Internet Shakespeare Editions

Shakespeare in Performance: Frequently Asked Questions

Which companies are included in the database?

The companies currently included ar listed on our Acknowledgements page, and the criteria for inclusion will be found on the About page. See our Guidelines for information on the submission of performance materials.

How can I, or my company, submit performance materials for inclusion in the database?

Email your request to <>. You will receive instructions on how to submit your materials.

Will you be including performances from other countries?

Yes. We are currently entering some from the UK, Poland, and South Africa, and are negotiating with companies in other countries.

How do I report a technical problem?

We have a feedback form  that allows you to let use know about any issues. 

Do you plan a "tips for teachers" page to illustrate use of Shakespeare in Performance in the classroom?

We plan to work in this area in the near future. If you have some ideas, please contact <>.