Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Richard III
Richard the Third (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
3431Enter King Richard in Armes with Norfolke, Ratcliffe,
3432and the Earle of Surrey.
3435Sur. My heart is ten times lighter then my lookes.
3436Rich. My Lord of Norfolke.
3439Ha, must we not?
3441Rich. Vp with my Tent, heere wil I lye to night,
3442But where to morrow? Well, all's one for that.
3443Who hath descried the number of the Traitors?
3445Rich. Why our Battalia trebbles that account:
3448Vp with the Tent: Come Noble Gentlemen,
3449Let vs suruey the vantage of the ground.
3451Let's lacke no Discipline, make no delay,
3453Enter Richmond, Sir William Brandon, Ox-
3454ford, and Dorset.
3457Giues token of a goodly day to morrow.
3458Sir William Brandon, you shall beare my Standard:
3459Giue me some Inke and Paper in my Tent:
3460Ile draw the Forme and Modell of our Battaile,
3461Limit each Leader to his seuerall Charge,
3463My Lord of Oxford, you Sir William Brandon,
3464And your Sir Walter Herbert stay with me:
3465The Earle of Pembroke keepes his Regiment;
3466Good Captaine Blunt, beare my goodnight to him,
3467And by the second houre in the Morning,
3469Yet one thing more (good Captaine) do for me:
3470Where is Lord Stanley quarter'd, do you know?
3472(Which well I am assur'd I haue not done)
3473His Regiment lies halfe a Mile at least
3474South, from the mighty Power of the King.
3477And giue him from me, this most needfull Note.
3478Blunt. Vpon my life, my Lord, Ile vndertake it,
3480Richm. Good night good Captaine Blunt:
3481Come Gentlemen,
3483Into my Tent, the Dew is rawe and cold.
3484They withdraw into the Tent.
3485Enter Richard, Ratcliffe, Norfolke, & Catesby.
3486Rich. What is't a Clocke?
3487Cat. It's Supper time my Lord, it's nine a clocke.
3489Giue me some Inke and Paper:
3490What, is my Beauer easier then it was?
3491And all my Armour laid into my Tent?
3493Rich. Good Norfolke, hye thee to thy charge,
3495Nor. I go my Lord.
3496Rich. Stir with the Larke to morrow, gentle Norfolk.
3499Rat. My Lord.
3501To Stanleys Regiment: bid him bring his power
3503Into the blinde Caue of eternall night.
3504Fill me a Bowle of Wine: Giue me a Watch,
3505Saddle white Surrey for the Field to morrow:
3507Rat. My Lord.
3510Much about Cockshut time, from Troope to Troope
3511Went through the Army, chearing vp the Souldiers.
3513I haue not that Alacrity of Spirit,
3514Nor cheere of Minde that I was wont to haue.
3515Set it downe. Is Inke and Paper ready?
3516Rat. It is my Lord.
3518Ratcliffe, about the mid of night come to my Tent
3520Enter Derby to Richmond in his Tent.
3523Be to thy Person, Noble Father in Law.
3524Tell me, how fares our Noble Mother?
3526Who prayes continually for Richmonds good:
3530Prepare thy Battell early in the Morning,
3531And put thy Fortune to th' Arbitrement
3533I, as I may, that which I would, I cannot,
3534With best aduantage will deceiue thet ime,
3535And ayde thee in this doubtfull shocke of Armes.
3536But on thy side I may not be too forward,
3538Be executed in his Fathers sight.
3539Farewell: the leysure, and the fearfull time
3540Cuts off the ceremonious Vowes of Loue,
3544Once more Adieu, be valiant, and speed well.
3549Once more, good night kinde Lords and Gentlemen.
3552Looke on my Forces with a gracious eye:
3553Put in their hands thy bruising Irons of wrath,
3554That they may crush downe with a heauy fall,
3558To thee I do commend my watchfull soule,
3559Ere I let fall the windowes of mine eyes:
3561Enter the Ghost of Prince Edward, Sonne to
3562Henry the sixt.
3565At Teukesbury: Dispaire therefore, and dye.
3566 Ghost to Richm. Be chearefull Richmond,
3567For the wronged Soules
3568Of butcher'd Princes, fight in thy behalfe:
3569King Henries issue Richmond comforts thee.
3570Enter the Ghost of Henry the sixt.
3571 Ghost. When I was mortall, my Annointed body
3572By thee was punched full of holes;
3573Thinke on the Tower, and me: Dispaire, and dye,
3575 To Richm. Vertuous and holy be thou Conqueror:
3578Enter the Ghost of Clarence.
3581Poore Clarence by thy guile betray'd to death:
3582To morrow in the battell thinke on me,
3585The wronged heyres of Yorke do pray for thee,
3586Good Angels guard thy battell, Liue and Flourish.
3587Enter the Ghosts of Riuers, Gray, and Vaughan.
3589Riuers, that dy'de at Pomfret: dispaire, and dye.
3591Vaugh. Thinke vpon Vaughan, and with guilty feare
3592Let fall thy Lance, dispaire and dye.
3593 All to Richm. Awake,
3594And thinke our wrongs in Richards Bosome,
3595Will conquer him. Awake, and win the day.
3596Enter the Ghost of Lord Hastings.
3597Gho. Bloody and guilty: guiltily awake,
3598And in a bloody Battell end thy dayes.
3601Awake, awake:
3603Enter the Ghosts of the two yong Princes.
3605Smothered in the Tower:
3606Let vs be laid within thy bosome Richard,
3607And weigh thee downe to ruine, shame, and death,
3609 Ghosts to Richm. Sleepe Richmond,
3610Sleepe in Peace, and wake in Ioy,
3611Good Angels guard thee from the Boares annoy,
3612Liue, and beget a happy race of Kings,
3614Enter the Ghost of Anne, his Wife.
3615 Ghost to Rich. Richard, thy Wife,
3616That wretched Anne thy Wife,
3617That neuer slept a quiet houre with thee,
3619To morrow in the Battaile, thinke on me,
3622Sleepe thou a quiet sleepe:
3624Thy Aduersaries Wife doth pray for thee.
3625Enter the Ghost of Buckingham.
3627That help'd thee to the Crowne:
3628That last was I that felt thy Tyranny.
3629O, in the Battaile think on Buckingham,
3630And dye in terror of thy guiltinesse.
3631Dreame on, dreame on, of bloody deeds and death,
3633 Ghost to Richm. I dyed for hope
3634Ere I could lend thee Ayde;
3635But cheere thy heart, and be thou not dismayde:
3637And Richard fall in height of all his pride.
3638Richard starts out of his dreame.
3640Haue mercy Iesu. Soft, I did but dreame.
3642The Lights burne blew. It is not dead midnight.
3644What? do I feare my Selfe? There's none else by,
3645Richard loues Richard, that is, I am I.
3646Is there a Murtherer heere? No; Yes, I am:
3648Lest I Reuenge. What? my Selfe vpon my Selfe?
3649Alacke, I loue my Selfe. Wherefore? For any good
3650That I my Selfe, haue done vnto my Selfe?
3651O no. Alas, I rather hate my Selfe,
3652For hatefull Deeds committed by my Selfe.
3653I am a Vlllaine: yet I Lye, I am not.
3656And euery Tongue brings in a seuerall Tale,
3657And euerie Tale condemnes me for a Villaine;
3658Periurie, in the high'st Degree,
3661Throng all to'th'Barre, crying all, Guilty, Guilty.
3664Nay, wherefore should they? Since that I my Selfe,
3665Finde in my Selfe, no pittie to my Selfe.
3666Me thought, the Soules of all that I had murther'd
3667Came to my Tent, and euery one did threat
3668To morrowes vengeance on the head of Richard.
3669Enter Ratcliffe.
3670Rat. My Lord.
3671King Who's there?
3673Hath twice done salutation to the Morne,
3674Your Friends are vp, and buckle on their Armour.
3680Armed in proofe, and led by shallow Richmond.
3681'Tis not yet neere day. Come go with me,
3682Vnder our Tents Ile play the Ease-dropper,
3684Exeunt Richard & Ratliffe,
3685Enter the Lords to Richmond sitting
3686in his Tent.
3688Rich. Cry mercy Lords, and watchfull Gentlemen,
3689That you haue tane a tardie sluggard heere?
3692And fairest boading Dreames,
3693That euer entred in a drowsie head,
3694Haue I since your departure had my Lords.
3695Me thought their Soules, whose bodies Rich. murther'd,
3696Came to my Tent, and cried on Victory:
3697I promise you my Heart is very iocond,
3698In the remembrance of so faire a dreame,
3699How farre into the Morning is it Lords?
3702His Oration to his Souldiers.
3703More then I haue said, louing Countrymen,
3704The leysure and inforcement of the time
3705Forbids to dwell vpon: yet remember this,
3707The Prayers of holy Saints and wronged soules,
3708Like high rear'd Bulwarkes, stand before our Faces,
3710Had rather haue vs win, then him they follow.
3711For, what is he they follow? Truly Gentlemen,
3712A bloudy Tyrant, and a Homicide:
3714One that made meanes to come by what he hath,
3718One that hath euer beene Gods Enemy.
3720God will in iustice ward you as his Soldiers.
3721If you do sweare to put a Tyrant downe,
3726Your wiues shall welcome home the Conquerors.
3727If you do free your Children from the Sword,
3728Your Childrens Children quits it in your Age.
3729Then in the name of God and all these rights,
3730Aduance your Standards, draw your willing Swords.
3731For me, the ransome of my bold attempt,
3732Shall be this cold Corpes on the earth's cold face.
3733But if I thriue, the gaine of my attempt,
3735Sound Drummes and Trumpets boldly, and cheerefully,
3736God, and Saint George, Richmond, and Victory.
3737Enter King Richard, Ratcliffe, and Catesby.
3739Rat. That he was neuer trained vp in Armes.
3743Tell the clocke there. Clocke strikes.
3744Giue me a Kalender: Who saw the Sunne to day?
3745Rat. N t I my Lord.
3749Rat. My Lord.
3751The sky doth frowne, and lowre vpon our Army.
3752I would these dewy teares were from the ground.
3753Not shine to day? Why, what is that to me
3755That frownes on me, lookes sadly vpon him.
3756Enter Norfolke.
3759Call vp Lord Stanley, bid him bring his power,
3760I will leade forth my Soldiers to the plaine,
3761And thus my Battell shal be ordred.
3762My Foreward shall be drawne in length,
3765Iohn Duke of Norfolke, Thomas Earle of Surrey,
3766Shall haue the leading of the Foot and Horse.
3767They thus directed, we will fllow
3770This, and Saint George to boote.
3771What think'st thou Norfolke.
3773This found I on my Tent this Morning.
Iockey of Norfolke, be not so bold,
3777Go Gentlemen, euery man to his Charge,
3782March on, ioyne brauely, let vs too't pell mell,
3783If not to heauen, then hand in hand to Hell.
3785Remember whom you are to cope withall,
3788Whom their o're-cloyed Country vomits forth
3791You hauing Lands, and blest with beauteous wiues,
3793And who doth leade them, but a paltry Fellow?
3794Long kept in Britaine at our Mothers cost,
3795A Milke-sop, one that neuer in his life
3800Who (but for dreaming on this fond exploit)
3801For want of meanes (poore Rats) had hang'd themselues.
3802If we be conquered, let men conquer vs,
3804Haue in their owne Land beaten, bobb'd, and thump'd,
3805And on Record, left them the heires of shame.
3806Shall these enioy our Lands? lye with our Wiues?
3808Hearke, I heare their Drumme,
3809Right Gentlemen of England, fight boldly yeomen,
3810Draw Archers draw your Arrowes to the head,
3811Spurre your proud Horses hard, and ride in blood,
3813Enter a Messenger.
3814What sayes Lord Stanley, will he bring his power?
3815Mes. My Lord, he doth deny to come.
3818After the battaile, let George Stanley dye.
3820Aduance our Standards, set vpon our Foes,
3821Our Ancient word of Courage, faire S. George