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  • Title: Titus Andronicus (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Titus Andronicus (Quarto 1, 1594)

    The most Lamentable Tragedie
    Vpon whose leaues are drops of new shed blood,
    As fresh as morning dew distild on flowers,
    A verie fatall place it seemes to mee,
    Speake brother hast thou hurt thee with the fall?
    955Martius. Oh brother with the dismalst obiect hurt,
    That euer eie with sight made hart lament.
    Aron. Now will I fetch the King to finde them here,
    That he thereby may haue a likely gesse, Exit.
    960How these were they, that made away his brother.
    Martius. Why dost not comfort me and help me out
    From this vnhollow, and bloodstained hole.
    Quintus. I am surprised with an vncouth feare,
    965A chilling sweat oreruns my trembling ioynts,
    My hart suspects more than mine eie can see.
    Martius. To proue thou hast a true diuining hart,
    Aron, and thou looke downe into this den,
    And see a fearefull sight of blood and death.
    970Quintus. Aron is gone, and my compassionate hart,
    Will not permit mine eyes once to behold,
    The thing whereat it trembles by furmise:
    Oh tell me who it is, for nere till now,
    975Was I a child to feare I know not what.
    Martius. Lord Bassianus lies bereaud in blood,
    MS 'heere reav'd of lyfe'
    All on a heape like to a slaughtered Lambe,
    In this detested darke blood drinking pit.
    Quintus. If it be darke how dost thou know tis hee.
    980Martius. Vpon his bloody finger he doth weare
    A pretious ring, that lightens all this hole:
    Which like a taper in some monument,
    Doth shine vpon the dead mans earthy cheekes,
    And shewes the ragged intrals of this pit:
    985So pale did shine the Moone on Priamus,
    When he by night lay bathd in Maiden blood,
    O Brother help me with thy fainting hand,
    If feare hath made thee faint as me it hath,