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  • Title: Measure for Measure (Folio, 1623)
  • Editor: Kristin Lucas

  • Copyright Kristin Lucas. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Kristin Lucas
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Measure for Measure (Folio, 1623)

    Measure for Measure. 73
    Elb. Marry Sir, he hath offended the Law; and Sir,
    1505we take him to be a Theefe too Sir: for wee haue found
    vpon him Sir, a strange Pick-lock, which we haue sent
    to the Deputie.
    Duke. Fie, sirrah, a Bawd, a wicked bawd,
    The euill that thou causest to be done,
    1510That is thy meanes to liue. Do thou but thinke
    What 'tis to cram a maw, or cloath a backe
    From such a filthie vice: say to thy selfe,
    From their abhominable and beastly touches
    I drinke, I eate away my selfe, and liue:
    1515Canst thou beleeue thy liuing is a life,
    So stinkingly depending? Go mend, go mend.
    Clo. Indeed, it do's stinke in some sort, Sir:
    But yet Sir I would proue.
    Duke. Nay, if the diuell haue giuen thee proofs for sin
    1520Thou wilt proue his. Take him to prison Officer:
    Correction, and Instruction must both worke
    Ere this rude beast will profit.
    Elb. He must before the Deputy Sir, he ha's giuen
    him warning: the Deputy cannot abide a Whore-ma-
    1525ster: if he be a Whore-monger, and comes before him,
    he were as good go a mile on his errand.
    Duke. That we were all, as some would seeme to bee
    From our faults, as faults from seeming free.
    Enter Lucio.
    1530Elb. His necke will come to your wast, a Cord sir.
    Clo. I spy comfort, I cry baile: Here's a Gentleman,
    and a friend of mine.
    Luc. How now noble Pompey? What, at the wheels
    of Casar? Art thou led in triumph? What is there none
    1535of Pigmalions Images newly made woman to bee had
    now, for putting the hand in the pocket, and extracting
    clutch'd? What reply? Ha? What saist thou to this
    Tune, Matter, and Method? Is't not drown'd i'th last
    raine? Ha? What saist thou Trot? Is the world as it was
    1540Man? Which is the vvay? Is it sad, and few words?
    Or how? The tricke of it?
    Duke. Still thus, and thus: still vvorse?
    Luc. How doth my deere Morsell, thy Mistris? Pro-
    cures she still? Ha?
    1545Clo. Troth sir, shee hath eaten vp all her beefe, and
    she is her selfe in the tub.
    Luc. Why 'tis good: It is the right of it: it must be
    so. Euer your fresh Whore, and your pouder'd Baud, an
    vnshun'd consequence, it must be so. Art going to pri-
    1550son Pompey?
    Clo. Yes faith sir.
    Luc. Why 'tis not amisse Pompey: farewell: goe say
    I sent thee thether: for debt Pompey? Or how?
    Elb. For being a baud, for being a baud.
    1555Luc. Well, then imprison him: If imprisonment be
    the due of a baud, why 'tis his right. Baud is he doubt-
    lesse, and of antiquity too: Baud borne. Farwell good
    Pompey: Commend me to the prison Pompey, you will
    turne good husband now Pompey, you vvill keepe the
    Clo. I hope Sir, your good Worship wil be my baile?
    Luc. No indeed vvil I not Pompey, it is not the wear:
    I will pray ( Pompey) to encrease your bondage if you
    take it not patiently: Why, your mettle is the more:
    1565Adieu trustie Pompey.
    Blesse you Friar.
    Duke. And you.
    Luc. Do's Bridget paint still, Pompey? Ha?
    Elb. Come your waies sir, come.
    1570Clo. You will not baile me then Sir?
    Luc. Then Pompey, nor now: what newes abroad Fri-
    er? What newes?
    Elb. Come your waies sir, come.
    Luc. Goe to kennell ( Pompey) goe:
    1575What newes Frier of the Duke?
    Duke. I know none: can you tell me of any?
    Luc. Some say he is with the Emperor of Russia: other
    some, he is in Rome: but where is he thinke you?
    Duke. I know not where: but wheresoeuer, I wish
    1580him well.
    Luc. It was a mad fantasticall tricke of him to steale
    from the State, and vsurpe the beggerie hee was neuer
    borne to: Lord Angelo Dukes it well in his absence: he
    puts transgression too't.
    1585Duke. He do's well in't.
    Luc. A little more lenitie to Lecherie would doe no
    harme in him: Something too crabbed that way, Frier.
    Duk. It is too general a vice, and seueritie must cure it.
    Luc. Yes in good sooth, the vice is of a great kindred;
    1590it is vvell allied, but it is impossible to extirpe it quite,
    Frier, till eating and drinking be put downe. They say
    this Angelo vvas not made by Man and Woman, after
    this downe-right vvay of Creation: is it true, thinke
    1595Duke. How should he be made then?
    Luc. Some report, a Sea-maid spawn'd him. Some,
    that he vvas begot betweene two Stock-fishes. But it
    is certaine, that when he makes water, his Vrine is con-
    geal'd ice, that I know to bee true: and he is a motion
    1600generatiue, that's infallible.
    Duke. You are pleasant sir, and speake apace.
    Luc. Why, what a ruthlesse thing is this in him, for
    the rebellion of a Cod-peece, to take away the life of a
    man? Would the Duke that is absent haue done this?
    1605Ere he vvould haue hang'd a man for the getting a hun-
    dred Bastards, he vvould haue paide for the Nursing a
    thousand. He had some feeling of the sport, hee knew
    the seruice, and that instructed him to mercie.
    Duke. I neuer heard the absent Duke much detected
    1610for Women, he was not enclin'd that vvay.
    Luc. Oh Sir, you are deceiu'd.
    Duke. 'Tis not possible.
    Luc. Who, not the Duke? Yes, your beggar of fifty:
    and his vse was, to put a ducket in her Clack-dish; the
    1615Duke had Crochets in him. Hee would be drunke too,
    that let me informe you.
    Duke. You do him wrong, surely.
    Luc. Sir, I vvas an inward of his: a shie fellow vvas
    the Duke, and I beleeue I know the cause of his vvith-
    Duke. What (I prethee) might be the cause?
    Luc. No, pardon: 'Tis a secret must bee lockt with-
    in the teeth and the lippes: but this I can let you vnder-
    stand, the greater file of the subiect held the Duke to be
    Duke. Wise? Why no question but he was.
    Luc. A very superficiall, ignorant, vnweighing fellow
    Duke. Either this is Enuie in you, Folly, or mista-
    king: The very streame of his life, and the businesse he
    1630hath helmed, must vppon a warranted neede, giue him
    a better proclamation. Let him be but testimonied in
    his owne bringings forth, and hee shall appeare to the
    enuious, a Scholler, a Statesman, and a Soldier: there-
    fore you speake vnskilfully: or, if your knowledge bee
    1635more, it is much darkned in your malice.
    G Luc.