Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Not Peer Reviewed

The Merry Wives of Windsor (Quarto 1, 1602)

the merry wives of windsor.

1420.1Enter Mistresse Page.

Mis. Pa. Mistresse Ford, Mis. Ford, where are you?
1434.1Mis. For. O Lord step aside good sir Iohn.
Falstaffe stands behind the aras.
How now Misteris Page whats the matter?
Mis.. Pa. Why your husband woman is cõming,
With halfe Windsor at his heeles,
To looke for a gentleman that he ses
1445Is hid in his house: his wifes sweet hart.
Mis. For. Speak louder. But I hope tis not true
1448.1 Misteris Page.
Mis. Pa. Tis too true woman. Therefore if you
Haue any here, away with him, or your vndone for
1446.1 euer.
Mis. For. Alas mistresse Page, what shall I do?
Here is a gentleman my friend, how shall I do?
Mis. Pa. Gode body woman, do not stand what
1461.1shal I do, and what shall I do. Better any shift, rather
then you shamed. Looke heere, here's a buck-bas-
ket, if hee be a man of any reasonable sise, heele in
Mis. For. Alas I feare he is too big.
1470Fal. Let me see, let me see, Ile in, Ile in,
Follow your friends counsell.
Mis. Pa. Fie sir Iohn is this your loue? Go too. (Aside.
Fal. I loue thee, and none but thee:
1474.1Helpe me to conuey me hence,
1475Ile neuer come here more.
E Sir