Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Michael Best
Not Peer Reviewed

King Lear (Quarto 1, 1608)

The Historie of King Lear.
As bent 3095to proue vpon thy heart whereto I speake thou liest,
Bast. In wisdome I sholud aske thy name,
But since thy outside lookes so faire and warlike,
And that thy being some say of breeding breathes,
By right of knighthood, I disdaine and spurne
Heere do I tosse those treasons to thy head.
With the hell hatedly, oreturnd thy heart,
Which for they yet glance by and scarcely bruse,
3105This sword of mine shall giue them instant way
Where they shall rest for euer, trumpets speake.
Alb. Saue him, saue him,
Gon. This is meere practise Gloster by the law of armes
Thou art not bound to answere 3110an vnknowne opposite,
Thou art not vanquisht, but cousned and beguild,
Alb. Stop your mouth dame, or with this paper shall I stople
it, thou worse then any thing, reade thine owne euill, nay 3115no
tearing Lady, I perceiue you know't.
Gon. Say if I do, the lawes are mine not thine, who shal arraine(me for't.
Alb. Most monstrous know'st thou this paper?
Gon. Aske me not what I know. Exit. Gonorill.
3120Alb. Go after her, shee's desperate, gouerne her.
Bast. What you haue chargd me with, that haue I don
And more, much more, the time will bring it out.
Tis past, and so am I, but what art thou
3125That hast this fortune on me? if thou bee'st noble
I do forgiue thee.
Edg. Let's exchange charity,
I am no lesse in bloud then thou art Edmond,
If more, the more thou hast wrongd me.
3130My name is Edgar, and thy fathers sonne,
The Gods are iust, and of our pleasant vertues.
Make instruments to scourge vs the darke and vitious
Place where thee he gotte, cost him his eies.
3135Bast. Thou hast spoken truth, the wheele is come
full circled I am heere.
Alb. Me thought thy very gate did prophecie,
A royall noblenesse I must embrace thee.
Let sorow split my heart if I 3140did euer hate thee or thy father.