Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Donald Bailey
Peer Reviewed

Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)

The Tragedy of Othello

For too much louing you.
Oth. I am bound to thee for euer.
1835Iag. I see this hath a little dasht your spirits.
Oth. Not a iot, not a iot.
Iag. Ifaith I feare it has.
I hope you will consider what is spoke,
Comes from my loue: But I doe see you are moou'd,
I am to pray you, not to straine my speech,
To groser issues, nor to larger reach,
Then to suspition.
Oth. I will not.
1845Iag. Should you doe so my Lord,
My speech should fall into such vile successe,
As my thoughts aime not at: Cassio's my trusty friend:
My Lord, I see you are moou'd.
1850Oth. No, not much moou'd,
I doe not thinke but Desdemona's honest.
Iag. Long liue she so, and long liue you to thinke so.
Oth. And yet how nature erring from it selfe.
1855Iag. I, there's the point: as to be bold with you,
Not to affect many proposed matches,
Of her owne Clime, complexion, and degree,
Whereto we see in all things, nature tends;
1860Fie we may smell in such a will, most ranke
Foule disproportion: thoughts vnnaturall.
But pardon me: I doe not in position,
Destinctly speake of her, tho I may feare
Her will recoyling to her better iudgement,
1865May fall to match you with her countrey formes,
And happily repent.
Oth. Farewell, if more
Thou doest perceiue, let me know more, set on
Thy wife to obserue: leaue me Iago.
Iag. My Lord I take my leaue.
Oth. Why did I marry? This honest creature doubtlesse
Sees and knowes more, much more then he vnfoulds.
1875 My Lord, I would I might intreate your honour,