Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Richard III
Richard the Third (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The Life and Death of Richard the Third.
1361And I will pamper it with Lamentation.
1363That you take with vnthankfulnesse his doing.
1364In common worldly things, 'tis call'd vngratefull,
1365With dull vnwillingnesse to repay a debt,
1366Which with a bounteous hand was kindly lent:
1367Much more to be thus opposite with heauen,
1368For it requires the Royall debt it lent you.
1369Riuers. Madam, bethinke you like a carefull Mother
1371Let him be Crown'd, in him your comfort liues.
1373And plant your ioyes in liuing Edwards Throne.
1374Enter Richard, Buckingham, Derbie, Ha-
1375stings, and Ratcliffe.
1377To waile the dimming of our shining Starre:
1378But none can helpe our harmes by wayling them.
1379Madam, my Mother, I do cry you mercie,
1380I did not see your Grace. Humbly on my knee,
1383Loue Charity, Obedience, and true Dutie.
1384Rich. Amen, and make me die a good old man,
1385That is the butt-end of a Mothers blessing;
1386I maruell that her Grace did leaue it out.
1388That beare this heauie mutuall loade of Moane,
1389Now cheere each other, in each others Loue:
1391We are to reape the Haruest of his Sonne.
1392The broken rancour of your high-swolne hates,
1393But lately splinter'd, knit, and ioyn'd together,
1396Forthwith from Ludlow, the young Prince be fet
1397Hither to London, to be crown'd our King.
1399My Lord of Buckingham?
1401The new-heal'd wound of Malice should breake out,
1402Which would be so much the more dangerous,
1403By how much the estate is greene, and yet vngouern'd.
1404Where euery Horse beares his commanding Reine,
1406As well the feare of harme, as harme apparant,
1407In my opinion, ought to be preuented.
1408Rich. I hope the King made peace with all of vs,
1412To no apparant likely-hood of breach,
1413Which haply by much company might be vrg'd:
1414Therefore I say with Noble Buckingham,
1419Madam, and you my Sister, will you go
1421Manet Buckingham, and Richard.
1422Buc. My Lord, who euer iournies to the Prince,
1425As Index to the story we late talk'd of,
1426To part the Queenes proud Kindred from the Prince.
1428My Oracle, My Prophet, my deere Cosin,
1429I, as a childe, will go by thy direction,
1431Scena Tertia.
1432Enter one Citizen at one doore, and another at
1433the other.
1437Heare you the newes abroad?
14381. Yes, that the King is dead.
1440I feare, I feare, 'twill proue a giddy world.
1441Enter another Citizen.
14443. Doth the newes hold of good king Edwards death?
14483. Woe to that Land that's gouern'd by a Childe.
14492. In him there is a hope of Gouernment,
1450Which in his nonage, counsell vnder him,
1451And in his full and ripened yeares, himselfe
1452No doubt shall then, and till then gouerne well.
1454Was crown'd in Paris, but at nine months old.
1456For then this Land was famously enrich'd
1457With politike graue Counsell; then the King
1458Had vertuous Vnkles to protect his Grace.
14603. Better it were they all came by his Father:
1461Or by his Father there were none at all:
1463Will touch vs all too neere, if God preuent not.
1464O full of danger is the Duke of Glouster,
1465And the Queenes Sons, and Brothers, haught and proud:
1466And were they to be rul'd, and not to rule,
1470When great leaues fall, then Winter is at hand;
1471When the Sun sets, who doth not looke for night?
14752. Truly, the hearts of men are full of feare:
1477That lookes not heauily, and full of dread.