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- Edition: Henry IV, Part 2
Henry IV, Part 2 (Folio 1 1623)
- Texts of this edition
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1029Scaena Quarta.
1030Enter two Drawers.
1035of Apple-Iohns before him, and told him there were fiue
1038Knights. It anger'd him to the heart: but hee hath for-
1039got that.
1044Points, anon: and they will put on two of our Ierkins,
1045and Aprons, and Sir Iohn must not know of it: Bardolph
1046hath brought word.
1048cellent stratagem.
1050Enter Hostesse, and Dol.
1052cellent good temperalitie: your Pulsidge beates as ex-
1053traordinarily, as heart would desire; and your Colour
1054(I warrant you) is as red as any Rose: But you haue
1055drunke too much Canaries, and that's a maruellous sear-
1056ching Wine; and it perfumes the blood, ere wee can say
1057what's this. How doe you now?
1058Dol. Better then I was: Hem.
1060Gold. Looke, here comes Sir Iohn.
1061Enter Falstaffe.
When Arthur first in Court
-- (emptie the Iordan)
and was a worthy King
: How now Mistris Dol?
1066they are sick.
1068giue me?
1071them, I make them not.
1072Falst. If the Cooke make the Gluttonie, you helpe to
1074of you: Grant that, my poore Vertue, grant that.
1075Dol. I marry, our Chaynes, and our Iewels.
1076Falst. Your Brooches, Pearles, and Owches: For to
1079rie brauely; to venture vpon the charg'd-Chambers
1084not one beare with anothers Confirmities. What the
1089full Hogs-head? There's a whole Marchants Venture
1092Iacke: Thou art going to the Warres, and whether I
1095Enter Drawer.
1097speake with you.
1102liue amongst my Neighbors, Ile no Swaggerers: I am
1104doore, there comes no Swaggerers heere: I haue not
1106doore, I pray you.
1109no Swaggerers heere.
s Falst.Do'st
The second Part of King Henry the Fourth. 83
1111Host. Tilly-fally (Sir Iohn) neuer tell me, your ancient
1112Swaggerer comes not in my doores. I was before Master
1117are Ciuill; for (sayth hee) you are in an ill Name: now
1119an honest Woman, and well thought on; therefore take
1121swaggering Companions. There comes none heere. You
1126hound: hee will not swagger with a Barbarie Henne, if
1128him vp (Drawer.)
1135pen Leafe: I cannot abide Swaggerers.
1136Enter Pistol, and Bardolph and his Boy.
1137Pist. 'Saue you, Sir Iohn.
1139you with a Cup of Sacke: doe you discharge vpon mine
1144fend her.
1145Host. Come, Ile drinke no Proofes, nor no Bullets: I
1146will drinke no more then will doe me good, for no mans
1147pleasure, I.
1152Mate: away you mouldie Rogue, away; I am meat for
1153your Master.
1156away: By this Wine, Ile thrust my Knife in your mouldie
1157Chappes, if you play the sawcie Cuttle with me. Away
1159Since when, I pray you, Sir? what, with two Points on
1160your shoulder? much.
1164Dol. Captaine? thou abhominable damn'd Cheater,
1165art thou not asham'd to be call'd Captaine? If Captaines
1166were of my minde, they would trunchion you out, for ta-
1167king their Names vpon you, before you haue earn'd them.
1168You a Captaine? you slaue, for what? for tearing a poore
1170him Rogue, hee liues vpon mouldie stew'd-Pruines, and
1171dry'de Cakes. A Captaine? These Villaines will make
1172the word Captaine odious: Therefore Captaines had
1173neede looke to it.
1174Bard. 'Pray thee goe downe, good Ancient.
1176Pist. Not I: I tell thee what, Corporall Bardolph, I
1177could teare her: Ile be reueng'd on her.
1178Page. 'Pray thee goe downe.
1180to the Infernall Deepe, where Erebus and Tortures vilde
1182Dogges, downe Fates: haue wee not Hiren here?
1184I beseeke you now, aggrauate your Choler.
1188with Caniballs, and Troian Greekes? nay, rather damne
1189them with King Cerberus, and let the Welkin roare: shall
1190wee fall foule for Toyes?
1193Bard. Be gone, good Ancient: this will grow to a
1194Brawle anon.
1195Pist. Die men, like Dogges; giue Crownes like Pinnes:
1196Haue we not Hiren here?
1198What the good-yere, doe you thinke I would denye her?
1199I pray be quiet.
1200Pist. Then feed, and be fat (my faire Calipolis.) Come,
1203Giue me some Sack: and Sweet-heart lye thou there:
1204Come wee to full Points here, and are et cetera's no-
1212way Nagges?
1215shall be nothing here.
1218brew? then Death rocke me asleepe, abridge my dolefull
1219dayes: why then let grieuous, gastly, gaping Wounds,
1222Fal. Giue me my Rapier, Boy.
1223Dol. I prethee Iack, I prethee doe not draw.
1227ther I warrant now. Alas, alas, put vp your naked Wea-
1228pons, put vp your naked Weapons.
1230you whorson little valiant Villaine, you.
1231Host. Are you not hurt i'th'Groyne? me thought hee
1233Fal. Haue you turn'd him out of doores?
1235him (Sir) in the shoulder.
1239on, you whorson Chops: Ah Rogue, I loue thee: Thou
84The second Part of King Henry the Fourth.
1241non, and tenne times better then the nine Worthies: ah
1246Ile canuas thee betweene a paire of Sheetes.
1247Enter Musique.
1249Fal. Let them play: play Sirs. Sit on my Knee, Dol.
1253whorson little tydie Bartholmew Bore-pigge, when wilt
1254thou leaue fighting on dayes, and foyning on nights, and
1255begin to patch vp thine old Body for Heauen?
1256Enter the Prince and Poines disguis'd.
1258head: doe not bid me remember mine end.
1259Dol. Sirrha, what humor is the Prince of?
1261made a good Pantler, hee would haue chipp'd Bread
1264Fal. Hee a good Wit? hang him Baboone, his Wit is
1266ceit in him, then is in a Mallet.
1269hee playes at Quoits well, and eates Conger and Fennell,
1270and drinkes off Candles ends for Flap-dragons, and rides
1271the wilde-Mare with the Boyes, and iumpes vpon Ioyn'd-
1273Boot very smooth, like vnto the Signe of the Legge; and
1275other Gamboll Faculties hee hath, that shew a weake
1276Minde, and an able Body, for the which the Prince admits
1278weight of an hayre will turne the Scales betweene their
1280Prince. Would not this Naue of a Wheele haue his
1281Eares cut off?
1282Poin. Let vs beat him before his Whore.
1283Prince. Looke, if the wither'd Elder hath not his Poll
1284claw'd like a Parrot.
1286yeeres out-liue performance?
1289What sayes the Almanack to that?
1292his Councell-keeper?
1296Fal. I am olde, I am olde.
1298Boy of them all.
1301to morrow. A merrie Song, come: it growes late,
1302wee will to Bed. Thou wilt forget me, when I am
1306turne: well, hearken the end.
1307Fal. Some Sack, Francis.
1308Prin. Poin. Anon, anon, Sir.
1310thou Poines, his Brother?
1312a Life do'st thou lead?
1313Fal. A better then thou: I am a Gentleman, thou art
1314a Drawer.
1315Prince. Very true, Sir: and I come to draw you out
1316by the Eares.
1319of thine: what, are you come from Wales?
1321this light Flesh, and corrupt Blood, thou art welcome.
1324uenge, and turne all to a merryment, if you take not the
1328tuous, ciuill Gentlewoman?
1330my troth.
1332Prince. Yes: and you knew me, as you did when you
1333ranne away by Gads-hill: you knew I was at your back,
1336within hearing.
1338abuse, and then I know how to handle you.
1341Bread-chopper, and I know not what?
1345I disprays'd him before the Wicked, that the Wicked
1346might not fall in loue with him: In which doing, I haue
1347done the part of a carefull Friend, and a true Subiect, and
1348thy Father is to giue me thankes for it. No abuse (Hal:)
1349none (Ned) none; no Boyes, none.
1355Nose) of the Wicked?
1358rable, and his Face is Lucifers Priuy-Kitchin, where hee
1359doth nothing but rost Mault-Wormes: for the Boy,
1360there is a good Angell about him, but the Deuill out-
1361bids him too.
1362Prince. For the Women?
1364burnes poore Soules: for the other, I owe her Mo-
1365ney; and whether shee bee damn'd for that, I know
1367Host. No, I warrant you.
Fal. No,
The second Part of King Henry the Fourth. 85
1368Fal. No, I thinke thou art not: I thinke thou art quit
1369for that. Marry, there is another Indictment vpon thee,
1371the Law, for the which I thinke thou wilt howle.
1373Mutton, or two, in a whole Lent?
1374Prince. You, Gentlewoman.
1379doore there, Francis?
1380Enter Peto.
1381Prince. Peto, how now? what newes?
1383And there are twentie weake and wearied Postes,
1384Come from the North: and as I came along,
1385I met, and ouer-tooke a dozen Captaines,
1386Bare-headed, sweating, knocking at the Tauernes,
1388Prince. By Heauen (Poines) I feele me much to blame,
1389So idly to prophane the precious time,
1390When Tempest of Commotion, like the South,
1391Borne with black Vapour, doth begin to melt,
1392And drop vpon our bare vnarmed heads.
1393Giue me my Sword, and Cloake:
1396night, and wee must hence, and leaue it vnpickt. More
1397knocking at the doore? How now? what's the mat-
1400A dozen Captaines stay at doore for you.
1402farewell Dol. You see (my good Wenches) how men of
1404the man of Action is call'd on. Farewell good Wenches:
1411Host. Well, fare thee well: I haue knowne thee
1413honester, and truer-hearted man--- Well, fare thee
1416Host. What's the matter?
1418Host. Oh runne Dol, runne: runne, good Dol.