Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Tom Bishop
Not Peer Reviewed

Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)

Pericles Prince of Tyre.
borne in a tempest, when my mother dide, this world to me
is a lasting storme, whirring me from my friends.
Dion. How now Marina, why doe yow keep alone?
How chaunce my daughter is not with you?
1445Doe not consume your bloud with sorrowing,
Haue you a nurse of me? Lord how your fauours
Changd with this vnprofitable woe:
Come giue me your flowers, ere the sea marre it,
Walke with Leonine, the ayre is quicke there,
1450And it perces and sharpens the stomacke,
Come Leonine take her by the arme, walke with her.
Mari. No I pray you, Ile not bereaue you of your seruañt .
Dion. Come, come, I loue the king your father, and your
selfe, with more then forraine heart, wee euery day expect
1455him here, when he shall come and find our Paragon to all
reports thus blasted,
He will repent the breadth of his great voyage, blame both
my Lord and me, that we haue taken no care to your best
courses, go I pray you, walke and be chearfull once againe,
1460reserue that excellent complexion, which did steale the
eyes of yong and old. Care not for me, I can goe home a-
Mari. Well, I will goe, but yet I haue no desire too it.
Dion. Come, come, I know tis good for you, walke halfe
1465an houre Leonine, at the least, remember what I haue sed.
Leon. I warrant you Madam.
Dion. Ile leaue you my sweete Ladie, for a while, pray
walke softly, doe not heate your bloud, what, I must haue
care of you.
1470Mari. My thanks sweete Madame, Is this wind Westerlie
that blowes?
Leon. Southwest.
Mari.When I was borne the wind was North.
LeonWast so?
1475Mari. My father, as nurse ses, did neuer feare, but cryed