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  • Title: Troilus and Cressida (Quarto 1, 1609)
  • Editor: William Godshalk
  • ISBN: 1-55058-301-8

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: William Godshalk
    Peer Reviewed

    Troilus and Cressida (Quarto 1, 1609)

    The history
    marry thus my Lord my deere Lord, and most esteemed
    1540friend your brother Troylus.
    Hel. My Lord Pandarus hony sweet Lord,
    Pan. Go too sweet Queene, go to?
    Comends himselfe most affectionatly to you.
    Hel. You shall not bob vs out of our melody,
    1545If you do our melancholy vpon your head.
    Pan. Sweet Queene, sweet Queene, thats a sweet Queene
    I faith----------
    Hel. And to make a sweet Lady sad is a sower offence.
    Pan. Nay that shall not serue your turne, that shall it not
    1550in truth la? Nay I care not for such words, no, no. And my
    Lord hee desires you that if the King call for him at super.
    You will make his excuse.
    Hel. My Lord Pandarus.
    Pan. What saies my sweete Queenem,y very very sweet
    Par. What exploit's in hand, where suppes he tonight?
    Hel. Nay but my Lord?
    Pan What saies my sweet Queene? my cozen will fall out
    with you.
    1560Hel. You must not know where he sups.
    Par. Ile lay my life with my disposer Cresseida.
    Pan. No, no? no such matter you are wide, come your
    disposer is sicke.
    Par. Well ile makes excuse?
    1565Pan. I good my Lord, why should you say Cresseida, no,
    your disposers sick. Par. I spie?
    Pan. You spy? what doe you spie? come, giue mee an in-
    strument, now sweete Queene:
    1570Hel. Why this is kindely done?
    Pan. My Neece is horribly in loue with a thing you haue
    sweete Queene.
    Hel. Shee shall haue it my Lord, if it bee not my Lord
    1575Pand. Hee? no? sheele none of him, they two are
    Hel. Falling in after falling out may make them three.