Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

Henry the fourth.
Mour. Douglas is liuing, and your brother yet,
But for my Lord your sonne:
Earle Why he is dead?
See what a ready tongue Suspition hath!
145He that but feares the thing hee would not know,
Hath by instinct, knowledge from others eies,
That what he feard is chanced: yet speake Mourton,
Tell thou an Earle, his diuination lies,
And I will take it as a sweete disgrace,
150And make thee rich for doing me such wrong.
Mour. You are too great to be by me gainsaid,
Your spirite is too true, your feares too certaine.
Earle Yet for all this, say not that Percie's dead,
I see a strange confession in thine eie,
155Thou shakst thy head, and holdst it feare, or sinne,
To speake a truth: if he be slaine,
The tongne offends not that reports his death,
And he doth sinne that doth belie the dead,
Not he which saies the dead is not aliue,
160Yet the first bringer of vnwelcome newes
Hath but a loosing office, and his tongue
Sounds euer after as a sullen bell,
Remembred tolling a departing friend.
Bard. I cannot thinke, my Lord, your sonne is dead.
165Mour. I am sory I should force you to beleeue,
That which I would to God I had not seene,
But these mine eies saw him in bloudy state,
Rendring faint quittance, wearied, and out-breathd,
To Harry Monmouth, whose swift wrath beat downe
170The neuer daunted Percy to the earth,
From whence with life he neuer more sprung vp.
In few his death, whose spirite lent a fire,
Euen to the dullest peasant in his campe,
Being bruted once, tooke fire and heate away,
175From the best temperd courage in his troopes,
For from his mettal was his party steeled,