Not Peer Reviewed
A Yorkshire Tragedy (Third Folio, 1664)
A York="Shire" Tragedy.
472mine and my fathers, and my fore-fathers generations,
473generations, down goes the house of us, down, down it
474sinks: Now is the name a beggar, begs in me that name
475which hundreds of years has made this Shire famous; in
476me and my posterity runs out.
478my Riot is now my Brothers Jaylor, my Wifes sighing,
479my three boyes penury, and mine own confusion.
480He tears his hair.
483In execution among devils that stretch him:
484And make him give; and I in want,
485Not able for to live, nor to redeem him.
486Divines and dying men may talk of hell,
487But in my heart her several torments dwell,
489Would not take up money upon his soul?
491I, that did ever in abundance dwell,
492For me to want, exceeds the throws of hell.
493Enter his little son, with a Top and Scourge.
494Son. What aile you father, are you not well, I cannot
496the room with your wide legs, puh, you cannot make me
497afraid with this, I fear no vizards, nor bugbears.
498He takes up the child by the skirts of his long coat in one
499hand, and draws his dagger with the other.
501 Son. Oh what will you do father, I am your white
502boy.Strikes him.
504 Son. Oh you hurt me father.
506usurer bred, to cry at a great mans gate, or follow, good
507your Honour by a Coach, no, nor your brother: 'tis cha-
508rity to brain you.
511Be not thy names disgrace:
513Come view thy second Brother: Fates,
517Enter a maid with a child in her armes, the
518Mother by her asleep.
521Hush, pretty boy, thy hopes might have bin better,
522'Tis lost at Dice, what ancient honour won,
523Hard when the father plaies away the Son:
525Ruine and desolation; oh.
526Enter Husband with the Boy bleeding.
527 Hus. Whore, give me that Boy.
528He strives with her for the child.
529 Maid. Oh help, help, out alas, murder, murder.
531I'le break your clamour with your neck,
532Down stayers; tumble, tumble, headlong,
533He throws her down.
535Is break her neck, a Polititain did it.
536Son.Mother, mother, I am kill'd mother.
537His wife awakes, and catcheth up the youngest.
538 Wife. Ha, who's that cry'd? O me my children,
539Both, both; bloudy, bloudy.
540 Hus. Strumpet, let go the boy, let go the beggar.
542 Hus. Filth, Harlot.
546 Hus. There are too many beggars.
549 Wife. Oh God!
550Stabs at the child in her armes, and gets it from her.
551 Hus.Have at his heart.
552 Wife. Oh my dear boy.
553 Hus. B
rat, thou shalt not live to shame thy house.
556There's whores enow, and want would make thee one.
557Enter a lusty Servant.
568Husband overcomes him.
569 Hus. Oh villain, now I'le tug thee, now I'le tear thee,
574Fates, I'le not leave you one to trample on.
575The Master meets him.
588Oh how damnation can make weak men strong.
589Enter Master and two servants.