Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
Not Peer Reviewed

Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)

Nur:Goe, get you gone. What lambe, what Lady
birde? fast I warrant. What Iuliet? well, let the County take
2580you in your bed, yee sleepe for a weeke now, but the next
night, the Countie Paris hath set vp his rest that you shal rest
but little. What lambe I say, fast still: what Lady, Loue,
what bride, what Iuliet? Gods me how sound she sleeps? Nay
then I see I must wake you indeed. Whats heere, laide on
your bed, drest in your cloathes and down, ah me, alack the
day, some Aqua vitae hoe.
2591.1Enter Mother.
Moth:How now whats the matter?
Nur:Alack the day, shees dead, shees dead, shees dead.
Moth:Accurst, vnhappy, miserable time.
Enter Oldeman.
2600Cap:Come, come, make hast, wheres my daughter?
Moth:Ah shees dead, shees dead.
Cap:Stay, let me see, all pale and wan.
2603.1Accursed time, vnfortunate olde man.
Enter Fryer and Paris.
Par:What is the bride ready to goe to Church?
Cap:Ready to goe, but neuer to returne.
2615O Sonne the night before thy wedding day,
Hath Death laine with thy bride, flower as she is,
Deflowerd by him, see, where she lyes,
of Romeo and Iuliet.
Death is my Sonne in Law, to him I giue all that I haue.
Par:Haue I thought long to see this mornings face,
And doth it now present such prodegies?
Accurst, vnhappy, miserable man,
2623.1Forlorne, forsaken, destitute I am:
Borne to the world to be a slaue in it.
Distrest, remediles, and vnfortunate.
O heauens,O nature,wherefore did you make me,
2623.5To liue so vile, so wretched as I shall.
Cap:O heere she lies that was our hope, our ioy,
And being dead, dead sorrow nips vs all.
All at once cry out and wring their hands
All cry:All our ioy, and all our hope is dead,
2623.10Dead, lost, vndone, absented, wholy fled.
Cap:Cruel, vniust, impartiall destinies,
Why to this day haue you preseru'd my life?
Too see my hope, my stay, my ioy, my life,
Depriude of sence, of life, of all by death,
2623.15Cruell, vniust, impartiall destinies.
Cap:O sad fac'd sorrow map of misery,
Why this sad time haue I desird to see.
This day, this vniust, this impartiall day
Wherein I hop'd to see my comfort full,
2623.20To be depriude by suddaine destinie.
Moth:O woe, alacke, distrest, why should I liue?
To see this day, this miserable day.
Alacke the time that euer I was borne,
To be partaker of this destinie.
2623.25Alacke the day, alacke and welladay.
2645Fr:O peace for shame, if not for charity.
2645.1Your daughter liues in peace and happines,
And it is vaine to wish it otherwise.
I2 Come
The excellent Tragedie
Come sticke your Rosemary in this dead coarse,
2660And as the custome of our Country is,
In all her best and sumptuous ornaments,
2661.1Conuay her where her Ancestors lie tomb'd,
Cap:Let it be so, come wofull sorrow mates,
Let vs together taste this bitter fate.
2675They all but the Nurse goe foorth, casting Rosemary on
2675.1 her and shutting the Curtens.
Enter Musitions.
Nur:Put vp, put vp, this is a wofull case. Exit.
1.I by my troth Mistresse is it, it had need be mended.
2675.5Enter Seruingman.
Ser:Alack alack what shal I doe, come Fidlers play me
some mery dumpe.
1.A sir, this is no time to play.
Ser:You will not then?
1.No marry will wee.
2690Ser:Then will I giue it you, and soundly to.
1.What will you giue vs?
Ser:The fidler, Ile re you, Ile fa you Ile sol you.
1.If you re vs and fa vs, we will note you.
Ser:I will put vp my Iron dagger, and beate you with
2700my wodden wit. Come on Simon found Pot, Ile pose you,
2700.11.Lets heare.
2705Ser:When griping griefe the heart doth wound,
2705.1And dolefull dumps the minde oppresse:
Then musique with her siluer sound,
Why siluer sound? Why siluer sound?
1.I thinke because musicke hath a sweet sound.
2710Ser:Pretie, what say you Mathew minikine?
of Romeo and Iuliet.
2.I thinke because Musitions sound for siluer.
Ser:Prettie too: come, what say you?
3.I say nothing.
Ser:I thinke so, Ile speake for you because you are the
2715Singer. I saye Siluer sound, because such Fellowes as you
haue sildome Golde for sounding. Farewell Fidlers, fare-
2716.1well. Exit.
1.Farewell and be hangd: come lets goe. Exeunt.