Peer Reviewed
- Edition: The Winter's Tale
The Winter's Tale (Folio 1, 1623)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Facsimiles
3183Scaena Tertia.
3184Enter Leontes, Polixenes, Florizell, Perdita, Camillo,
3185Paulina: Hermione (like a Statue:) Lords, &c.
3186Leo. O graue and good Paulina, the great comfort
3187That I haue had of thee?
Cc Paul. What
302The Winters Tale.
3188Paul. What (Soueraigne Sir)
3189I did not well, I meant well: all my Seruices
3190You haue pay'd home. But that you haue vouchsaf'd
3193It is a surplus of your Grace, which neuer
3195Leo. O Paulina,
3196We honor you with trouble: but we came
3197To see the Statue of our Queene. Your Gallerie
3198Haue we pass'd through, not without much content
3200That which my Daughter came to looke vpon,
3201The Statue of her Mother.
3203So her dead likenesse I doe well beleeue
3204Excells what euer yet you look'd vpon,
3205Or hand of Man hath done: therefore I keepe it
3206Louely, apart. But here it is: prepare
3207To see the Life as liuely mock'd, as euer
3208Still Sleepe mock'd Death: behold, and say 'tis well.
3211Comes it not something neere?
3213Chide me (deare Stone) that I may say indeed
3214Thou art Hermione; or rather, thou art she,
3215In thy not chiding: for she was as tender
3216As Infancie, and Grace. But yet (Paulina)
3217Hermione was not so much wrinckled, nothing
3218So aged as this seemes.
3219Pol. Oh, not by much.
3220Paul. So much the more our Caruers excellence,
3222As she liu'd now.
3224So much to my good comfort, as it is
3228I am asham'd: Do's not the Stone rebuke me,
3229For being more Stone then it? Oh Royall Peece:
3230There's Magick in thy Maiestie, which ha's
3231My Euils coniur'd to remembrance; and
3232From thy admiring Daughter tooke the Spirits,
3233Standing like Stone with thee.
3234Perd. And giue me leaue,
3236I kneele, and then implore her Blessing. Lady,
3237Deere Queene, that ended when I but began,
3238Giue me that hand of yours, to kisse.
3239Paul. O, patience:
3240The Statue is but newly fix'd; the Colour's
3241Not dry.
3243Which sixteene Winters cannot blow away,
3244So many Summers dry: scarce any Ioy
3245Did euer so long liue; no Sorrow,
3247Pol. Deere my Brother,
3248Let him, that was the cause of this, haue powre
3250Will peece vp in himselfe.
3251Paul. Indeed my Lord,
3252If I had thought the sight of my poore Image
3253Would thus haue wrought you (for the Stone is mine)
3254Il'd not haue shew'd it.
3255Leo. Doe not draw the Curtaine.
3257May thinke anon, it moues.
3258Leo. Let be, let be:
3259Would I were dead, but that me thinkes alreadie.
3260(What was he that did make it?) See (my Lord)
3261Would you not deeme it breath'd? and that those veines
3262Did verily beare blood?
3264The very Life seemes warme vpon her Lippe.
3266As we are mock'd with Art.
3267Paul. Ile draw the Curtaine:
3269Hee'le thinke anon it liues.
3271Make me to thinke so twentie yeeres together:
3272No setled Sences of the World can match
3276Leo. Doe Paulina:
3278As any Cordiall comfort. Still me thinkes
3279There is an ayre comes from her. What fine Chizzell
3280Could euer yet cut breath? Let no man mock me,
3281For I will kisse her.
3282Paul. Good my Lord, forbeare:
3283The ruddinesse vpon her Lippe, is wet:
3285With Oyly Painting: shall I draw the Curtaine.
3287Perd. So long could I
3288Stand-by, a looker-on.
3289Paul. Either forbeare,
3291For more amazement: if you can behold it,
3292Ile make the Statue moue indeed; descend,
3293And take you by the hand: but then you'le thinke
3295By wicked Powers.
3296Leo. What you can make her doe,
3297I am content to looke on: what to speake,
3298I am content to heare: for 'tis as easie
3299To make her speake, as moue.
3300Paul. It is requir'd
3303I am about, let them depart.
3304Leo. Proceed:
3307'Tis time: descend: be Stone no more: approach:
3308Strike all that looke vpon with meruaile: Come:
3310Bequeath to Death your numnesse: (for from him,
3313You heare my Spell is lawfull: doe not shun her,
3314Vntill you see her dye againe; for then
3315You kill her double: Nay, present your Hand:
3316When she was young, you woo'd her: now, in age,
3317Is she become the Suitor?
3319If this be Magick, let it be an Art
The Winters Tale. 303
3320Lawfull as Eating.
3321Pol. She embraces him.
3322Cam. She hangs about his necke,
3325Or how stolne from the dead?
3327Were it but told you, should be hooted at
3328Like an old Tale: but it appeares she liues,
3331And pray your Mothers blessing: turne good Lady,
3332Our Perdita is found.
3333Her. You Gods looke downe,
3334And from your sacred Viols poure your graces
3335Vpon my daughters head: Tell me (mine owne)
3337Thy Fathers Court? For thou shalt heare that I
3338Knowing by Paulina, that the Oracle
3341Paul. There's time enough for that,
3343Your ioyes, with like Relation. Go together
3344You precious winners all: your exultation
3345Partake to euery one: I (an old Turtle)
3346Will wing me to some wither'd bough, and there
3347My Mate (that's neuer to be found againe)
3348Lament, till I am lost.
3349Leo. O peace Paulina:
3351As I by thine a Wife. This is a Match,
3352And made betweene's by Vowes. Thou hast found mine,
3354(As I thought) dead: and haue (in vaine) said many
3355A prayer vpon her graue. Ile not seeke farre
3356(For him, I partly know his minde) to finde thee
3357An honourable husband. Come Camillo,
3360By Vs, a paire of Kings. Let's from this place.
3361What? looke vpon my Brother: both your pardons,
3362That ere I put betweene your holy lookes
3364And Sonne vnto the King, whom heauens directing
3365Is troth-plight to your daughter. Good Paulina,
3366Leade vs from hence, where we may leysurely
3367Each one demand, and answere to his part