Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: Anonymous
Editors: Karen Sawyer Marsalek, Mathew Martin
Peer Reviewed

The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (Quarto, 1598)

The famous victories
510maintaine them withall: then I wil haue a bout with my
Lord chiefe Justice, thou shalt hang none but picke purses
and horse stealers, and such base minded villaines, but that
fellow that will stand by the high way side couragiously
with his sword and buckler and take a purse, that fellow
515giue him commendations, beside that, send him to me and
I will giue him an anuall pension out of my Exchequer, to
maintaine him all the dayes of his life.
Ioh. Nobly spoken Harry, we shall neuer haue a mery
world til the old king be dead.
520Ned. But whither are ye going now?
Hen.5. To the Court, for I heare say, my father lies ve-
rie sicke.
Tom. But I doubt he wil not die.
Hen.5. Yet will I goe thither, for the breath shal be no
525sooner out of his mouth, but I wil clap the Crowne on my
Iockey. Wil you goe to the Court with that cloake so
full of needles?
Hen.5. Cloake, ilat-holes, needles, and all was of mine
530owne deuising, and therefore I wil weare it.
Tom. I pray you my Lord, what may be the meaning
Hen.5. Why man, tis a signe that I stand vpon thorns,
til the Crowne be on my head.
535Ioc. Or that euery needle might be a prick to their harts
that repine at your doings.
Hen.5. Thou saist true Iockey, but thers some wil say,
the yoong Prince will be a well-toward yoong man and all
this geare, that I had as leeue they would breake my head
540with a pot, as to say any such thing, but we stand prating
here toolong, I must needs speake with my father, therefore
come away.
Porter. What a rapping keep you at the Kings Court