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  • Title: Henry IV, Part 2 (Folio 1 1623)
  • Editor: Rosemary Gaby

  • Copyright Rosemary Gaby. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Rosemary Gaby
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry IV, Part 2 (Folio 1 1623)

    The second Part of King Henry the Fourth. 91
    Vnder the counterfeited Zeale of Heauen,
    The Subiects of Heauens Substitute, my Father,
    And both against the Peace of Heauen, and him,
    2130Haue here vp-swarmed them.
    Bish. Good my Lord of Lancaster,
    I am not here against your Fathers Peace:
    But (as I told my Lord of Westmerland)
    The Time (mis-order'd) doth in common sence
    2135Crowd vs, and crush vs, to this monstrous Forme,
    To hold our safetie vp. I sent your Grace
    The parcels, and particulars of our Griefe,
    The which hath been with scorne shou'd from the Court:
    Whereon this Hydra-Sonne of Warre is borne,
    2140Whose dangerous eyes may well be charm'd asleepe,
    With graunt of our most iust and right desires;
    And true Obedience, of this Madnesse cur'd,
    Stoope tamely to the foot of Maiestie.
    Mow. If not, wee readie are to trye our fortunes,
    2145To the last man.
    Hast. And though wee here fall downe,
    Wee haue Supplyes, to second our Attempt:
    If they mis-carry, theirs shall second them.
    And so, successe of Mischiefe shall be borne,
    2150And Heire from Heire shall hold this Quarrell vp,
    Whiles England shall haue generation.
    Iohn. You are too shallow (Hastings)
    Much too shallow,
    To sound the bottome of the after-Times.
    2155West. Pleaseth your Grace, to answere them directly,
    How farre-forth you doe like their Articles.
    Iohn. I like them all, and doe allow them well:
    And sweare here, by the honor of my blood,
    My Fathers purposes haue beene mistooke,
    2160And some, about him, haue too lauishly
    Wrested his meaning, and Authoritie.
    My Lord, these Griefes shall be with speed redrest:
    Vpon my Life, they shall. If this may please you,
    Discharge your Powers vnto their seuerall Counties,
    2165As wee will ours: and here, betweene the Armies,
    Let's drinke together friendly, and embrace,
    That all their eyes may beare those Tokens home,
    Of our restored Loue, and Amitie.
    Bish. I take your Princely word, for these redresses.
    2170Iohn. I giue it you, and will maintaine my word:
    And thereupon I drinke vnto your Grace.
    Hast. Goe Captaine, and deliuer to the Armie
    This newes of Peace: let them haue pay, and part:
    I know, it will well please them.
    2175High thee Captaine. Exit.
    Bish. To you, my Noble Lord of Westmerland.
    West. I pledge your Grace:
    And if you knew what paines I haue bestow'd,
    To breede this present Peace,
    2180You would drinke freely: but my loue to ye,
    Shall shew it selfe more openly hereafter.
    Bish. I doe not doubt you.
    West. I am glad of it.
    Health to my Lord, and gentle Cousin Mowbray.
    2185Mow. You wish me health in very happy season,
    For I am, on the sodaine, something ill.
    Bish. Against ill Chances, men are euer merry,
    But heauinesse fore-runnes the good euent.
    West. Therefore be merry (Cooze) since sodaine sorrow
    2190Serues to say thus: some good thing comes to morrow.
    Bish. Beleeue me, I am passing light in spirit.
    Mow. So much the worse, if your owne Rule be true.

    Iohn. The word of Peace is render'd: hearke how
    they showt.
    2195Mow. This had been chearefull, after Victorie.
    Bish. A Peace is of the nature of a Conquest:
    For then both parties nobly are subdu'd,
    And neither partie looser.
    Iohn. Goe (my Lord)
    2200And let our Army be discharged too:
    And good my Lord (so please you) let our Traines
    March by vs, that wee may peruse the men
    Wee should haue coap'd withall.
    Bish. Goe, good Lord Hastings:
    2205And ere they be dismiss'd, let them march by. Exit.
    Iohn. I trust (Lords) wee shall lye to night together.
    Enter Westmerland.
    Now Cousin, wherefore stands our Army still?
    West. The Leaders hauing charge from you to stand,
    2210Will not goe off, vntill they heare you speake.
    Iohn. They know their duties. Enter Hastings.
    Hast. Our Army is dispers'd:
    Like youthfull Steeres, vnyoak'd, they tooke their course
    East, West, North, South: or like a Schoole, broke vp,
    2215Each hurryes towards his home, and sporting place.
    West. Good tidings (my Lord Hastings) for the which,
    I doe arrest thee (Traytor) of high Treason:
    And you Lord Arch-bishop, and you Lord Mowbray,
    Of Capitall Treason, I attach you both.
    2220Mow. Is this proceeding iust, and honorable?
    West. Is your Assembly so?
    Bish. Will you thus breake your faith?
    Iohn. I pawn'd thee none:
    I promis'd you redresse of these same Grieuances
    2225Whereof you did complaine; which, by mine Honor,
    I will performe, with a most Christian care.
    But for you (Rebels) looke to taste the due
    Meet for Rebellion, and such Acts as yours.
    Most shallowly did you these Armes commence,
    2230Fondly brought here, and foolishly sent hence.
    Strike vp our Drummes, pursue the scatter'd stray,
    Heauen, and not wee, haue safely fought to day.
    Some guard these Traitors to the Block of Death,
    Treasons true Bed, and yeelder vp of breath. Exeunt.
    2235Enter Falstaffe and Colleuile.
    Falst. What's your Name, Sir? of what Condition are
    you? and of what place, I pray?
    Col. I am a Knight, Sir:
    And my Name is Colleuile of the Dale.
    2240Falst. Well then, Colleuile is your Name, a Knight is
    your Degree, and your Place, the Dale. Colleuile shall
    still be your Name, a Traytor your Degree, and the Dun-
    geon your Place, a place deepe enough: so shall you be
    still Colleuile of the Dale.
    2245Col. Are not you Sir Iohn Falstaffe?
    Falst. As good a man as he sir, who ere I am: doe yee
    yeelde sir, or shall I sweate for you? if I doe sweate, they
    are the drops of thy Louers, and they weep for thy death,
    therefore rowze vp Feare and Trembling, and do obser-
    2250uance to my mercy.
    Col. I thinke you are Sir Iohn Falstaffe, & in that thought
    yeeld me.
    Fal. I haue a whole Schoole of tongues in this belly of
    mine, and not a Tongue of them all, speakes anie other
    2255word but my name: and I had but a belly of any indiffe-
    rencie, I were simply the most actiue fellow in Europe:
    my wombe, my wombe, my wombe vndoes mee. Heere
    comes our Generall.
    gg3 Enter