Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Sonia Massai
Not Peer Reviewed

Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)

The Raigne of
Is to surrender ere he be constraynd.
A voluntarie mischiefe hath lesse scorne,
110Then when reproch with violence is borne,
Lor. Regenerate Traytor, viper to the place,
Where thou was fostred in thine infancy:
Bearest thou a part in this conspiracy?
He drawes his Sword.
115K. Ed. Lorraine behold the sharpnes of this steele:
Feruent desire that sits against my heart,
Is farre more thornie pricking than this blade.
That with the nightingale I shall be scard:
As oft as I dispose my selfe to rest,
120Vntill my collours be displaide in Fraunce:
This is thy finall Answere, so be gone.
Lor. It is not that nor any English braue,
Afflicts me so, as doth his poysoned view,
That is most false, should most of all be true.
125K. Ed. Now Lord our fleeting Barke is vnder sayle:
Our gage is throwne, and warre is soone begun,
But not so quickely brought vnto an end.
Enter Mountague.
Moun. But wherefore comes Sir william Mountague?
130How stands the league betweene the Scot and vs?
Mo: Crackt and disseuered my renowned Lord:
The treacherous King no sooner was informde,
Of your with drawing of your army backe:
But straight forgetting of his former othe,
135He made inuasion on the bordering Townes:
Barwicke is woon, Newcastle spoyld and lost,
And now the tyrant hath beguirt with seege,
The Castle of Rocksborough, where inclosd,
The Countes Salsbury is like to perish:
140King. That is thy daughter Warwicke is it not?
Whose husband hath in Brittayne serud so long,
About the planting of Lord Mouneford there?
War. It is my Lord.