Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: Anonymous
Editors: Karen Sawyer Marsalek, Mathew Martin
Peer Reviewed

The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (Quarto, 1598)

The famous victories
Doest thou thinke the time so long,
720That thou wouldestt haue it before the
Breath be out of my mouth?
Hen.5. Most soueraign Lord, and welbeloued father,
I came into your Chamber to comfort the melancholy
Soule of your bodie, and finding you at that time
725Past all recouerie, and dead to my thinking,
God is my witnesse: and what should I doo,
But with weeping tears lament y^e death of you my father,
And after that, seeing the Crowne, I tooke it:
And tel me my father, who might better take it then I,
730After your death? but seeing you liue,
I most humbly render it into your Maiesties hands,
And the happiest man aliue, that my father liue:
And liue my Lord and Father, for euer.
Hen.4. Stand vp my sonne,
735Thine answere hath sounded wel in mine eares,
For I must need confesse that I was in a very sound sleep,
And altogither vnmindful of thy comming:
But come neare my sonne,
And let me put thee in possession whilst I liue,
740That none depriue thee of it after my death.
Hen.5. Well may I take it at your maiesties hands,
But it shal neuer touch my head, so lõg as my father liues.
He taketh the Crowne.
Hen.4. God giue thee ioy my sonne,
745God blesse thee and make thee his seruant,
And send thee a prosperous raigne.
For God knowes my sonne, how hardly I came by it,
And how hardly I haue maintained it.
Hen.5. Howsoeuer you came by it, I know not,
750But now I haue it from you, and from you I wil keepe it:
And he that seekes to take the Crowne from my head,
Let him looke that his armour be thicker then mine,
Or I will pearce him to the heart,