Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Donald Bailey
Peer Reviewed

Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)

The Tragedy of Othello

When I did speake of some distressed stroake
That my youth suffered: my story being done;
She gaue me for my paines a world of sighes;
505She swore Ifaith twas strange, twas passing strange;
Twas pittifull, twas wondrous pittifull;
She wisht she had not heard it, yet she wisht
That Heauen had made her such a man: she thanked me,
And bad me, if I had a friend that loued her,
510I should but teach him how to tell my story,
And that would wooe her. Vpon this heate I spake:
She lou'd me for the dangers I had past.
And I lou'd her that she did pitty them.
This onely is the witchcraft I haue vs'd:
515Here comes the Lady,
Let her witnesse it.

Enter Desdemona, Iago, and the rest.
Du. I thinke this tale would win my daughter to, ----
Good Brabantio, take vp this mangled matter at the best,
Men doe their broken weapons rather vse,
520Then their bare hands.
Bra. I pray you heare her speake.
If she confesse that she was halfe the wooer,
Destruction lite on me, if my bad blame
Light on the man. Come hither gentle mistresse:
525Doe you perceiue in all this noble company,
Where most you owe obedience?
Des. My noble father,
I doe perceiue here a deuided duty:
To you I am bound for life and education;
530My life and education both doe learne me
How to respect you, you are Lord of all my duty,
I am hitherto your daughter, But heere's my husband:
And so much duty as my mother shewed
To you, preferring you before her father,
535So much I challenge, that I may professe,
Due to the Moore my Lord.