Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: All's Well That Ends Well
All's Well That Ends Well (Folio 1, 1623)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
Well, that Ends Well.
1Actus primus. Scoena Prima
2Enter yong Bertram Count of Rossillion, his Mother, and
3Helena, Lord Lafew, all in blacke
6cond husband.
7Ros And I in going Madam, weep ore my
9sties command, to whom I am now in Ward, euermore
15it where there is such abundance.
20the loosing of hope by time.
21Mo This yong Gentlewoman had a father, O that
24made nature immortall, and death should haue play for
29his great right to be so: Gerard de Narbon
30Laf He was excellent indeed Madam, the King very
31latelie spoke of him admiringly, and mourningly: hee
37Ros I heard not of it before.
39tlewoman the Daughter of Gerard de Narbon
41ouer looking. I haue those hopes of her good, that her
43makes faire gifts fairer: for where an vncleane mind car-
44ries vertuous qualities, there commendations go with
45pitty, they are vertues and traitors too: in her they are
47and atcheeues her goodnesse.
48Lafew Your commendations Madam get from her
51in. The remembrance of her father neuer approches her
52heart, but the tirrany of her sorrowes takes all liuelihood
53from her cheeke. No more of this Helena go too, no
55to haue------
57Laf Moderate lamentation is the right of the dead,
58excessiue greefe the enemie to the liuing.
60makes it soone mortall.
64In manners as in shape: thy blood and vertue
65Contend for Empire in thee, and thy goodnesse
66Share with thy birth-right. Loue all, trust a few,
67Doe wrong to none: be able for thine enemie
68Rather in power then vse: and keepe thy friend
69Vnder thy owne lifes key. Be checkt for silence,
70But neuer tax'd for speech. What heauen more wil,
71That thee may furnish, and my prayers plucke downe,
72Fall on thy head. Farwell my Lord,
74Aduise him.
76That shall attend his loue.
79be seruants to you: be comfortable to my mother, your
80Mistris, and make much of her.
82dit of your father.
83Hell O were that all, I thinke not on my father,
84And these great teares grace his remembrance more
86I haue forgott him. My imagination
87Carries no fauour in't but Bertrams
88I am vndone, there is no liuing, none,
89If Bertram be away. 'Twere all one,
91And think to wed it, he is so aboue me
92In his bright radience and colaterall light,
All's Well, that Ends Well 231
94Th' ambition in my loue thus plagues it selfe:
95The hind that would be mated by the Lion
96Must die for loue. 'Twas prettie, though a plague
98His arched browes, his hawking eie, his curles
99In our hearts table: heart too capeable
100Of euerie line and tricke of his sweet fauour.
101But now he's gone, and my idolatrous fancie
103Enter Parrolles
104One that goes with him: I loue him for his sake,
105And yet I know him a notorious Liar,
106Thinke him a great way foole, solie a coward,
108That they take place, when Vertues steely bones
109Lookes bleake i'th cold wind: withall, full ofte we see
111Par Saue you faire Queene.
112Hel And you Monarch.
113Par No.
114Hel And no.
115Par Are you meditating on virginitie?
118how may we barracado it against him?
119Par Keepe him out.
121ant, in the defence yet is weak: vnfold to vs some war-like
124will vndermine you, and blow you vp.
126and blowers vp. Is there no Military policy how Vir-
127gins might blow vp men?
128Par Virginity beeing blowne downe, Man will
129quicklier be blowne vp: marry in blowing him downe
131Citty. It is not politicke, in the Common-wealth of
133rationall encrease, and there was neuer Virgin goe, till
135tall to make Virgins. Virginitie, by beeing once lost,
136may be ten times found: by being euer kept, it is euer
137lost: 'tis too cold a companion: Away with't.
139a Virgin.
141rule of Nature. To speake on the part of virginitie, is
146gainst Nature. Virginitie breedes mites, much like a
154Away with't.
161an olde Courtier, weares her cap out of fashion, richly
163pick, which were not now: your Date is better in your
164Pye and your Porredge, then in your cheeke: and your
165virginity, your old virginity, is like one of our French
166wither'd peares, it lookes ill, it eates drily, marry 'tis a
167wither'd peare: it was formerly better, marry yet 'tis a
168wither'd peare: Will you any thing with it?
169Hel Not my virginity yet:
172A Phenix, Captaine, and an enemy,
173A guide, a Goddesse, and a Soueraigne,
175His humble ambition, proud humility:
176His iarring, concord: and his discord, dulcet:
178Of pretty fond adoptious christendomes
181The Courts a learning place, and he is one.
182Par What one ifaith?
184Par What's pitty?
186Which might be felt, that we the poorer borne,
190Returnes vs thankes.
191Enter Page
193My Lord cals for you.
194Par Little Hellenfarewell, if I can remember thee, I
195will thinke of thee at Court.
197charitable starre.
198Par Vnder MarsI.
200Par Why vnder Mars
202must needes be borne vnder Mars
203Par When he was predominant.
204Hel When he was retrograde I thinke rather.
207Par That's for aduantage.
208Hel So is running away,
210But the composition that your valour and feare makes
211in you, is a vertue of a good wing, and I like the
212weare well.
214thee acutely: I will returne perfect Courtier, in the
216thou wilt be capeable of a Courtiers councell, and vn-
218diest in thine vnthankfulnes, and thine ignorance makes
220praiers: when thou hast none, remember thy Friends:
V 2 Get
232All's Well,that Ends Well
222So farewell.
225Giues vs free scope, onely doth backward pull
227What power is it, which mounts my loue so hye,
228That makes me see, and cannot feede mine eye?
230To ioyne like, likes; and kisse like natiue things.
233What hath beene, cannot be. Who euer stroue
237Flourish Cornets
238Enter the King of France with Letters, and
239diuers Attendants
240King The Florentinesand Senoysare by th' eares,
241Haue fought with equall fortune, and continue
242A brauing warre.
246With caution, that the Florentinewill moue vs
249To haue vs make deniall.
252For amplest credence.
254And Florenceis deni'de before he comes:
255Yet for our Gentlemen that meane to see
257To stand on either part.
260For breathing, and exploit.
261King What's he comes heere.
262Enter Bertram, Lafew, and Parolles
264Yong Bertram
266Franke Nature rather curious then in hast
267Hath well compos'd thee: Thy Fathers morall parts
268Maist thou inherit too: Welcome to Paris
273Into the seruice of the time, and was
276And wore vs out of act: It much repaires me
277To talke of your good father; in his youth
278He had the wit, which I can well obserue
279To day in our yong Lords: but they may iest
280Till their owne scorne returne to them vnnoted
281Ere they can hide their leuitie in honour:
282So like a Courtier, contempt nor bitternesse
284His equall had awak'd them, and his honour
285Clocke to it selfe, knew the true minute when
286Exception bid him speake: and at this time
287His tongue obey'd his hand. Who were below him,
288He vs'd as creatures of another place,
289And bow'd his eminent top to their low rankes,
290Making them proud of his humilitie,
291In their poore praise he humbled: Such a man
292Might be a copie to these yonger times;
293Which followed well, would demonstrate them now
294But goers backward.
296Lies richer in your thoughts, then on his tombe:
297So in approofe liues not his Epitaph,
298As in your royall speech.
300(Me thinkes I heare him now) his plausiue words
301He scatter'd not in eares, but grafted them
302To grow there and to beare: Let me not liue,
303This his good melancholly oft began
305When it was out: Let me not liue (quoth hee)
311I after him, do after him wish too:
312Since I nor wax nor honie can bring home,
313I quickly were dissolued from my hiue
314To giue some Labourers roome.
315L2.E You'r loued Sir,
318Since the Physitian at your fathers died?
319He was much fam'd.
321Kin If he were liuing, I would try him yet.
322Lend me an arme: the rest haue worne me out
324Debate it at their leisure. Welcome Count,
325My sonne's no deerer.
328Enter Countesse, Steward, and Clowne
333endeuours, for then we wound our Modestie, and make
335we publish them.
336Coun What doe's this knaue heere? Get you gone
339lacke not folly to commit them, & haue abilitie enough
340to make such knaueries yours.
341Clo 'Tis not vnknown to you Madam, I am a poore
344Clo No maddam,
345'Tis not so well that I am poore, though manie
All's Well that Ends Well 233
346of the rich are damn'd, but if I may haue your Ladiships
347good will to goe to the world, Isbellthe woman and w
348will doe as we may.
349Coun Wilt thou needes be a begger?
357Clo My poore bodie Madam requires it, I am driuen
362they are.
363Cou May the world know them?
364Clo I haue beene Madam a wicked creature, as you
366I may repent.
368Clo I am out a friends Madam, and I hope to haue
369friends for my wiues sake.
370Cou Such friends are thine enemies knaue.
372knaues come to doe that for me which I am a wearie of:
373he that eres my Land, spares my teame, and giues mee
374leaue to Inne the crop: if I be his cuckold hee's my
375drudge; he that comforts my wife, is the cherisher of
378and blood is my friend: ergo he that kisses my wife is my
379friend: if men could be contented to be what they are,
380there were no feare in marriage, for yong Charbonthe
382hearts are seuer'd in Religion, their heads are both one,
383they may ioule horns together like any Deare i'th Herd.
385nious knaue?
387next waie, for I the Ballad will repeate, which men full
389Cuckow sings by kinde.
392come to you, of her I am to speake.
394her, HellenI meane.
396Why the Grecians sacked Troy
397Fond done, done, fond was this King Priamsioy,
399And gaue this sentence then, among nine bad if one be
400good, among nine bad if one be good, there's yet one
401good in ten.
406all the yeere, weed finde no fault with the tithe woman
407if I were the Parson, one in ten quoth a? and wee might
408haue a good woman borne but ore euerie blazing starre,
409or at an earthquake, 'twould mend the Lotterie well, a
410man may draw his heart out ere a plucke one.
414yet no hurt done, though honestie be no Puritan, yet
415it will doe no hurt, it will weare the Surplis of humilitie
416ouer the blacke-Gowne of a bigge heart: I am go-
419Cou Well now.
420Stew I know Madam you loue your Gentlewoman
422Cou Faith I doe: her Father bequeath'd her to mee,
425more owing her then is paid, and more shall be paid
426her then sheele demand.
427Stew Madam, I was verie late more neere her then
429communicate to her selfe her owne words to her
430owne eares, shee thought, I dare vowe for her, they
434estates: Loue no god, that would not extend his might
435onelie, where qualities were leuell, Queene of Vir-
439sorrow that ere I heard Virgin exclaime in, which I held
442to know it.
444to your selfe, manie likelihoods inform'd mee of this
445before, which hung so tottring in the ballance, that
446I could neither beleeue nor misdoubt: praie you
449ther anon. Exit Steward
450Enter Hellen
452If euer vve are natures, these are ours, this thorne
453Doth to our Rose of youth righlie belong
454Our bloud to vs, this to our blood is borne,
457By our remembrances of daies forgon,
458Such were our faults, or then we thought them none,
461Ol. Cou You know HellenI am a mother to you.
463Ol. Cou Nay a mother, why not a mother? when I
464 sed a mother
467And put you in the Catalogue of those
468That were enwombed mine, 'tis often seene
471You nere opprest me with a mothers groane,
472Yet I expresse to you a mothers care,
473(Gods mercie maiden) dos it curd thy blood
474To say I am thy mother? vvhat's the matter,
V 3 The
234All's Well that Ends Well
476The manie colour'd Iris rounds thine eye?
477------ Why, that you are my daughter?
478Hell That I am not.
480Hell Pardon Madam.
481The Count Rosillioncannot be my brother:
482I am from humble, he from honored name:
483No note vpon my Parents, his all noble,
484My Master, my deere Lord he is, and I
486He must not be my brother.
487Ol.Cou Nor I your Mother.
488Hell You are my mother Madam, would you were
489So that my Lord your sonne were not my brother,
490Indeede my mother, or were you both our mothers,
491I care no more for, then I doe for heauen,
493But I your daughter, he must be my brother.
494Old.Cou Yes Hellen you might be my daughter in law,
495God shield you meane it not, daughter and mother
503But tell me then 'tis so, for looke, thy cheekes
504Confesse it 'ton tooth to th' other, and thine eies
509If it be so, you haue wound a goodly clewe:
510If it be not, forsweare't how ere I charge thee,
511As heauen shall worke in me for thine auaile
512To tell me truelie.
513Hell Good Madam pardon me.
514Cou Do you loue my Sonne?
516Cou Loue you my Sonne?
517Hell Doe not you loue him Madam?
518Cou Goe not about; my loue hath in't a bond
521Haue to the full appeach'd.
523Here on my knee, before high heauen and you,
524That before you, and next vnto high heauen, I loue your
525 Sonne:
527Be not offended, for it hurts not him
528That he is lou'd of me; I follow him not
530Nor would I haue him, till I doe deserue him,
533Yet in this captious, and intemible Siue.
534I still poure in the waters of my loue
536Religious in mine error, I adore
537The Sunne that lookes vpon his worshipper,
538But knowes of him no more. My deerest Madam,
539Let not your hate incounter with my loue,
540For louing where you doe; but if your selfe,
541Whose aged honor cites a vertuous youth,
544Was both her selfe and loue, O then giue pittie
550To goe to Paris
551Hell Madam I had.
552Cou Wherefore? tell true.
557For generall soueraigntie: and that he wil'd me
561There is a remedie, approu'd, set downe,
563The King is render'd lost.
566Else Paris and the medicine, and the King,
567Had from the conuersation of my thoughts,
568Happily beene absent then.
569Cou But thinke you Hellen
571He would receiue it? He and his Phisitions
572Are of a minde, he, that they cannot helpe him:
573They, that they cannot helpe, how shall they credit
574A poore vnlearned Virgin, when the Schooles
576The danger to it selfe.
579Of his profession, that his good rec eipt,
583The well lost life of mine, on his Graces cure,
584By such a day, an houre.
586Hell I Madam knowingly.
588Meanes and attendants, and my louing greetings
590And praie Gods blessing into thy attempt:
591Begon to morrow, and be sure of this,
593Actus Secundus
594Enter the King with diuers yong Lords, taking leaue for
595the Florentine warre: Count, Rosse, and
596Parrolles. Florish Cornets
598Doe not throw from you, and you my Lords farewell:
599Share the aduice betwixt you, if both gaine, all
601And is enough for both.
All's Well, that Ends Well 235
603After well entred souldiers, to returne
604And finde your grace in health.
605King No, no, it cannot be; and yet my heart
606Will not confesse he owes the mallady
607That doth my life besiege: farwell yong Lords,
608Whether I liue or die, be you the sonnes
609Of worthy French men: let higher Italy
610(Those bated that inherit but the fall
612Not to wooe honour, but to wed it, when
614That fame may cry you loud: I say farewell.
617They say our French, lacke language to deny
618If they demand: beware of being Captiues
619Before you serue.
620Bo Our hearts receiue your warnings.
621King Farewell, come hether to me.
6242. Lo. E Oh 'tis braue warres.
626Rossill I am commanded here, and kept a coyle with,
627Too young, and the next yeere, and 'tis too early.
629Steale away brauely.
632Till honour be bought vp, and no sword worne
633But one to dance with: by heauen, Ile steale away.
6341. Lo. G There's honour in the theft.
635Parr Commit it Count.
637Ros I grow to you, & our parting is a tortur'd body.
6381. Lo. G Farewell Captaine.
643Spuriohis sicatrice, with an Embleme of warre heere on
647Parr Marsdoate on you for his nouices, what will
648ye doe?
649Ross. Stay the King.
652too cold an adieu: be more expressiue to them; for they
657more dilated farewell.
661Enter Lafew
662L. Laf Pardon my Lord for mee and for my tidings.
665I would you had kneel'd my Lord to aske me mercy,
668And askt thee mercy for't.
670Will you be cur'd of your infirmitie?
671King No.
672Laf O will you eat no grapes my royall foxe?
673Yes but you will, my noble grapes, and if
674My royall foxe could reach them: I haue seen a medicine
675That's able to breath life into a stone,
676Quicken a rocke, and make you dance Canari
678Is powerfull to arayse King Pippen nay
679To giue great Charlemainea pen in's hand
680And write to her a loue-line.
681King What her is this?
683If you will see her: now by my faith and honour,
685In this my light deliuerance, I haue spoke
690That done, laugh well at me.
691King Now good Lafew
692Bring in the admiration, that we with thee
694By wondring how thou tookst it.
696And not be all day neither.
698Laf Nay, come your waies.
699Enter Hellen
701Laf Nay, come your waies,
703A Traitor you doe looke like, but such traitors
705That dare leaue two together, far you well. Exit
707Hel I my good Lord,
708Gerard de Narbonwas my father,
709In what he did professe, well found.
710King I knew him.
712Knowing him is enough: on's bed of death,
713Many receits he gaue me, chieflie one,
715And of his olde experience, th' onlie darling,
716He bad me store vp, as a triple eye,
717Safer then mine owne two: more deare I haue so,
718And hearing your high Maiestie is toucht
719With that malignant cause, wherein the honour
720Of my deare fathers gift, stands cheefe in power,
721I come to tender it, and my appliance,
722With all bound humblenesse.
723King We thanke you maiden,
724But may not be so credulous of cure,
726The congregated Colledge haue concluded,
727That labouring Art can neuer ransome nature
729So staine our iudgement, or corrupt our hope,
Hel My
236All's Well that Ends Well
735I will no more enforce mine office on you,
736Humbly intreating from your royall thoughts,
737A modest one to beare me backe againe.
741But what at full I know, thou knowst no part,
742I knowing all my perill, thou no Art.
743Hell What I can doe, can doe no hurt to try,
747So holy Writ, in babes hath iudgement showne,
750When Miracles haue by the great'st beene denied.
756Proffers not tooke, reape thanks for their reward.
758It is not so with him that all things knowes
761The help of heauen we count the act of men.
763Of heauen, not me, make an experiment.
764I am not an Impostrue, that proclaime
769Hop'st thou my cure?
772Their fiery torcher his diurnall ring,
773Ere twice in murke and occidentall dampe
775Or foure and twenty times the Pylots glasse
780What dar'st thou venter?
781Hell Taxe of impudence,
783Traduc'd by odious ballads: my maidens name
785With vildest torture, let my life be ended.
787His powerfull sound, within an organ weake:
790Thy life is deere, for all that life can rate
791Worth name of life, in thee hath estimate:
792Youth, beauty, wisedome, courage, all
793That happines and prime, can happy call:
794Thou this to hazard, needs must intimate
797That ministers thine owne death if I die.
799Of what I spoke, vnpittied let me die,
800And well deseru'd: not helping, death's my fee,
801But if I helpe, what doe you promise me.
802Kin Make thy demand.
803Hel But will you make it euen?
804Kin I by my Scepter, and my hopes of helpe.
806What husband in thy power I will command:
807Exempted be from me the arrogance
808To choose from forth the royall bloud of France,
809My low and humble name to propagate
810With any branch or image of thy state:
815So make the choice of thy owne time, for I
818Though more to know, could not be more to trust:
821Giue me some helpe heere hoa, if thou proceed,
822As high as word, my deed shall match thy deed.
823Florish. Exit
824Enter Countesse and Clowne
826of your breeding.
831the Court?
835thing, has neither legge, hands, lippe, nor cap; and in-
841the pin buttocke, the quatch-buttocke, the brawn but-
842tocke, or any buttocke.
845ney, as your French Crowne for your taffety punke, as
847tuesday, a Morris for May-day, as the naile to his hole,
848the Cuckold to his horne, as a scolding queane to a
849wrangling knaue, as the Nuns lip to the Friers mouth,
850nay as the pudding to his skin.
852all questions?
860harme to learne.
861Lady To be young againe if we could: I will bee a
All's Well that Ends Well 237
866more, a hundred of them.
867La Sir I am a poore freind of yours, that loues you.
876to your whipping: you would answere very well to a
877whipping if you were but bound too't.
881taine it so merrily with a foole.
886This is not much.
887Clo Not much commendation to them.
889stand me.
892Enter Count, Lafew, and Parolles
898an vnknowne feare.
900hath shot out in our latter times.
904Ol. Laf Of all the learned and authenticke fellowes.
906Ol. Laf That gaue him out incureable.
908Ol. Laf Not to be help'd.
914shall reade it in what do ye call there.
916ly Actor.
922ous spirit, that will not acknowledge it to be the---
923Ol.Laf Very hand of heauen.
928be made, then alone the recou'ry of the king, as to bee
929Old Laf Generally thankfull.
930Enter King, Hellen, and attendants
932the King.
934maide the Better whil'st I haue a tooth in my head: why
935he's able to leade her a Carranto.
936Par Mor du vinager is not this Helen
938King Goe call before mee all the Lords in Court,
942The confirmation of my promis'd guift,
943Which but attends thy naming.
944Enter 3 or 4 Lords
945Faire Maide send forth thine eye, this youthfull parcell
947Ore whom both Soueraigne power, and fathers voice
951Fall when loue please, marry to each but one.
952Old Laf I'de giue bay curtall, and his furniture
953My mouth no more were broken then these boyes,
954And writ as little beard.
956Not one of those, but had a Noble father.
957She addresses her to a Lord
959the king to health.
966Let the white death sit on thy cheeke for euer,
967Wee'l nere come there againe.
971And to imperiall loue, that God most high
9731. Lo And grant it.
976Ames-ace for my life.
978Before I speake too threatningly replies:
979Loue make your fortunes twentie times aboue
983Which great loue grant, and so I take my leaue.
985of mine, I'de haue them whip'd, or I would send them
986to'th Turke to make Eunuches of.
988Ile neuer do you wrong for your owne sake:
989Blessing vpon your vowes, and in your bed
990Finde fairer fortune, if you euer wed.
238All's Well that Ends Well
993French nere got em.
994La You are too young, too happie, and too good
999of fourteene: I haue knowne thee already.
1002Into your guiding power: This is the man.
1007The helpe of mine owne eies.
1009done for mee?
1010Ber Yes my good Lord, but neuer hope to know
1011why I should marrie her.
1013ly bed.
1014Ber But followes it my Lord, to bring me downe
1016Shee had her breeding at my fathers charge:
1018Rather corrupt me euer.
1020I can build vp: strange is it that our bloods
1021Of colour, waight, and heat, pour'd all together,
1026Of vertue for the name: but doe not so:
1027From lowest place, whence vertuous things proceed,
1028The place is dignified by th' doers deede.
1029Where great additions swell's, and vertue none,
1030It is a dropsied honour. Good alone,
1032The propertie by what is is, should go,
1033Not by the title. Shee is young, wise, faire,
1036Which challenges it selfe as honours borne,
1037And is not like the sire: Honours thriue,
1038When rather from our acts we them deriue
1039Then our fore-goers: the meere words, a slaue
1040Debosh'd on euerie tombe, on euerie graue:
1041A lying Trophee, and as oft is dumbe,
1042Where dust, and damn'd obliuion is the Tombe.
1044If thou canst like this creature, as a maide,
1046Is her owne dower: Honour and wealth, from mee.
1049to choose.
1051Let the rest go.
1053I must produce my power. Heere, take her hand,
1054Proud scornfull boy, vnworthie this good gift,
1058Shall weigh thee to the beame: That wilt not know,
1059It is in Vs to plant thine Honour, where
1060We please to haue it grow. Checke thy contempt:
1061Obey Our will, which trauailes in thy good:
1063Do thine owne fortunes that obedient right
1064Which both thy dutie owes, and Our power claimes,
1065Or I will throw thee from my care for euer
1067Of youth and ignorance: both my reuenge and hate
1069Without all termes of pittie. Speake, thine answer.
1071My fancie to your eies, when I consider
1072What great creation, and what dole of honour
1076Is as 'twere borne so.
1077King Take her by the hand,
1079A counterpoize: If not to thy estate,
1080A ballance more repleat.
1081Ber I take her hand.
1082Kin Good fortune, and the fauour of the King
1084Shall seeme expedient on the now borne briefe,
1086Shall more attend vpon the coming space,
1089Parolles and Lafew stay behind, commen-
1090ting of this wedding
1100Par To any Count, to all Counts: to what is man.
1102another stile.
1104too old.
1106title age cannot bring thee.
1107Par What I dare too well do, I dare not do.
1108Laf I did thinke thee for two ordinaries: to bee a
1112leeuing thee a vessell of too great a burthen. I haue now
1113found thee, when I loose thee againe, I care not: yet art
1114thou good for nothing but taking vp, and that th'ourt
1115scarce worth.
1117on thee.
1119thou hasten thy triall: which if, Lord haue mercie on
1120thee for a hen, so my good window of Lettice fare thee
1121well, thy casement I neede not open, for I look through
1122thee. Giue me thy hand.
All's Well, that Ends Well 239
1124Laf I with all my heart, and thou art worthy of it.
1126Laf Yes good faith, eu'ry dramme of it, and I will
1127not bate thee a scruple.
1133quaintance with thee, or rather my knowledge, that I
1134may say in the default, he is a man I know.
1138poore doing eternall: for doing I am past, as I will by
1139thee, in what motion age will giue me leaue. Exit
1142be patient, there is no fettering of authority. Ile beate
1143him (by my life) if I can meete him with any conueni-
1144ence, and he were double and double a Lord. Ile haue
1145no more pittie of his age then I would haue of------ Ile
1146beate him, and if I could but meet him agen.
1147Enter Lafew
1149newes for you: you haue a new Mistris.
1153Laf Who? God.
1159if I were but two houres yonger, I'de beate thee: mee-
1161beate thee: I thinke thou wast created for men to breath
1162themselues vpon thee.
1165a kernell out of a Pomgranat, you are a vagabond, and
1166no true traueller: you are more sawcie with Lordes and
1168birth and vertue giues you Heraldry. You are not worth
1169another word, else I'de call you knaue. I leaue you.
1171Enter Count Rossillion
1173good, let it be conceal'd awhile.
1174Ros Vndone, and forfeited to cares for euer.
1177sworne, I will not bed her.
1179Ros O my Parrolles they haue married me:
1180Ile to the Tuscanwarres, and neuer bed her.
1181Par Franceis a dog-hole, and it no more merits,
1182The tread of a mans foot: too'th warres.
1184port is, I know not yet.
1185Par I that would be knowne: too'th warrs my boy,
1186too'th warres:
1187He weares his honor in a boxe vnseene,
1188That hugges his kickie wickie heare at home,
1189Spending his manlie marrow in her armes
1192Franceis a stable, wee that dwell in't Iades,
1193Therefore too'th warre.
1195Acquaint my mother with my hate to her,
1196And wherefore I am fled: Write to the King
1202Ros Go with me to my chamber, and aduice me.
1206A yong man maried, is a man that's mard:
1207Therefore away, and leaue her brauely: go,
1209Enter Helena and Clowne
1213uen she's very well, and wants nothing i'th world: but
1214yet she is not well.
1216not verie well?
1218Hel What two things?
1220her quickly: the other, that she's in earth, from whence
1221God send her quickly.
1222Enter Parolles
1225owne good fortune.
1226Par You had my prayers to leade them on, and to
1227keepe them on, haue them still. O my knaue, how do's
1228my old Ladie?
1229Clo So that you had her wrinkles, and I her money,
1234to do nothing, to know nothing, and to haue nothing,
1235is to be a great part of your title, which is within a verie
1236little of nothing.
1237Par Away, th'art a knaue.
1239knaue, that's before me th'art a knaue: this had beene
1240truth sir.
1241Par Go too, thou art a wittie foole, I haue found
1244taught to finde me?
1247encrease of laughter.
1248Par A good knaue ifaith, and well fed.
1249Madam, my Lord will go awaie to night,
240All's Well that Ends Well
1251The great prerogatiue and rite of loue,
1252Which as your due time claimes, he do's acknowledge,
1255Which they distill now in the curbed time,
1256To make the comming houre oreflow with ioy,
1257And pleasure drowne the brim.
1260And make this hast as your owne good proceeding,
1261Strengthned with what Apologie you thinke
1262May make it probable neede.
1263Hel What more commands hee?
1265Attend his further pleasure.
1266Hel In euery thing I waite vpon his will.
1269Enter Lafew and Bertram
1272Ber Yes my Lord and of verie valiant approofe.
1273Laf You haue it from his owne deliuerance.
1275Laf Then my Diall goes not true, I tooke this Larke
1276for a bunting.
1278ledge, and accordinglie valiant.
1282Heere he comes, I pray you make vs freinds, I will pur-
1283sue the amitie.
1284Enter Parolles
1287Par Sir?
1289man, a verie good Tailor.
1291Par Shee is.
1293Par As you'le haue her.
1295Giuen order for our horses, and to night,
1297And ere I doe begin.
1299of a dinner, but on that lies three thirds, and vses a
1303Ber Is there any vnkindnes betweene my Lord and
1304you Monsieur?
1310for your residence.
1313prayers. Fare you well my Lord, and beleeue this of
1314me, there can be no kernell in this light Nut: the soule
1315of this man is his cloathes: Trust him not in matter of
1316heauie consequence: I haue kept of them tame, & know
1318of you, then you haue or will to deserue at my hand, but
1322Par Why do you not know him?
1324Giues him a worthy passe. Heere comes my clog.
1325Enter Helena
1327Spoke with the King, and haue procur'd his leaue
1329Some priuate speech with you.
1332Which holds not colour with the time, nor does
1334On my particular. Prepar'd I was not
1336So much vnsetled: This driues me to intreate you,
1337That presently you take your way for home,
1340And my appointments haue in them a neede
1342To you that know them not. This to my mother,
1344I leaue you to your wisedome.
1347Ber Come, come, no more of that.
1350Wherein toward me my homely starres haue faild
1351To equall my great fortune.
1353Hie home.
1356Hel I am not worthie of the wealth I owe,
1357Nor dare I say 'tis mine: and yet it is,
1359What law does vouch mine owne.
1360Ber What would you haue?
1362I would not tell you what I would my Lord: Faith yes,
1367Ber Go thou toward home, where I wil neuer come,
1369Away, and for our flight.
1370Par Brauely, Coragio.
1371Actus Tertius
1372Flourish. Enter the Duke of Florence, the two Frenchmen
1373with a troope of Souldiers
1374Duke So that from point to point, now haue you heard
All's Well, that Ends Well 241
1375The fundamentall reasons of this warre,
1377And more thirsts after.
1379Vpon your Graces part: blacke and fearefull
1380On the opposer.
1383Against our borrowing prayers.
1384FrenchE Good my Lord,
1386But like a common and an outward man,
1388By selfe vnable motion, therefore dare not
1389Say what I thinke of it, since I haue found
1390My selfe in my incertaine grounds to faile
1391As often as I guest.
1395Come heere for Physicke.
1397And all the honors that can flye from vs,
1398Shall on them settle: you know your places well,
1399When better fall, for your auailes they fell,
1401Enter Countesse and Clowne
1403that he comes not along with her.
1405rie melancholly man.
1409his teeth, and sing: I know a man that had this tricke of
1410melancholy hold a goodly Mannor for a song.
1412to come.
1414Our old Lings, and our Isbelsa'th Country, are nothing
1415like your old Ling and your Isbelsa'th Court: the brains
1416of my Cupid's knock'd out, and I beginne to loue, as an
1417old man loues money, with no stomacke.
1418Lad What haue we heere?
A Letter
1422 King, and vndone me I haue wedded her, not bedded her
1424 runne away, know it before the report come. If there bee
1428This is not well rash and vnbridled boy,
1430To plucke his indignation on thy head,
1432For the contempt of Empire.
1433Enter Clowne
1435tweene two souldiers, and my yong Ladie.
1436La What is the matter.
1439he would.
1443men, though it be the getting of children. Heere they
1444come will tell you more. For my part I onely heare your
1445sonne was run away.
1446Enter Hellen and two Gentlemen
1447FrenchE Saue you good Madam.
1448Hel Madam, my Lord is gone, for euer gone.
1450La Thinke vpon patience, pray you Gentlemen,
1451I haue felt so many quirkes of ioy and greefe,
1453Can woman me vntoo't. Where is my sonne I pray you?
1455 rence,
1456We met him thitherward, for thence we came:
1458Thither we bend againe.
When thou canst get the Ring vpon my finger, which neuer
1463I write a Neuer
1464This is a dreadfull sentence.
1465La Brought you this Letter Gentlemen?
1467for our paines.
1468Old La I prethee Ladie haue a better cheere,
1471But I do wash his name out of my blood,
1472And thou art all my childe. Towards Florence is he?
1473Fren. G I Madam.
1476The Duke will lay vpon him all the honor
1477That good conuenience claimes.
1478La Returne you thither.
1480Hel. Till I haue no wife, I haue nothing in France
1481'Tis bitter.
1482La Finde you that there?
1483Hel I Madame.
1485his heart was not consenting too.
1486Lad Nothing in France, vntill he haue no wife:
1487There's nothing heere that is too good for him
1489That twenty such rude boyes might tend vpon,
1490And call her hourely Mistris. Who was with him?
1492haue sometime knowne.
1493La Parolleswas it not?
1494Fren. E I my good Ladie, hee.
1496My sonne corrupts a well deriued nature
1497With his inducement.
1498Fren. E Indeed good Ladie the fellow has a deale of
1499that, too much, which holds him much to haue.
1500La Y'are welcome Gentlemen, I will intreate you
1502neuer winne the honor that he looses: more Ile intreate
X you
242All's Well that Ends Well
1503you written to beare along.
1507Will you draw neere? Exit
1508Hel.Till I haue no wife I haue nothing in France
1509Nothing in France vntill he has no wife:
1511Then hast thou all againe: poore Lord, is't I
1513Those tender limbes of thine, to the euent
1514Of the none-sparing warre? And is it I,
1515That driue thee from the sportiue Court, where thou
1516Was't shot at with faire eyes, to be the marke
1520That sings with piercing, do not touch my Lord:
1522Who euer charges on his forward brest
1523I am the Caitiffe that do hold him too't,
1524And though I kill him not, I am the cause
1526I met the rauine Lyon when he roar'd
1528That all the miseries which nature owes
1529Were mine at once. No come thou home Rossillion
1530Whence honor but of danger winnes a scarre,
1531As oft it looses all. I will be gone:
1532My being heere it is, that holds thee hence,
1533Shall I stay heere to doo't? No, no, although
1535And Angels offic'd all: I will be gone,
1536That pittifull rumour may report my flight
1537To consolate thine eare. Come night, end day,
1539Flourish. Enter the Duke of Florence, Rossillion
1540drum and trumpets, soldiers, Parrolles
1542Great in our hope, lay our best loue and credence
1543Vpon thy promising fortune.
1544Ber Sir it is
1545A charge too heauy for my strength, but yet
1547To th' extreme edge of hazard.
1548Duke Then go thou forth,
1549And fortune play vpon thy prosperous helme
1551Ber This very day
1553Make me but like my thoughts, and I shall proue
1554A louer of thy drumme, hater of loue. Exeunt omnes
1555Enter Countesse & Steward
1556La Alas! and would you take the letter of her:
1558By sending me a Letter. Reade it agen.
1560I am S. Iaques Pilgrim, thither gone
1562That bare-foot plod I the cold ground vpon
1563With sainted vow my faults to haue amended
1564Write, write, that from the bloodie course of warre
1568His taken labours bid him me forgiue
1570From Courtly friends, with Camping foes to liue
1571Where death and danger dogges the heeles of worth
1572He is too good and faire for death, and mee
1575Rynaldo you did neuer lacke aduice so much,
1577I could haue well diuerted her intents,
1578Which thus she hath preuented.
1579Ste Pardon me Madam,
1580If I had giuen you this at ouer-night,
1581She might haue beene ore-tane: and yet she writes
1582Pursuite would be but vaine.
1585Vnlesse her prayers, whom heauen delights to heare
1586And loues to grant, repreeue him from the wrath
1588To this vnworthy husband of his wife,
1589Let euerie word waigh heauie of her worrh,
1590That he does waigh too light: my greatest greefe,
1594He will returne, and hope I may that shee
1596Led hither by pure loue: which of them both
1599My heart is heauie, and mine age is weake,
1602A Tucket afarre off
1603Enter old Widdow of Florence, her daughter Violenta
1604and Mariana, with other
1606Widdow Nay come,
1607For if they do approach the Citty,
1611Wid It is reported,
1612That he has taken their great'st Commander,
1613And that with his owne hand he slew
1614The Dukes brother: we haue lost our labour,
1615They are gone a contrarie way: harke,
1616you may know by their Trumpets.
1617Maria Come lets returne againe,
1619Well Diana take heed of this French Earle,
1620The honor of a Maide is her name,
1621And no Legacie is so rich
1622As honestie.
1623Widdow I haue told my neighbour
1624How you haue beene solicited by a Gentleman
1625His Companion.
All's Well that Ends Well 243
1626Maria I know that knaue, hang him, one Parolles
1630not the things they go vnder: many a maide hath beene
1632terrible shewes in the wracke of maiden-hood, cannot
1634with the twigges that threatens them. I hope I neede
1635not to aduise you further, but I hope your owne grace
1636will keepe you where you are, though there were no
1640Enter Hellen
1645Hel To S. Iaques la grand
1646Where do the Palmers lodge, I do beseech you?
1650If you will tarrie holy Pilgrime
1651But till the troopes come by,
1654As ample as my selfe.
1658Wid You came I thinke from France
1661That has done worthy seruice.
1662Hel His name I pray you?
1665His face I know not.
1667He's brauely taken heere. He stole from France
1668As 'tis reported: for the King had married him
1672Reports but coursely of her.
1673Hel What's his name?
1675Hel Oh I beleeue with him,
1676In argument of praise, or to the worth
1678To haue her name repeated, all her deseruing
1680I haue not heard examin'd.
1681Dian Alas poore Ladie,
1682'Tis a hard bondage to become the wife
1683Of a detesting Lord.
1685Her hart waighes sadly: this yong maid might do her
1687Hel How do you meane?
1688May be the amorous Count solicites her
1689In the vnlawfull purpose.
1690Wid He does indeede,
1692Corrupt the tender honour of a Maide:
1693But she is arm'd for him, and keepes her guard
1695Drumme and Colours
1696Enter Count Rossillion, Parrolles, and the whole Armie
1698Wid So, now they come:
1700That Escalus
1701Hel Which is the Frenchman?
1702Dia Hee,
1703That with the plume, 'tis a most gallant fellow,
1704I would he lou'd his wife: if he were honester
1705He were much goodlier. Is't not a handsom Gentleman
1706Hel I like him well.
1708That leades him to these places: were I his Ladie,
1710Hel Which is he?
1713Hel Perchance he's hurt i'th battaile.
1716has spyed vs.
1717Wid Marrie hang you.
1721There's foure or fiue, to great S. Iaquesbound,
1722Alreadie at my house.
1723Hel I humbly thanke you:
1724Please it this Matron, and this gentle Maide
1725To eate with vs to night, the charge and thanking
1726Shall be for me, and to requite you further,
1728Worthy the note.
1730Enter Count Rossillion and the Frenchmen
1731as at first
1732Cap. E Nay good my Lord put him too't: let him
1733haue his way.
1736Cap. E On my life my Lord, a bubble.
1738Deceiued in him.
1740knowledge, without any malice, but to speake of him
1743owner of no one good qualitie, worthy your Lordships
1746farre in his vertue which he hath not, he might at some
1753take to do.
X 2 prize
244All's Well that Ends Well
1756not from the enemie: wee will binde and hoodwinke
1758ried into the Leager of the aduersaries, when we bring
1760at his examination, if he do not for the promise of his
1762betray you, and deliuer all the intelligence in his power
1763against you, and that with the diuine forfeite of his
1766Cap. G O for the loue of laughter, let him fetch his
1769what mettle this counterfeyt lump of ours will be mel-
1770ted if you giue him not Iohn drummes entertainement,
1771your inclining cannot be remoued. Heere he comes.
1772Enter Parrolles
1778Cap. G A pox on't, let it go, 'tis but a drumme.
1780lost. There was excellent command, to charge in with
1781our horse vpon our owne wings, and to rend our owne
1783Cap. G That was not to be blam'd in the command
1785selfe could not haue preuented, if he had beene there to
1789but it is not to be recouered.
1790Par It might haue beene recouered.
1791Ber It might, but it is not now.
1794mer, I would haue that drumme or another, or hic ia-
1798instrument of honour againe into his natiue quarter, be
1799magnanimious in the enterprize and go on, I wil grace
1800the attempt for a worthy exploit: if you speede well in
1807pen downe my dilemma's, encourage my selfe in my
1808certaintie, put my selfe into my mortall preparation:
1809and by midnight looke to heare further from me.
1810Ber May I bee bold to acquaint his grace you are
1811gone about it.
1813but the attempt I vow.
1814Ber I know th'art valiant,
1821done, damnes himselfe to do, & dares better be damnd
1822then to doo't.
1823Cap. G You do not know him my Lord as we doe,
1828Ber Why do you thinke he will make no deede at
1832uention, and clap vpon you two or three probable lies:
1840rie night.
1842He shall be caught.
1849And found her wondrous cold, but I sent to her
1850By this same Coxcombe that we haue i'th winde
1852And this is all I haue done: She's a faire creature,
1853Will you go see her?
1855Enter Hellen, and Widdow
1861And would not put my reputation now
1866Is so from word to word: and then you cannot
1867By the good ayde that I of you shall borrow,
1868Erre in bestowing it.
1870For you haue shew'd me that which well approues
1871Y'are great in fortune.
1873And let me buy your friendly helpe thus farre,
1874Which I will ouer-pay, and pay againe
1875When I haue found it. The Count he woes your
1876 daughter,
1877Layes downe his wanton siedge before her beautie,
1880Now his important blood will naught denie,
1881That shee'l demand: a ring the Countie weares,
All's Well, that Ends Well 245
1886To buy his will, it would not seeme too deere,
1887How ere repented after.
1891Desires this Ring; appoints him an encounter;
1894To marry her, Ile adde three thousand Crownes
1895To what is past already.
1896Wid I haue yeelded:
1898That time and place with this deceite so lawfull
1899May proue coherent. Euery night he comes
1903As if his life lay on't.
1904Hel Why then to night
1906Is wicked meaning in a lawfull deede;
1907And lawfull meaning in a lawfull act,
1909But let's about it.
1910Actus Quartus
1911Enter one of the Frenchmen, with fiue or sixe other
1912souldiers in ambush
19131. LordE He can come no other way but by this hedge
1915Language you will: though you vnderstand it not your
1918duce for an Interpreter.
19191. Sol Good Captaine, let me be th' Interpreter.
1920Lor.E. Art not acquainted with him? knowes he not
1921thy voice?
1928neighbouring Languages: therefore we must euery one
1929be a man of his owne fancie, not to know what we speak
1931our purpose: Choughs language, gabble enough, and
1933very politicke. But couch hoa, heere hee comes, to be-
1935the lies he forges.
1936Enter Parrolles
1941late, knock'd too often at my doore: I finde my tongue
1942is too foole-hardie, but my heart hath the feare of Mars
1943before it, and of his creatures, not daring the reports of
1944my tongue.
1946was guiltie of.
1948the recouerie of this drumme, being not ignorant of the
1955ther of BaiazethsMule, if you prattle mee into these
1958be that he is.
1964Lo. . 'Twould not do.
1969Lo.E. How deepe?
1970Par Thirty fadome.
1973Par I would I had any drumme of the enemies, I
1974would sweare I recouer'd it.
1976Par A drumme now of the enemies.
1977Alarum within
1979All Cargo, cargo, cargo, villianda par corbo, cargo
1981Do not hide mine eyes.
1985If there be heere German or Dane, Low Dutch,
1986Italian, or French, let him speake to me,
1989thy tongue: Kerelybontosir, betake thee to thy faith, for
1991Par Oh.
1992Inter Oh pray, pray, pray,
1993Manka reuania dulche
1996And hoodwinkt as thou art, will leade thee on
1997To gather from thee. Haply thou mayst informe
1998Something to saue thy life.
1999Par O let me liue,
2002Which you will wonder at.
2003Inter But wilt thou faithfully?
2004Par If I do not, damne me.
2005Inter Acordo linta
2007A short Alarum within
X 3 Lo E
246All's Well that Ends Well
2009We haue caught the woodcocke, and will keepe him (mufled
2010Till we do heare from them.
2011Sol Captaine I will.
2013Informe on that.
2017Enter Bertram, and the Maide called
2019Ber They told me that your name was Fontybell
2020Dia No my good Lord, Diana
2022And worth it with addition: but faire soule,
2023In your fine frame hath loue no qualitie?
2024If the quicke fire of youth light not your minde,
2025You are no Maiden but a monument
2027As you are now: for you are cold and sterne,
2028And now you should be as your mother was
2032Dia No:
2033My mother did but dutie, such (my Lord)
2034As you owe to your wife.
2035Ber No more a'that:
2037I was compell'd to her, but I loue thee
2039Do thee all rights of seruice.
2042You barely leaue our thornes to pricke our selues,
2043And mocke vs with our barenesse.
2045Dia Tis not the many oathes that makes the truth,
2046But the plaine single vow, that is vow'd true:
2047What is not holie, that we sweare not by,
2050I lou'd you deerely, would you beleeue my oathes,
2051When I did loue you ill? This ha's no holding
2053That I will worke against him. Therefore your oathes
2054Are words and poore conditions, but vnseal'd
2055At lest in my opinion.
2056Ber Change it, change it:
2057Be not so holy cruell: Loue is holie,
2058And my integritie ne're knew the crafts
2059That you do charge men with: Stand no more off,
2061Who then recouers. Say thou art mine, and euer
2065Ber Ile lend it thee my deere; but haue no power
2066To giue it from me.
2067Dia Will you not my Lord?
2069Bequeathed downe from manie Ancestors,
2070Which were the greatest obloquie i'th world,
2071In me to loose.
2074Bequeathed downe from many Ancestors,
2075Which were the greatest oblo quie i'th world,
2077Brings in the Champion honor on my part,
2079Ber Heere, take my Ring,
2080My house, mine honor, yea my life be thine,
2081And Ile be bid by thee.
2083 ber window:
2084Ile order take, my mother shall not heare.
2085Now will I charge you in the band of truth,
2086When you haue conquer'd my yet maiden-bed,
2087Remaine there but an houre, nor speake to mee:
2089When backe againe this Ring shall be deliuer'd:
2090And on your finger in the night, Ile put
2091Another Ring, that what in time proceeds,
2092May token to the future, our past deeds.
2093Adieu till then, then faile not: you haue wonne
2094A wife of me, though there my hope be done.
2095Ber A heauen on earth I haue won by wooing thee.
2096Di For which, liue long to thank both heauen & me,
2097You may so in the end.
2098My mother told me iust how he would woo,
2100Haue the like oathes: He had sworne to marrie me
2101When his wife's dead: therfore Ile lye with him
2102When I am buried. Since Frenchmen are so braide,
2103Marry that will, I liue and die a Maid:
2106Enter the two French Captaines, and some two or three
2108Cap. G You haue not giuen him his mothers letter.
2110thing in't that stings his nature: for on the reading it,
2111he chang'd almost into another man.
2112Cap. G He has much worthy blame laid vpon him,
2117you shall let it dwell darkly with you.
2119the graue of it.
2120Cap. E Hee hath peruerted a young Gentlewoman
2123giuen her his monumentall Ring, and thinkes himselfe
2125Cap. G Now God delay our rebellion as we are our
2126selues, what things are we.
2127Cap. E Meerely our owne traitours. And as in the
2133peters of our vnlawfull intents? We shall not then haue
2134his company to night?
2135Cap. E Not till after midnight: for hee is dieted to
2136his houre.
2137Cap. G That approaches apace: I would gladly haue
2138him see his company anathomiz'd, that hee might take
All's Well that Ends Well 247
2140he had set this counterfeit.
2141Cap. E We will not meddle with him till he come;
2145Cap. E I heare there is an ouerture of peace.
2148trauaile higher, or returne againe into France?
2150gether of his councell.
2152deale of his act.
2157the tendernesse of her Nature, became as a prey to her
2162which makes her storie true, euen to the poynt of her
2165of the place.
2166Cap. E Hath the Count all this intelligence?
2168from point, to the full arming of the veritie.
2172forts of our losses.
2174drowne our gaine in teares, the great dignitie that his
2176countred with a shame as ample.
2177Cap. G The webbe of our life, is of a mingled yarne,
2178good and ill together: our vertues would bee proud, if
2180paire if they were not cherish'd by our vertues.
2181Enter a Messenger
2182How now? Where's your master?
2186ters of commendations to the King.
2188if they were more then they can commend.
2189Enter Count Rossillion
2192i'st not after midnight?
2195haue congied with the Duke, done my adieu with his
2197die mother, I am returning, entertain'd my Conuoy, &
2200not ended yet.
2202morning your departure hence, it requires hast of your
2205to heare of it hereafter: but shall we haue this dialogue
2206betweene the Foole and the Soldiour. Come, bring
2207forth this counterfet module, ha's deceiu'd mee, like a
2208double-meaning Prophesier.
2210poore gallant knaue.
2219and what thinke you he hath confest?
2220Ber Nothing of me, ha's a?
2222to his face, if your Lordshippe be in't, as I beleeue you
2223are, you must haue the patience to heare it.
2224Enter Parolles with his Interpreter
2229without em.
2233Cap Boblibindo chicurmurco
2234Int You are a mercifull Generall: Our Generall
2236Par And truly, as I hope to liue.
2241manders verie poore rogues, vpon my reputation and
2242credit, and as I hope to liue.
2244Par Do, Ile take the Sacrament on't, how & which
2245way you will: all's one to him.
2249that had the whole theoricke of warre in the knot of his
2252his sword cleane, nor beleeue he can haue euerie thing
2253in him, by wearing his apparrell neatly.
2257Cap. G He's very neere the truth in this.
2258Ber But I con him no thankes for't in the nature he
2259deliuers it.
2263Rogues are maruailous poore.
2265foot. What say you to that?
2267houre, I will tell true. Let me see, Spurioa hundred &
248All's Well that Ends Well
2275selues to peeces.
2277Cap. G Nothing, but let him haue thankes. Demand
2278of him my condition: and what credite I haue with the
2281him, whether one Captaine Dumainebee i'th Campe, a
2282Frenchman: what his reputation is with the Duke, what
2284ther he thinkes it were not possible with well-waighing
2286to this? What do you know of it?
2288the intergatories. Demand them singly.
2289Int Do you know this Captaine Dumaine
2290Par I know him, a was a Botchers Prentize in Paris
2291from whence he was whipt for getting the Shrieues fool
2292with childe, a dumbe innocent that could not say him
2294Ber Nay, by your leaue hold your hands, though I
2295know his braines are forfeite to the next tile that fals.
2296Int Well, is this Captaine in the Duke of Florences
2300your Lord anon.
2301Int What is his reputation with the Duke?
2302Par The Duke knowes him for no other, but a poore
2303Officer of mine, and writ to mee this other day, to turne
2304him out a'th band. I thinke I haue his Letter in my poc-
2308or it is vpon a file with the Dukes other Letters, in my
2311Par I do not know if it be it or no.
2312Ber Our Interpreter do's it well.
2313Cap. G Excellently.
2314Int Dian, the Counts a foole, and full of gold
2316uertisement to a proper maide in Florence, one Diana to
2317take heede of the allurement of one Count Rossillion a
2319sir put it vp againe.
2322behalfe of the maid: for I knew the young Count to be a
2324nity, and deuours vp all the fry it finds.
Int Let When he sweares oathes, bid him drop gold, and
2327 take it
2329Halfe won is match well made, match and well make it
2330He nere payes after-debts, take it before
2332Men are to mell with, boyes are not to kis
2333For count of this, the Counts a Foole I know it
2334Who payes before, but not when he does owe it
2335 Thine as he vow'd to thee in thine eare,
2338rime in's forehead.
2341Ber I could endure any thing before but a Cat, and
2342now he's a Cat to me.
2344be faine to hang you.
2346dye, but that my offences beeing many, I would repent
2350freely: therefore once more to this Captaine Dumaine
2351you haue answer'd to his reputation with the Duke, and
2352to his valour. What is his honestie?
2355not keeping of oaths, in breaking em he is stronger then
2359does little harme, saue to his bed-cloathes about him:
2360but they know his conditions, and lay him in straw. I
2364Cap. G I begin to loue him for this.
2366vpon him for me, he's more and more a Cat.
2369lish Tragedians: to belye him I will not, and more of his
2373man what honour I can, but of this I am not certaine.
2375raritie redeemes him.
2377Int His qualities being at this poore price, I neede
2378not to aske you, if Gold will corrupt him to reuolt.
2380his saluation, the inheritance of it, and cut th' intaile from
2383Int What's his Brother, the other Captain Dumain
2385Int What's he?
2388euill. He excels his Brother for a coward, yet his Brother
2390runnes any Lackey; marrie in comming on, hee ha's the
2393the Florentine.
2397Par Ile no more drumming, a plague of all drummes,
All's Well, that Ends Well 251
2401bush where I was taken?
2405ports of men very nobly held, can serue the world for
2407man, off with his head.
2411So, looke about you, know you any heere?
2412Count Good morrow noble Captaine.
2415Lo. E Captain, what greeting will you to my Lord
2416Lafew I am for France
2417Cap. G Good Captaine will you giue me a Copy of
2418the sonnet you writ to Dianain behalfe of the Count
2419Rossillion and I were not a verie Coward, I'de compell
2420it of you, but far you well. Exeunt
2422that has a knot on't yet.
2426might begin an impudent Nation. Fare yee well sir, I
2428Par Yet am I thankfull: if my heart were great
2429'Twould burst at this: Captaine Ile be no more,
2431As Captaine shall. Simply the thing I am
2432Shall make me liue: who knowes himselfe a braggart
2433Let him feare this; for it will come to passe,
2437There's place and meanes for euery man aliue.
2438Ile after them. Exit
2439Enter Hellen, Widdow, and Diana
2440Hel That you may well perceiue I haue not
2441 wrong'd you,
2444Ere I can perfect mine intents, to kneele.
2446Deere almost as his life, which gratitude
2448And answer thankes. I duly am inform'd,
2449His grace is at Marcellae to which place
2450We haue conuenient conuoy: you must know
2452My husband hies him home, where heauen ayding,
2453And by the leaue of my good Lord the King,
2454Wee'l be before our welcome.
2455Wid Gentle Madam,
2457Your busines was more welcome.
2459Euer a friend, whose thoughts more truly labour
2460To recompence your loue: Doubt not but heauen
2461Hath brought me vp to be your daughters dower,
2462As it hath fated her to be my motiue
2467With what it loathes, for that which is away,
2468But more of this heereafter: you Diana
2470Something in my behalfe.
2472Go with your impositions, I am yours
2474Hel Yet I pray you:
2475But with the word the time will bring on summer,
2476When Briars shall haue leaues as well as thornes,
2478Our Wagon is prepar'd, and time reuiues vs,
2481Enter Clowne, old Lady, and Lafew
2484made all the vnbak'd and dowy youth of a nation in his
2485colour: your daughter-in-law had beene aliue at this
2486houre, and your sonne heere at home, more aduanc'd
2487by the King, then by that red-tail'd humble Bee I speak
2489La I would I had not knowne him, it was the death
2490of the most vertuous gentlewoman, that euer Nature
2493not haue owed her a more rooted loue.
2494Laf Twas a good Lady, 'twas a good Lady. Wee
2496ther hearbe.
2498sallet, or rather the hearbe of grace.
2502much skill in grace.
2504or a foole?
2512her seruice.
2514and foole.
2516Laf No, no, no.
2518great a prince as you are.
2521mie is more hotter in France then there.
2522Laf What prince is that?
2524nesse, alias the diuell.
2527him still.
252All's Well that Ends Well
2531bilitie remaine in's Court. I am for the house with the
2532narrow gate, which I take to be too little for pompe to
2534nie will be too chill and tender, and theyle bee for the
2535flowrie way that leads to the broad gate, and the great
2537Laf Go thy waies, I begin to bee a wearie of thee,
2539with thee. Go thy wayes, let my horses be wel look'd
2540too, without any trickes.
2542Iades trickes, which are their owne right by the law of
2543Nature. exit
2546much sport out of him, by his authoritie hee remaines
2548and indeede he has no pace, but runnes where he will.
2550to tell you, since I heard of the good Ladies death, and
2551that my Lord your sonne was vpon his returne home. I
2553my daughter, which in the minoritie of them both, his
2558Ladyship like it?
2562able bodie as when he number'd thirty, a will be heere
2564ligence hath seldome fail'd.
2566die. I haue letters that my sonne will be heere to night:
2568they meete together.
2569Laf Madam, I was thinking with what manners I
2570might safely be admitted.
2573Laf Ladie, of that I haue made a bold charter, but
2574I thanke my God, it holds yet.
2575Enter Clowne
2578der't or no, the Veluet knowes, but 'tis a goodly patch
2579of Veluet, his left cheeke is a cheeke of two pile and a
2580halfe, but his right cheeke is worne bare.
2582Or a noble scarre, is a good liu'rie of honor,
2583So belike is that.
2584Clo But it is your carbinado'd face.
2586your sonne I pray you, I long to talke
2587With the yong noble souldier.
2588Clowne 'Faith there's a dozen of em, with delicate
2590head, and nod at euerie man.
2592Actus Quintus
2593Enter Hellen, Widdow, and Diana, with
2594two Attendants
2597But since you haue made the daies and nights as one,
2598To weare your gentle limbes in my affayres,
2599Be bold you do so grow in my requitall,
2600As nothing can vnroote you. In happie time,
2601Enter a gentle Astringer
2602This man may helpe me to his Maiesties eare,
2604Gent And you.
2608From the report that goes vpon your goodnesse,
2610Which lay nice manners by, I put you to
2611The vse of your owne vertues, for the which
2612I shall continue thankefull.
2613Gent What's your will?
2615To giue this poore petition to the King,
2616And ayde me with that store of power you haue
2617To come into his presence.
2618Gen The Kings not heere.
2620Gen Not indeed,
2622Then is his vse.
2624Hel All's well that ends well yet,
2626I do beseech you, whither is he gone?
2628Whither I am going.
2630Since you are like to see the King before me,
2631Commend the paper to his gracious hand,
2633But rather make you thanke your paines for it,
2634I will come after you with what good speede
2635Our meanes will make vs meanes.
2636Gent This Ile do for you.
2640Enter Clowne and Parrolles
2642ter, I haue ere now sir beene better knowne to you, when
2643I haue held familiaritie with fresher cloathes: but I am
2648eate no Fish of Fortunes butt'ring. Prethee alow the
2651but by a Metaphor.
All's Well that Ends Well 251
2658comes himselfe.
2659Enter Lafew
2661Cat, but not a Muscat, that ha's falne into the vncleane
2666and leaue him to your Lordship.
2668ly scratch'd.
2669Laf And what would you haue me to doe? 'Tis too
2670late to paire her nailes now. Wherein haue you played
2672of her selfe is a good Lady, and would not haue knaues
2673thriue long vnder? There's a Cardecue for you: Let the
2674Iustices make you and fortune friends; I am for other
2679ha't, saue your word.
2680Par My name my good Lord is Parrolles
2682sion, giue me your hand: How does your drumme?
2687for you did bring me out.
2689at once both the office of God and the diuel: one brings
2690thee in grace, and the other brings thee out. The Kings
2691comming I know by his Trumpets. Sirrah, inquire fur-
2692ther after me, I had talke of you last night, though you
2693are a foole and a knaue, you shall eate, go too, follow.
2695Flourish. Enter King, old Lady, Lafew, the two French
2696Lords, with attendants
2698Was made much poorer by it: but your sonne,
2699As mad in folly, lack'd the sence to know
2700Her estimation home.
2703Naturall rebellion, done i'th blade of youth,
2705Ore-beares it, and burnes on.
2706Kin My honour'd Lady,
2707I haue forgiuen and forgotten all,
2708Though my reuenges were high bent vpon him,
2709And watch'd the time to shoote.
2712Did to his Maiesty, his Mother, and his Ladie,
2718Humbly call'd Mistris.
2720Makes the remembrance deere. Well, call him hither,
2722All repetition: Let him not aske our pardon,
2723The nature of his great offence is dead,
2724And deeper then obliuion, we do burie
2725Th' incensing reliques of it. Let him approach
2727So 'tis our will he should.
2730Haue you spoke?
2731Laf All that he is, hath reference to your Highnes.
2733me, that sets him high in fame.
2734Enter Count Bertram
2735Laf He lookes well on't.
2738In me at once: But to the brightest beames
2740The time is faire againe.
2741Ber My high repented blames
2742Deere Soueraigne pardon to me.
2743Kin All is whole,
2744Not one word more of the consumed time,
2745Let's take the instant by the forward top:
2746For we are old, and on our quick'st decrees
2749The daughter of this Lord?
2751I stucke my choice vpon her, ere my heart
2752Durst make too bold a herauld of my tongue:
2755Which warpt the line, of euerie other fauour,
2757Extended or contracted all proportions
2760Since I haue lost, haue lou'd; was in mine eye
2762Kin Well excus'd:
2764From the great compt: but loue that comes too late,
2767Crying, that's good that's gone: Our rash faults,
2768Make triuiall price of serious things we haue,
2769Not knowing them, vntill we know their graue.
2772Our owne loue waking, cries to see what's don,e
2774Be this sweet Helensknell, and now forget her.
2775Send forth your amorous token for faire Maudlin
2779Or, ere they meete in me, O Nature cesse.
252All's Well that Ends Well
2783That she may quickly come. By my old beard,
2784And eu'rie haire that's on't, Helenthat's dead
2786The last that ere I tooke her leaue at Court,
2788Ber Hers it was not.
2791This Ring was mine, and when I gaue it Hellen
2792I bad her if her fortunes euer stoode
2793Necessitied to helpe, that by this token
2794I would releeue her. Had you that craft to reaue her
2796Ber My gracious Soueraigne,
2798The ring was neuer hers.
2799OldLa Sonne, on my life
2801At her liues rate.
2804In Florence was it from a casement throwne mee,
2805Wrap'd in a paper, which contain'd the name
2806Of her that threw it: Noble she was, and thought
2808To mine owne fortune, and inform'd her fully,
2812Receiue the Ring againe.
2814That knowes the tinct and multiplying med'cine,
2816Then I haue in this Ring. 'Twas mine, 'twas Helens
2817Who euer gaue it you: then if you know
2818That you are well acquainted with your selfe,
2819Confesse 'twas hers, and by what rough enforcement
2820You got it from her. She call'd the Saints to suretie,
2823Where you haue neuer come: or sent it vs
2830And yet I know not, thou didst hate her deadly,
2832Her eyes my selfe, could win me to beleeue,
2833More then to see this Ring. Take him away,
2834My fore-past proofes, how ere the matter fall
2835Shall taze my feares of little vanitie,
2836Hauing vainly fear'd too little. Away with him,
2837Wee'l sift this matter further.
2840Proue that I husbanded her bed in Florence,
2841Where yet she neuer was.
2842Enter a Gentleman
2844Gen Gracious Soueraigne.
2845Whether I haue beene too blame or no, I know not,
2846Here's a petition from a Florentine,
2848To tender it her selfe. I vndertooke it,
2850Of the poore suppliant, who by this I know
2853In a sweet verball breefe, it did concerne
A Letter
2856Vpon his many protestations to marrie mee when his wife was
2858 sillion a Widdower, his vowes are forfeited to mee, and my
2859 honors payed to him. Hee stole from Florence, taking no
2860 leaue, and I follow him to his Countrey for Iustice Grant
2862 rishes and a poore Maid is vndone
2863Diana Capilet.
2865for this. Ile none of him.
2866Kin The heauens haue thought well on thee Lafew
2868Go speedily, and bring againe the Count.
2869Enter Bertram
2870I am a-feard the life of Hellen(Ladie)
2871Was fowly snatcht.
2875Yet you desire to marry. What woman's that?
2876Enter Widdow, Diana, and Parrolles
2877Dia I am my Lord a wretched Florentine,
2878Deriued from the ancient Capilet,
2880And therefore know how farre I may be pittied.
2886Ber My Lord, I neither can nor will denie,
2887But that I know them, do they charge me further?
2889Ber She's none of mine my Lord.
2891You giue away this hand, and that is mine,
2892You giue away heauens vowes, and those are mine:
2893You giue away my selfe, which is knowne mine:
2894For I by vow am so embodied yours,
2896Either both or none.
2898ter, you are no husband for her.
2900Whom sometime I haue laugh'd with: Let your highnes
2901Lay a more noble thought vpon mine honour,
2902Then for to thinke that I would sinke it heere.
2903Kin Sir for my thoughts, you haue them il to friend,
2904Till your deeds gaine them fairer: proue your honor,
2905Then in my thought it lies.
2906Dian Good my Lord,
2907Aske him vpon his oath, if hee do's thinke
2908He had not my virginity.
2910Ber She's impudent my Lord,
2911And was a common gamester to the Campe.
2913He might haue bought me at a common price.
Alls Well, that Ends Well 253
2914Do not beleeue him. O behold this Ring,
2916Did lacke a Paralell: yet for all that
2917He gaue it to a Commoner a'th Campe
2918If I be one.
2922Hath it beene owed and worne. This is his wife,
2923That Ring's a thousand proofes.
2926Dia I did my Lord, but loath am to produce
2927So bad an instrument, his names Parrolles
2929Kin Finde him, and bring him hether.
2930Ros What of him:
2934Am I, or that or this for what he'l vtter,
2935That will speake any thing.
2936Kin She hath that Ring of yours.
2938And boorded her i'th wanton way of youth:
2939She knew her distance, and did angle for mee,
2941As all impediments in fancies course
2942Are motiues of more fancie, and in fine,
2943Her insuite comming with her moderne grace,
2944Subdu'd me to her rate, she got the Ring,
2945And I had that which any inferiour might
2946At Market price haue bought.
2949May iustly dyet me. I pray you yet,
2951Send for your Ring, I will returne it home,
2952And giue me mine againe.
2953Ros I haue it not.
2954Kin What Ring was yours I pray you?
2956Kin Know you this Ring, this Ring was his of late.
2957Dia And this was it I gaue him being a bed.
2959Out of a Casement.
2963Is this the man you speake of?
2964Dia I, my Lord.
2968By him and by this woman heere, what know you?
2970honourable Gentleman. Trickes hee hath had in him,
2971which Gentlemen haue.
2975Kin How I pray you?
2977Kin How is that?
2980uocall Companion is this?
2983Laf Hee's a good drumme my Lord, but a naughtie
2990deede he was madde for her, and talkt of Sathan, and of
2991Limbo, and of Furies, and I know not what: yet I was in
2992that credit with them at that time, that I knewe of their
2993going to bed, and of other motions, as promising her
2994marriage, and things which would deriue mee ill will to
2999Dia I my good Lord.
3000Kin Where did you buy it? Or who gaue it you?
3001Dia It was not giuen me, nor I did not buy it.
3002Kin Who lent it you?
3003Dia It was not lent me neither.
3005Dia I found it not.
3007How could you giue it him?
3008Dia I neuer gaue it him.
3012Dia It might be yours or hers for ought I know.
3013Kin Take her away, I do not like her now,
3014To prison with her: and away with him,
3016Thou diest within this houre.
3017Dia Ile neuer tell you.
3018Kin Take her away.
3019Dia Ile put in baile my liedge.
3021Dia By Ioue if euer I knew man 'twas you.
3024He knowes I am no Maid, and hee'l sweare too't:
3025Ile sweare I am a Maid, and he knowes not.
3026Great King I am no strumpet, by my life,
3027I am either Maid, or else this old mans wife.
3030The Ieweller that owes the Ring is sent for,
3032Who hath abus'd me as he knowes himselfe,
3033Though yet he neuer harm'd me, heere I quit him.
3035And at that time he got his wife with childe:
3037So there's my riddle, one that's dead is quicke,
3038And now behold the meaning.
3039Enter Hellen and Widdow
3041Beguiles the truer Office of mine eyes?
3042Is't reall that I see?
3043Hel No my good Lord,
Y 'Tis
254Alls Well, that Ends Well
3045The name, and not the thing.
3046Ros Both, both, O pardon.
3047Hel Oh my good Lord, when I was like this Maid,
3048I found you wondrous kinde, there is your Ring,
3049And looke you, heeres your letter: this it sayes,
3050When from my finger you can get this Ring,
3051And is by me with childe, &c. This is done,
3052Will you be mine now you are doubly wonne?
3054Ile loue her dearely, euer, euer dearly.
3055Hel If it appeare not plaine, and proue vntrue,
3056Deadly diuorce step betweene me and you.
3057O my deere mother do I see you liuing?
3059Good Tom Drumme lend me a handkercher.
3060So I thanke thee, waite on me home, Ile make sport with
3073THe Kings a Begger, now the Play is done
3074All is well ended, if this suite be wonne
3075That you expresse Content: which we will pay
3077Ours be your patience then, and yours our parts
3078Your gentle hands lend vs, and take our hearts Exeunt omn.