34253216Enter Aiax. Troylus thou coward
Troylus shew thy head.
34273217Enter Diom. Troylus I
say wher's
Troylus? 34313220Aiax. Were I the generall thou
st haue my o
34333221Ere that corre
?Troylus I
say what
Troylus. 34353223Troy. Oh traytor
Diomed, turne thy fal
se face thou traytor,
34373224And pay thy life thou owe
st me for my hor
34393226Aiax Ile
fight with him alone
Diomed. Diom.
of Troylus and Cresseida.
34403227Diom. He is my prize, I will not looke vpon.
34413228Troy. Come both you cogging Greekes haue at you both.
34443229Hect. Yea T
roylus, O well fought my yonge
st brother.
34453230Enter Achil: Now do I
see thee ha, haue at thee
Hector. 34483232Achil. I do di
sdaine thy curte
sie proud Troyan,
34493233Be happy that my armes are out of v
34503234My re
st and negligence befriends thee now,
34513235But thou anon
shalt here of me againe:
34523236Till when goe
seeke thy fortune.
Exit. 34543238I would haue beene much more a fre
sher man,
34553239Had I expe
cted thee, how now my brother.
Enter Troyl: 34573240Troy. Aiax hath tane
AEneas, shall it be,
34583241No by the
flame of yonder glorious heauen
shall not carry him ile be tane to,
34603243Or bring him o
ff, fate here me what I
34613244I wreake not though I end my life to day.
Exit. 34633246Hect: Stand,
stand thou Greeke, thou art a goodly marke,
34653247No? wilt thou not. I like thy armor well,
34663248Ile fru
sh it and vnlock the riuets all:
34673249But ile be mai
ster of it, wilt thou not bea
st abide,
34683250Why then
flie on, ile hunt thee for thy hide.