66456Wrapt and confounded in a thou
sand feares,
457Like to a new-kild bird
shee trembling lies:
458Shee dares not looke, yet winking there appeares
shifting Antiques vglie in her eyes.
shadowes are the weake-brains forgeries,
461 Who angrie that the eyes
flie from their lights,
462 In darknes daunts thē with more dreadfull
67463His hand that yet remaines vppon her bre
464(Rude Ram to batter
such an Iuorie wall:)
465May feele her heart (poore Cittizen) di
466Wounding it
selfe to death, ri
se vp and fall;
467Beating her bulke, that his hand
shakes withall.
468 This moues in him more rage and le
sser pittie,
469 To make the breach and enter this
sweet Citty.
st like a Trompet doth his tongue begin,
sound a parlie to his heartle
sse foe,
472Who ore the white
sheet peers her whiter chin,
473The rea
son of this ra
sh allarme to know,
474Which he by dum demeanor
seekes to
475 But
shee with vehement prayers vrgeth
476 Vnder what colour he commits this ill.
69477Thus he replies, the colour in thy face,
478That euen for anger makes the Lilly pale,
479And the red ro
se blu
sh at her owne di
480Shall plead for me and tell my louing tale.
481Vnder that colour am I come to
482 Thy neuer conquered Fort, the fault is thine,
483 For tho
se thine eyes betray thee vnto mine.
70484Thus I fore
stall thee, if thou meane to chide,
485Thy beauty hath en
snar'd thee to this night,
486Where thou with patience mu
st my will abide,
487My will that markes thee for my earths delight,
488Which I to conquer
sought with all my might.
489 But as reproofe and rea
son beat it dead,
490 By thy bright beautie was it newlie bred.