1730Enter Count Rossillion and the Frenchmen 1732Cap. E Nay good my Lord put him too't: let him
1734Cap. G If your Lord
finde him not a Hilding,
1735hold me no more in your re
1736Cap. E On my life my Lord, a bubble.
1737Ber Do you thinke I am
so farre
1739Cap. E Beleeue it my Lord, in mine owne dire
ct 1740knowledge, without any malice, but to
speake of him
1741as my kin
sman, hee's a mo
st notable Coward, an in
fi- 1742nite and endle
sse Lyar, an hourely promi
se-breaker, the
1743owner of no one good qualitie, worthy your Lord
1745Cap. G It were
fit you knew him, lea
st repo
sing too
1746farre in his vertue which he hath not, he might at
1747great and tru
stie bu
sse, in a maine daunger, fayle
1749Ber I would I knew in what particular a
ction to try
1751Cap. G None better then to let him fetch o
ff his
1752drumme, which you heare him
so con
fidently vnder
- 1754C. E I with a troop of Florentines wil
- X 2 prize
244All's Well that Ends Well
1755prize him;
such I will haue whom I am
sure he knowes
1756not from the enemie: wee will binde and hoodwinke
so, that he
se no other but that he is car
- 1758ried into the Leager of the aduer
saries, when we bring
1759him to our owne tents: be but your Lord
ship pre
1760at his examination, if he do not for the promi
se of his
1761life, and in the highe
st compul
sion of ba
se feare, o
ffer to
1762betray you, and deliuer all the intelligence in his power
st you, and that with the diuine forfeite of his
1764soule vpon oath, neuer tru
st my iudgement in anie
1766Cap. G O for the loue of laughter, let him fetch his
1767drumme, he
sayes he has a
stratagem for't: when your
sees the bottome of this
sse in't, and to
1769what mettle this counterfeyt lump of ours will be mel
- 1770ted if you giue him not Iohn drummes entertainement,
1771your inclining cannot be remoued. Heere he comes.
1773Cap. E O for the loue of laughter hinder not the ho
- 1774nor of his de
signe, let him fetch o
ff his drumme in any
1776Ber How now Mon
sieur? This drumme
- 1777ly in your di
1778Cap. G A pox on't, let it go, 'tis but a drumme.
1779Par But a drumme: I
st but a drumme? A drum
st. There was excellent command, to charge in with
1781our hor
se vpon our owne wings, and to rend our owne
1783Cap. G That was not to be blam'd in the command
1784of the
seruice: it was a di
ster of warre that
1785selfe could not haue preuented, if he had beene there to
1787Ber Well, wee cannot greatly condemne our
- 1788ce
some di
shonor wee had in the lo
sse of that drum,
1789but it is not to be recouered.
1790Par It might haue beene recouered.
1791Ber It might, but it is not now.
1792Par It is to be recouered, but that the merit of
- 1793uice is
sildome attributed to the true and exa
ct perfor
- 1794mer, I would haue that drumme or another, or
hic ia- 1796Ber Why if you haue a
stomacke, too't Mon
sieur: if
1797you thinke your my
sterie in
stratagem, can bring this
strument of honour againe into his natiue quarter, be
1799magnanimious in the enterprize and go on, I wil grace
1800the attempt for a worthy exploit: if you
speede well in
1801it, the Duke
shall both
speake of it, and extend to you
1802what further becomes his greatne
sse, euen to the vtmo
st 1803syllable of your worthine
1804Par By the hand of a
souldier I will vndertake it.
1805Ber But you mu
st not now
slumber in it.
1806Par Ile about it this euening, and I will pre
1807pen downe my dilemma's, encourage my
selfe in my
1808certaintie, put my
selfe into my mortall preparation:
1809and by midnight looke to heare further from me.
1810Ber May I bee bold to acquaint his grace you are
1812Par I know not what the
sse wil be my Lord,
1813but the attempt I vow.
1814Ber I know th'art valiant,
1815And to the po
ssibility of thy
scribe for thee: Farewell.
1817Par I loue not many words.
Exit 1818Cap. E No more then a
fish loues water. Is not this
strange fellow my Lord, that
so con
seemes to
1820vndertake this bu
sse, which he knowes is not to be
1821done, damnes him
selfe to do, & dares better be damnd
1823Cap. G You do not know him my Lord as we doe,
1824certaine it is that he will
steale him
selfe into a mans fa
- 1825uour, and for a weeke e
scape a great deale of di
- 1826ries, but when you
finde him out, you haue him euer af
- 1828Ber Why do you thinke he will make no deede at
1829all of this that
slie hee dooes addre
sse him
1831Cap. E None in the world, but returne with an in
- 1832uention, and clap vpon you two or three probable lies:
1833but we haue almo
st imbo
st him, you
see his fall to
1834night; for indeede he is not for your Lord
shippes re
- 1836Cap. G Weele make you
sport with the Foxe
1837ere we ca
se him. He was
st smoak'd by the old Lord
1838Lafew when his di
se and he is parted, tell me what
sprat you
finde him, which you
see this ve
- 1841Cap. E I mu
st go looke my twigges,
1843Ber Your brother he
shall go along with me.
1844Cap. G As't plea
se your Lord
ship, Ile leaue you.
1845Ber Now wil I lead you to the hou
se, and
shew you
1846The La
sse I
spoke of.
1847Cap. E But you
she's hone
1848Ber That's all the fault: I
spoke with hir but once,
1849And found her wondrous cold, but I
sent to her
1850By this
same Coxcombe that we haue i'th winde
1851Tokens and Letters, which
she did re
1852And this is all I haue done: She's a faire creature,
1854Cap. E With all my heart my Lord.