Author: William ShakespeareEditor: Rosemary GabyNot Peer Reviewed
Henry IV, Part 2 (Folio 1 1623)
Act 1, scene 1
Act 1, scene 2
Act 1, scene 3
Act 2, scene 1
Act 2, scene 2
Act 2, scene 3
Act 2, scene 4
Act 3, scene 1
Act 3, scene 2
Act 4, scene 1
Act 4, scene 2
Act 4, scene 3
Act 5, scene 1
Act 5, scene 2
Act 5, scene 3
Act 5, scene 4
Act 5, scene 5
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Complete text
> 3325F
IRST, my Feare: then, my Curtsie: last, my Speech.
3326My Feare, is your Displeasure: My Curtsie, my Dutie: 3327And my speech, to Begge your Pardons. If you looke for a 3328good speech now, you vndoe me: For what I haue to say, is 3329of mine owne making: and what (indeed) I should say, will 3330(I doubt) prooue mine owne marring. But to the Purpose, 3331and so to the Venture. Be it knowne to you (as it is very 3332well) I was lately heere in the end of a displeasing Play, to pray your Patience 3333for it, and to promise you a Better: I did meane (indeede) to pay you with this,
3334which if (like an ill Venture) it come vnluckily home, I breake; and you, my gen- 3335tle Creditors lose. Heere I promist you I would be, and heere I commit my Bodie 3336to your Mercies: Bate me some, and I will pay you some, and (as most Debtors do) 3337promise you infinitely.
3338 If my Tongue cannot entreate you to acquit me: will you command me to vse 3339my Legges? And yet that were but light payment, to Dance out of your debt: But 3340a good Conscience, will make any possible satisfaction, and so will I. All the Gen- 3341tlewomen heere, haue forgiuen me, if the Gentlemen will not, then the Gentlemen 3342do not agree with the Gentlewowen, which was neuer seene before, in such an As- 3344 One word more, I beseech you: if you be not too much cloid with Fat Meate, 3345our humble Author will continue the Story (with Sir Iohn
in it) and make you 3346merry, with faire Katherine
of France:
where (for any thing I know) Fal
- 3347sta
shall dye of a sweat, vnlesse already he be kill'd with your hard Opinions: 3348For Old-Ca
dyed a Martyr, and this is not the man. My Tongue is wearie 3349when my Legs are too, I will bid you good night; and so kneele downe before you: 3350But (indeed) to pray for the Queene.