of Richard the third.
11471060Our former hatred
so thriue I and mine.
11481061Dor. This enterchange of loue, I here prote
11491062Vpon my part,
shal be vnuiolable.
11531064Kin. Now princely Buckingham
seale thou this league
11541065With thy embracements to my wiues allies,
11551066And make me happy in your vnity.
11561067Buc. When euer Buckingham doth turne his hate,
11571068On you or yours, but with all duteous loue
11581069Doth cheri
sh you and yours, God puni
sh me
11591070With hate, in tho
se where I expe
ct mo
st loue,
11601071When I haue mo
st neede to imploy a friend,
1161And mo
st a
ssured that he is a friend,
11621072Deepe, hollow, trecherous, and full of guile
11631073Be he vnto me, this doe I begge of God,
11641074When I am cold in zeale to you or yours.
11651075Kin. A plea
sing cordiall Princely Buckingham,
11661076Is this thy vow vnto my
sickly heart:
11671077There wanteth now our brother Gloce
ster here,
11681078To make the perfe
ct period of this peace.
Enter Glocest. 11691079Buc. And in good time here comes the noble Duke.
11721080Glo. Good morrow to my
soueraigne King & Queene,
11731081And Princely peeres, a happy time of day.
11741082Kin. Happy indeede as we haue
spent the day:
11751083Brother we haue done deedes of charity:
11761084Made peace of enmity, faire loue of hate,
11771085Betweene the
swelling wrong in
senced peeres.
11781086Glo. A ble
ssed labour, my mo
st soueraigne liege,
st this princely heape, if any here
11801088By fal
se intelligence or wrong
11811089Hold me a foe, if I vnwittingly or in my rage,
11821090Haue ought committed that is hardly borne
11831091By any in this pre
sence, I de
11841092To reconcile me to his friendly peace,
11851093Tis death to me to be at enmity.
11861094I hate it, and de
sire all good mens loue.
st Madam I intreate true peace of you,
11881096Which I will purcha
se with my dutious