Not Peer Reviewed
The Tragedy of Locrine (Third Folio, 1664)
The Tragedy of Locrine.
348tain, quench the furious heat of the same. Alass, I am a
350parell comely, in gate portly. Let not therefore your gen-
354you farewell. Your Servant, Signior Strumbo.
355 Oh wit, O pate, O memory, O hand, O Ink, O paper.
356Well, now I will send it away. Trompart, Trompart,
357what a Villain is this? Why sirrha, come when your
358Master calls you. Trompart.
359Trompart entering saith
360Anon, sir.
363 service.
367and bone of my bone.
370carry this Letter to Mistress Dorothy, and tell her.
371Speaking in his eare.
372Exit Trompart.
375morous passions.
376Enter Dorothy and Trompart.
377Doro. Signior Strumbo, well met, I received your
378Letters by your man here, who told me a pittifull story
382of my ingenie is not so great, that may declare unto you
385your familiarity.
386 For your Love doth lie,
387 As near and as nigh:
388 Unto my heart within,
389 As mine Eye to my Nose,
390 My Leg unto my Hose,
391 And my Flesh unto my Skin.
394fore tell your tale in plain termes, and leave off your dark
398great learning is an inconvenience unto me. But to
400you like to accept me into your familiarity.
401Dor. If this be all I am content.
402Turning to the people.
405provide ye a Cap-case full of new coyn'd words, and
407thing else.
409Scena Quarta.
410Enter Locrine, Guendoline, Camber, Albanact, Cori-
411neius, Assarachus, Debon, Thrasimachus.
412Locrine. Uncle and Princes of brave Britany,
413Since that our noble Father is entomb'd,
416Within the Temple of Concordia,
417Will solemnize our royall marriage.
421That much concerns your Highnesse great content.
422Locr. Then frolick, Lordings, to fair Concords walls,
427Actus Secundus. Scena Prima .
428Enter Atey as before, after a little Lightning and Thun-
429dring, let there come forth this show: Perseus and An-
430dromeda, hand in hand, and Cepheus also with Swords
431and Targets. Then let there come out of another door
432Phineus, all black in Armour, with AEthiopians
433after him, driving in Perseus, and having taken a-
434wayAndromeda, let them depart. Atey remaining,
436 Regit omnia numen.
437When Perseus married fair Andromeda,
438The onely Daughter of King Cepheus,
440And that his Kingdome should for aye endure.
441But loe proud Phineus with a band of men,
443By force of Armes the Bride he took from him,
444And turn'd their joy into a flood of teares.
445So fares it with young Locrine and his Love,
446He thinks this marriage tendeth to his weale,
447But this foule day, this foule accursed day,
448Is the beginning of his miseries.
449Behold where Humber and his Scythians
450Approcheth nigh with all his warlike train,
452What tragick chances fell out in this Warre.Exeunt.
453Scena Secunda.
454Enter, Humber, Hubba, Estrilo, Segar, and
455their Souldiers.