Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: Troilus and Cressida (Folio 1, 1623)
  • Editor: William Godshalk
  • ISBN: 1-55058-301-8

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: William Godshalk
    Peer Reviewed

    Troilus and Cressida (Folio 1, 1623)

    Troylus and Cressida.
    Dio. Good night.
    3005Troy. Hold, patience.
    Ulis. How now Troian?
    Cres. Diomed.
    Dio. No, no, good night: Ile be your foole no more.
    Troy. Thy better must.
    3010Cres. Harke one word in your eare.
    Troy. O plague and madnesse!
    Vlis. You are moued Prince, let vs depart I pray you,
    Lest your displeasure should enlarge it selfe
    To wrathfull tearmes: this place is dangerous;
    3015The time right deadly: I beseech you goe.
    Troy. Behold, I pray you.
    Vlis. Nay, good my Lord goe off:
    You flow to great distraction: come my Lord?
    Troy. I pray thee stay?
    3020Vlis. You haue not patience, come.
    Troy. I pray you stay? by hell and hell torments,
    I will not speake a word.
    Dio. And so good night.
    Cres. Nay, but you part in anger.
    3025Troy. Doth that grieue thee? O withered truth!
    Ulis. Why, how now Lord?
    Troy. By Ioue I will be patient.
    Cres. Gardian? why Greeke?
    Dio. Fo, fo, adew, you palter.
    3030Cres. In faith I doe not: come hither once againe.
    Vlis. You shake my Lord at something; will you goe?
    you will breake out.
    Troy. She stroakes his cheeke.
    Vlis. Come, come.
    3035Troy. Nay stay, by Ioue I will not speake a word.
    There is betweene my will, and all offences,
    A guard of patience; stay a little while.
    Ther. How the diuell Luxury with his fat rumpe and
    potato finger, tickles these together: frye lechery, frye.
    3040Dio. But will you then?
    Cres. In faith I will lo; neuer trust me else.
    Dio. Giue me some token for the surety of it.
    Cres. Ile fetch you one. Exit.
    Vlis. You haue sworne patience.
    3045Troy. Feare me not sweete Lord.
    I will not be my selfe, nor haue cognition
    Of what I feele: I am all patience. Enter Cressid.
    Ther. Now the pledge, now, now, now.
    Cres. Here Diomed, keepe this Sleeue.
    3050Troy. O beautie! where is thy Faith?
    Vlis. My Lord.
    Troy. I will be patient, outwardly I will.
    Cres. You looke vpon that Sleeue? behold it well:
    He lou'd me: O false wench: giue't me againe.
    3055Dio. Whose was't?
    Cres. It is no matter now I haue't againe.
    I will not meete with you to morrow night:
    I prythee Diomed visite me no more.
    Ther. Now she sharpens: well said Whetstone.
    3060Dio. I shall haue it.
    Cres. What, this?
    Dio. I that.
    Cres. O all you gods! O prettie, prettie pledge;
    Thy Maister now lies thinking in his bed
    3065Of thee and me, and sighes, and takes my Gloue,
    And giues memoriall daintie kisses to it;
    As I kisse thee.
    Dio. Nay, doe not snatch it from me.
    Cres. He that takes that, rakes my heart withall.
    3070Dio. I had your heart before, this followes it.
    Troy. I did sweare patience.
    Cres. You shall not haue it Diomed; faith you shall not:
    Ile giue you something else.
    Dio. I will haue this: whose was it?
    3075Cres. It is no matter.
    Dio. Come tell me whose it was?
    Cres. 'Twas one that lou'd me better then you will.
    But now you haue it, take it.
    Dio. Whose was it?
    3080Cres. By all Dianas waiting women yond:
    And by her selfe, I will not tell you whose.
    Dio. To morrow will I weare it on my Helme,
    And grieue his spirit that dares not challenge it.
    Troy. Wert thou the diuell, and wor'st it on thy horne,
    3085It should be challeng'd.
    Cres. Well, well, 'tis done, 'tis past; and yet it is not:
    I will not keepe my word.
    Dio. Why then farewell,
    Thou neuer shalt mocke Diomed againe.
    3090Cres. You shall not goe: one cannot speake a word,
    But it strait starts you.
    Dio. I doe not like this fooling.
    Ther. Nor I by Pluto: but that that likes not me, plea-
    ses me best.
    3095Dio. What shall I come? the houre.
    Cres. I, come: O Ioue! doe, come: I shall be plagu'd.
    Dio. Farewell till then. Exit.
    Cres. Good night: I prythee come:
    Troylus farewell; one eye yet lookes on thee;
    3100But with my heart, the other eye, doth see.
    Ah poore our sexe; this fault in vs I finde:
    The errour of our eye, directs our minde.
    What errour leads, must erre: O then conclude,
    Mindes swai'd by eyes, are full of turpitude. Exit.
    3105Ther. A proofe of strength she could not publish more;
    Vnlesse she say, my minde is now turn'd whore.
    Ulis. Al's done my Lord.
    Troy. It is.
    Vlis. Why stay we then?
    3110Troy. To make a recordation to my soule
    Of euery syllable that here was spoke:
    But if I tell how these two did coact;
    Shall I not lye, in publishing a truth?
    Sith yet there is a credence in my heart:
    3115An esperance so obstinately strong,
    That doth inuert that test of eyes and eares;
    As if those organs had deceptious functions,
    Created onely to calumniate.
    Was Cressed here?
    3120Vlis. I cannot coniure Troian.
    Troy. She was not sure.
    Vlis. Most sure she was.
    Troy. Why my negation hath no taste of madnesse?
    Vlis. Nor mine my Lord: Cressid was here but now.
    3125Troy. Let it not be beleeu'd for womanhood:
    Thinke we had mothers; doe not giue aduantage
    To stubborne Criticks, apt without a theame
    For deprauation, to square the generall sex
    By Cressids rule. Rather thinke this not Cressid.
    3130Vlis. What hath she done Prince, that can soyle our
    Troy. Nothing at all, vnlesse that this were she.
    Ther. Will he swagger himselfe out on's owne eyes?
    Troy. This she? no, this is Diomids Cressida:
    3135If beautie haue a soule, this is not she: