Not Peer Reviewed
A Yorkshire Tragedy (Third Folio, 1664)
A York-Shire Tragedy.
712Enter his Wife brought in a Chair,
715band, now in the hands of unrelenting laws, my greatest
717 Hus. How now? kind to me? did not I wound
718thee, leave thee for dead?
721You have been still unkind to me.
723I did my murders roughly out of hand,
726Seaven wounds apiece; now glides the devil from
727Me, departs at every joint, heaves up my nails.
728Oh catch him new torments, that were nere invented:
731To make men act unnatural Tragedies,
732To spread into a Father, and in fury,
733Make him his childrens executioners,
734Murder his wife, his servants, and who not?
735For that man's dark, where heaven is quite forgot.
738For death I die, and for this have I long'd.
740Die, if the law could forgive as soon as I.
741Children laid out.
743 Wife. Oh our two bleeding boyes
744Laid forth upon the threshold.
746Oh were it lawfull that your pretty souls
747Might look from heaven into your fathers eyes,
749And both your murders shoot upon my cheeks,
750But you are playing in the Angels laps,
751And will not look on me,
752Who void of grace, kill'd you in beggery.
753Oh that I might my wishes now attain,
755Though I did beg with you, which thing I fear'd,
756Oh 'twas the enemy my eyes so blear'd.
757Oh would you could pray heaven me to forgive,
758That will unto my end repentant live.
760And leave part with this.
761 Officer. Come, will you go?
764Farewell dear Wife, now thou and I must part,
765I of thy wrongs, repent me with my heart.
768Farewell ye bloudy ashes of my boyes,
769My punishments are their eternal joyes.
770Let every father look well into his deeds,
771And then their heirs may prosper, while mine bleeds.
772Exeunt Husband with Officers.
774Then former sorrows made me.
775 Mr. Oh kind Wife, be comforted,
776One joy is yet unmurdered,
777you have a boy at nurse, your joy's in him.
779Heaven give my body strength, which is yet faint
780With much expence of bloud, and I will kneel,
781Sue for his life, number up all my friends,
782To plead for pardon for my dear husbandls life.
786I shall bring news weighes heavier then the debt.
787Two Brothers; the one in bond lies overthrown,
788This, on a deadlier execution.