of Richard the third.
22672047No doubt weele bring it to a happie i
22682048Buck. You
see what I can do, get you vp to the leads.
Exit. 22702049Now my L. Maior, I dance attendance heare,
22712050I thinke the Duke will not be
spoke withall.
Enter Catesby. 22732051Here coms his
: how now
Catesby what
saies he.
22752052Cates. My Lord, he doth intreat your grace
22762053To vi
sit him to morrow or next daie,
22772054He is within with two right reuerend fathers,
22792056And in no worldly
suite would he be mou'd,
22802057To draw him from his holy exerci
. 22812058Buck. Returne good
Catesby to thy Lord againe,
22822059Tell him my
selfe, the Maior and Cittizens,
22832060In deepe de
signes and matters of great moment,
22842061No le
sse importing then our generall good,
22852062Are come to haue
some conference with his grace.
22862063Cates. Ile tell him what you
say my Lord.
Exit. 22872064Buck. A ha my Lord this prince is not an Edward
: 22882065He is not lulling on a lewd day bed,
22902067Not dalying with a brace of Curtizans,
22912068But meditating with two deepe Diuines:
sleeping to ingro
sse his idle body,
22932070But praying to inrich his watchfull
22942071Happy were England, would this gracious prince
22952072Take on him
selfe the
souerainty thereon,
sure I feare we
shall neuer winne him to it.
22972074Maior. Marry God forbid his grace
say vs nay.
22992075Buck. I feare he wil, how now Catesby,
Enter Cates. 23022077Cates. My Lo. he wonders to what end, you haue a
23032078Such troupes of Cittizens to
speake with him,
23042079His grace not being warnd thereof before,
23052080My Lord, he feares you meane no good to him.
23062081Buck. Sorrie I am my noble Co
ct me that I meane no good to him.
23082083By heauen I come in perfe
ct loue to him,
so once more returne and tell his grace:
Exit Catesby. H When