Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: The Pattern of Painful Adventures (Quarto)
  • Editors: Tom Bishop, Andrew Forsberg

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: Laurence Twine
    Editors: Tom Bishop, Andrew Forsberg
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Pattern of Painful Adventures (Quarto)

    To the worshipfull
    Master John Donning,
    10Customer and Jurate of the towne
    of Rie in Sussex.
    Being diversely mooved in mind, to signifie my good will and hartie love towardes you, gentle M. Donning, I could not devise any meanes more effectual, then by presenting the same to you, which cost me some small labor and travel. Not seeming therby to acquite your manifold curtesies, towards me diversly extended, but rather to discharge me of the note of Ingratitude, which otherwise I might seeme to incurre. Wherefore in steede of a greater present to countervaile your friendlines, I am bold in the setting foorth of this simple Pamflet under your name, to make a proffer of my thankeful heart to you againe. Wherin though want of farther abilitie appeare, yet is there no let, but that a wel-willing heart may be exprest, yea in the smallest gift. Now if haply the argument hereof appeare unto you other than you could much wish, or I well afford, yet have I no feare of any great misliking, considering your natural disposition, which is to be delighted with honest pleasure, and commendable recreation, and not to lie evermore weltering, as it were, in dolefull dumpishnesse. Which thing did put me in the greater hope, that this worke would be the welcommer unto you, especially considering the delectable varietie, and the often changes and chances contained in this present historie, which cannot but much stirre up the mind and sences unto sundry affections. What ever it be take it I beseech you, in good part, in stead of some better thing which I might well affoord, promising the same when occasion shall serve, not being at this present so well furnished as I could wish of god: to whose good grace I recommend you and yours, both nowe and evermore.
    Your worships to use,
    Laurence Twine.