Not Peer Reviewed
The Tragedy of Locrine (Third Folio, 1664)
2Son of King BRUTUS.
3Actus Primus. Scena Prima.
4Enter Atey with Thunder and Lightning, all in black,
5with a burning Torch in one hand, and a bloudie
6Sword in the other hand; and presently let there come
7forth a Lion running after a Bear or any other
8beast, then come forth an Archer, who must
9kill the Lion in a dumb show, and then depart. Re-
10 main Atey.
13A mighty Lion, ruler of the woods,
14Of wondrous strength and great proportion,
16 trees,
17With yelling clamours shaking all the earth,
19Long did he range among the shadie trees,
22A dreadfull Archer with his bow ybent,
24So he him strook, that it drew forth the bloud,
25And fill'd his furious heart with fretting ire;
26But all in vain he threatneth teeth and pawes,
29So valiant Brute, the terrour of the world,
31The Archer Death brought to his latest end.
32Oh what may long abide above this ground,
34Scena Secunda.
35Enter Brutus carried in a chair, Locrine, Camber, Al-
36banact, Corineius, Guendelin, Assaracus, Debon,
39That have with me, unworthy General,
40Passed the greedy gulf of th'Ocean,
41Leaving the confines of fair Italie,
42Behold, your Brutus draweth nigh his end,
46Black ugly death with visage pale and wan,
48And with his dart prepared is to strike:
50That oft have quell'd the courage of my foes,
51And eke dismay'd my neighbour's arrogance,
52Now yield to death, o'relaid with crooked age,
53Devoid of strength and of their proper force;
54Even as the lusty Cedar worn with yeares,
55That far abroad her dainty odour throws,
56'Mongst all the daughters of proud Lebanon,
57This heart, my Lords, this ne're appalled heart,
58That was a terror to the bordring lands,
59A dolefull scourge unto my neighbour Kings,
60Now by the weapons of unpartial death,
61Is clove asunder and bereft of life;
62 As when the sacred oak with thunderbolts,
63Sent from the fierie circuit of the heavens,
64Sliding along the aires celestial vaults,
65Is rent and cloven to the very roots.
66In vain therefore I struggle with this foe,
70But whatsoe're the fates determin'd have,
71It lieth not in us to disanull,
72And he that would annihilate his mind,
73Soaring with Icarus too near the Sun,
74May catch a fall with young Bellerophon:
76To separate us from this earthly mould,
77No mortal force can countermand their minds:
78Then, worthy Lord, since there's no way but one,
79Cease your laments, and leave your grievous moan.
81How many Trophees I erected have
82Triumphantly in every place we came;
83The Grecian Monarch, warlike Pandrassus,
84And all the crew of the Molossians:
86Have felt the force of our victorious armes,
87 And to their cost beheld our Chivalrie,
88Where ere Ancora handmaid of the Sun,
89Where ere the Sun-bright gardiant of the day,