexton. And this is more ma
sters then you can deny,
Iohn is this morning
stolne away:
Hero 2054was in this manner accus'd, in this very manner refus'd,
2055and vpon the griefe of this
sodainely died: Ma
ster Con
- 2056stable, let the
se men be bound, and brought to
2057I will goe before, and
shew him their examination.
2058Const. Come, let them be opinion'd.
2059Sex. Let them be in the hands of
2060Kem. Gods my life, where's the Sexton? let him write
2061downe the Princes O
Coxcombe: come, binde them
2063Couley. Away, you are an a
sse, you are an a
2064Kemp. Do
st thou not
ct my place? do
st thou not
ct my yeeres? O that hee were heere to write mee
2066downe an a
sse! but ma
sters, remember that I am an a
2067though it be not written down, yet forget not
yt I am an
sse: No thou villaine,
yu art full of piety as
shall be prou'd
2069vpon thee by good witne
sse, I am a wi
se fellow, and
2070which is more, an o
fficer, and which is more, a hou
- 2071der, and which is more, as pretty a peece of
sh as any in
ssina, and one that knowes the Law, goe to, & a rich
2073fellow enough, goe to, and a fellow that hath had lo
2074and one that hath two gownes, and euery thing hand
- 2075some about him: bring him away: O that I had been writ