Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Janelle Jenstad
Not Peer Reviewed

The Merchant of Venice (Quarto 1, 1600)

The comicall Historie of
A coyne that beares the figure of an Angell
985stampt in gold, but thats insculpt vpon:
But heere an Angell in a golden bed
lies all within. Deliuer me the key:
heere doe I choose, and thriue I as I may.
Por. There take it Prince, and if my forme lie there
990then I am yours?
Mor. O hell! what haue wee heare, a carrion death,
within whose emptie eye there is a written scroule,
Ile reade the writing.
All that glisters is not gold,
995Often haue you heard that told,
Many a man his life hath sold
But my outside to behold,
Guilded timber doe wormes infold:
Had you beene as wise as bold,
1000Young in limbs, in iudgement old,
Your aunswere had not beene inscrold,
Fareyouwell, your sute is cold.
Mor. Cold indeede and labour lost,
Then farewell heate, and welcome frost:
1005Portia adiew, I haue too greeu'd a hart
To take a tedious leaue: thus loosers part. Exit.
Por. A gentle riddance, draw the curtaines, go,
Let all of his complexion choose me so. Exeunt.
Enter Salarino and Solanio.
1010Sal. Why man I saw Bassanio vnder sayle,
with him is Gratiano gone along;
and in theyr ship I am sure Lorenzo is not.
Sola. The villaine Iew with outcries raisd the Duke,
who went with him to search Bassanios ship.
1015Sal. He came too late, the ship was vndersaile,
But there the Duke was giuen to vnderstand
that in a Gondylo were seene together
Lorenzo and his amorous Iessica.
Besides, Anthonio certified the Duke
1020they were not with Bassanio in his ship.