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  • Title: Troilus and Cressida (Quarto 1, 1609)
  • Editor: William Godshalk
  • ISBN: 1-55058-301-8

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: William Godshalk
    Peer Reviewed

    Troilus and Cressida (Quarto 1, 1609)

    The history
    melancholy if you will fauour the man. But by my head 'tis
    pride: but why, why, let him shew vs a cause?
    Nest. What mooues Aiax thus to bay at him?
    1295Vliss. Achillis hath inuegled his foole from him,
    Nest. Who Thersites? Vlis. He.
    Nest. Thē wil Aiax lack matter, if he haue lost his argumẽt.
    1300Vli. No, you see he is his argument, that has his argument
    Nes. All the better, their fract is more our wish then theit
    faction, but it was a strōg composure a foole could disunite.
    1305Vli. The amity that wisdom knits not, folly may easily vnty,
    Heere comes Patroclus. Nest. No Achilles with him.
    Vlis. The Elephant hath ioynts, but none for courtesie,
    1310His legs are legs for necessity, not for flexure.
    Patro. Achilles bids me say he is much sorry,
    If any thing more then your sport and pleasure
    Did mooue your greatnesse, and this noble state,
    To call vpon him. He hopes it is no other
    1315But for your health, and your disgestion sake,
    An after dinners breath.
    Agam. Heere you Patroclus:
    We are too well acquainted with these answers,
    But his euasion winged thus swift with scorne,
    1320Cannot out-flie our apprehensions,
    Much attribute he hath, and much the reason
    Why we ascribe it to him. Yet all his vertues,
    Not vertuously on his owne part beheld,
    Doe in our eyes begin to lose their glosse,
    1325Yea like faire fruite in an vnholsome dish,
    Are like to rott vntasted. Go and tell him,
    We come to speake with him, and you shall not sinne,
    If you do say, we thinke him ouer-proud
    And vnder-honest: in selfe assumption greater
    1330Then in the note of iudgement. And worthier then himselfe
    Heere tend the sauage strangenesse he puts on
    Disguise, the holy strength of their commaund,
    And vnder-write in an obseruing kinde,
    His humorous predominance: yea watch