Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Not Peer Reviewed

The Merry Wives of Windsor (Quarto 1, 1602)

the merry wives of windsor.
386.1And theres the humor of it.
Pis. And I to Foord will likewise tell
How Falstaffe varlot vilde,
Would haue her loue, his doue would proue,
390And eke his bed defile.
390.1 Nym. Let vs about it then.
395Pis. Ile second thee : sir Corporall Nym troope (on.
Exit omnes.
Enter Mistresse Quickly, and Simple.

415Quic. M. Slender is your Masters name say you?
Sim. I indeed that is his name.
416.1Quic. How say you? I take it hee is somewhat a
weakly man:
And he has as it were a whay coloured beard.
420Sim. Indeed my maisters beard is kane colored.
420.1Quic. Kane colour, you say well.
And is this Letter from sir Yon, about Misteris An,
Is it not?
Sim. I indeed is it.
420.5Quic. So: and your Maister would haue me as
it twere to speak to misteris Anne concerning him:
I promise you my M.
hath a great affectioned mind
to mistresse Anne himselfe. And if he should know
that I should as they say, giue my verdit for any one
420.10but himselfe, I should heare of it throughly : For
I tell you friend, he puts all his priuities in me.
429.1Sim. I by my faith you are a good staie to hiM.
Quic. Am I? I and you knew all yowd say so:
485 Washing, brewing, baking, all goes through my(hands,
485.1Or else it would be but a woe house.
Sim. I beshrow me, one woman to do all this,
B3 Is.