Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
  • Editor: Andrew Griffin

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: Andrew Griffin
    Peer Reviewed

    The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)

    The History of King Leir
    490And many times doe marry them with nothing.
    Gon. With nothing! marry God forbid: why, are there any (such?
    Rag. I meane, no money.
    Gon. I cry you mercy, I mistooke you much:
    And she is far too stately for the Church;
    495Sheele lay her husbands Benefice on her back,
    Euen in one gowne, if she may haue her will.
    Ra. In faith, poore soule, I pitty her a little.
    Would she were lesse fayre, or more fortunate.
    Well, I thinke long vntill I see my Morgan,
    500The gallant Prince of Cambria, here arriue.
    Gon. And so do I, vntill the Cornwall King
    Present himselfe, to consummate my ioyes.
    Peace, here commeth my father.
    Enter Leir, Perillus and others.
    505Leir. Cease, good my Lords, and sue not to reuerse
    Our censure, which is now irreuocable.
    We haue dispatched letters of contract
    Vnto the Kings of Cambria and of Cornwall;
    Our hand and seale will iustify no lesse:
    510Then do not so dishonour me, my Lords,
    As to make shipwrack of our kingly word.
    I am as kind as is the Pellican,
    That kils it selfe, to saue her young ones liues:
    And yet as ielous as the princely Eagle,
    515That kils her young ones, if they do but dazell
    Vpon the radiant splendor of the Sunne.
    Kings of
    and Cam-
    Within this two dayes I expect their comming
    But in good time, they are arriu'd already.
    This haste of yours, my Lords, doth testify
    520The feruent loue you beare vnto my daughters:
    And think your selues as welcome to King Leir,
    As euer Pryams children were to him.
    Corn. My gracious Lord, and father too, I hope,
    Pardon, for that I made no greater haste :
    525But were my horse as swift as was my will,
    I long ere this had seene your Maiesty.
    Cam. No other scuse of absence can I frame,