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  • Title: Troilus and Cressida (Quarto 1, 1609)
  • Editor: William Godshalk
  • ISBN: 1-55058-301-8

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: William Godshalk
    Peer Reviewed

    Troilus and Cressida (Quarto 1, 1609)

    The history
    805With their fin'st pallat, and trust to me Ulisses
    Our imputation shalbe odly poizde
    In this vilde action, for the successe,
    Although perticuler shall giue a scantling
    Of good or bad vnto the generall,
    810And in such indexes (although small pricks
    To their subsequent volumes) there is seene,
    The baby figure of the gyant masse,
    Of things to come at large: It is suppos'd
    He that meetes Hector, yssues from our choice,
    815And choice (being mutuall act of all our soules)
    Makes merit her election, and doth boyle,
    (As twere from forth vs all) a man distill'd
    Out of our vertues, who miscarrying,
    What heart receiues from hence a conquering part,
    820To steele a strong opinion to themselues.
    Uliss. Giue pardon to my speech? therefore tis meete,
    825Achilles meete not Hector, let vs like Marchants
    First shew foule wares, and thinke perchance theile sell;
    If not; the luster of the better shall exceed,
    By shewing the worse first: do not consent,
    830That euer Hector and Achilles meet,
    For both our honour and our shame in this, are dog'd with
    two strange followers.
    Nest. I see them not with my old eyes what are they?
    Vless. What glory our Achilles shares from Hector
    835Were he not proud, we al! should share with him:
    But he already is too insolent.
    And it were better partch in Afrique Sunne,
    Then in the pride and sault scorne of his eyes
    Should he scape Hector faire. If he were foild,
    840Why then we do our maine opinion crush
    In taint of our best man. No, make a lottry
    And by deuise let blockish Aiax draw
    The sort to fight with Hector, among ourselues,
    Giue him allowance for the better man,
    845For that will phisick the great Myrmidon,
    Who broyles in loud applause, and make him fall,